Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 788: Key protection

The streamer flickered.

   Three figures flashed, and they appeared on the first stage of Fengyun.

It is [God Fighting Heaven and Human] Ji Wushuang, [Kuang Ji Tian Ren] Lu Xin, and [Feisha Heaven and Human] Sand Tee.

Three ambassadors.

The breath is shocking, and awe-inspiring.

   "The three messengers, in accordance with the rule of'Heaven's Life and Death', the winner takes all, and all the equipment and resources of the loser can be obtained."

   Zuoxiang looked unhappy and authentic.

   [God Fighting Heaven and Human] Ji Wushuang said indifferently: "How Lin Beichen won, it is not completely certain for the time being. The battle just now is very strange and needs further judgment."


   "What is the truth?"

   "Doesn't count?"

  The Beihai powerhouses who took the shot suddenly exploded.

   Listening to Ji Wushuang's meaning, seems to be accusing Lin Beichen of cheating?

   can there be such an argument?

   "The messenger said carefully."

   Old Madam Xiao's expression was also not good, saying: "This life-and-death battle is under the gaze of everyone's attention, without any external intervention. If you say this, you are responsible."

  The battle of life and death is the tradition of the **** war in the host Shinshu.

  All the rules are set.

   There is no evidence, and the accusation follows that no matter it is, anyone is responsible for his words and deeds.

   Ji Wushuang smiled coldly, and asked, "Oh? Are you accusing me?"

   Old Lady Xiao frowned.

   Ji Wushuang again aggressively asked, "Who are you? What official position? Do you represent yourself or the Beihai Empire?"

   Xiao Yan raised his eyebrows angrily.

   Zuoxiang pulled the old man's sleeve gently for the first time.

   Xiao Yan sighed and swallowed.

   Ji Wushuang's eyes showed an undisguised mockery.

He glanced away and continued: "The two sides who were fighting just now disappeared from the ring. The situation is very strange. What happened and why Yu Tianren died? All these need follow-up investigations, as the envoy of the Central Empire Alliance mission. , I need to be responsible for the fairness and justice of the'life and death battle'. When the key points are investigated, I will naturally give you an explanation."

   "How do you investigate?"

   Lin Beichen suddenly reluctantly spoke.

   Ji Wushuang looked at the ice crystal arrow stuck in Lin Beichen's right chest, and said, "At least you must know why you two suddenly disappeared from the ring."

   "No need to investigate, I can tell you now."

   Lin Beichen said coldly: "It is under the crown of the Lord of Swords, who bestows magic skills...Haha, honorable messenger, I defeated the enemy with magic skills, is it cheating?"

   "The defeat of the enemy by magical skills is certainly not cheating."

   Ji Wushuang smiled mockingly, and said, "But who can prove whether it is a magical technique?"

   "Do you think that after performing this magical skill once, you can't perform it a second time?"

   Lin Beichen's eyes became colder and colder.

   Ji Wushuang was startled.

   He did think so.

   He guessed that Lin Beichen should have obtained some kind of formation oracle, or some kind of one-time consumable magic, so he was lucky to defeat Yu Shibei.

  This type of thing is impossible to cast a second time.

   So as long as there is a problem with the fighting method, this big victory of the North Sea Empire can become useless.

"what do you want to say?"

   Ji Wushuang and Lin Beichen looked at each other.

   Isn’t it what you think?

Lin Beichen’s face is like a crown of jade, and his eyes are like a sword. He said indifferently, “This magical technique is taught to me under the crown of the sword lord. It can be used repeatedly. If you want to experience it, I can You bring into the endless space of the dead and experience the feeling of the living dead."

   Ji Wushuang was shocked.

   He was threatened?

   So courageous.

   What identity am I, am I afraid?

   "Okay, kid, then you..."

   Ji Wushuang was about to speak.


   Lin Beichen's complexion suddenly changed, and he spouted a **** arrow.

   Fresh blood spurted out of the mouth, exuding cold air, and turned into ice crystals in mid-air, falling to the ground and breaking like blood jade.

   A feeling of weakness and lethargy came.

   Lin Beichen fell softly.

   "Fuck, I forgot to keep milking myself."

   He reacted.

   [Polar God Cry Bow] The scary part of the injury caused is that it constantly devours human life force.

   Gao Shenghan is a good example.

   Lin Beichen was slapped by the shameless arrogance of this season's Wushuang, but he forgot to milk himself, and his vitality could no longer be maintained.

  Before his consciousness disappeared, he used his last strength to lose a [water ring technique], milked himself, and then became unconscious...

   The most moment was when he heard an exclamation around him.

   Lin Beichen's sudden coma made everyone stunned.

   "Hurry up, Dr. Xuan..."

   "Send Lin Beichen to the imperial palace, please call the doctor!"

   Someone yelled.

   At this time, no matter what happens, people must be saved first.

  Before Lin Beichen spoke smoothly and seemed to be in good condition. He thought that the injury was only on the surface, but it was nothing. He didn't expect that suddenly he fell down.

   Old foxes like Zuo Xiang and Xiao Yan both showed panic on their faces.

   Someone rushed towards Lin Beichen.

   In the chaos, Guangchan roared.


   Its silver hair rises up, like a mad hedgehog, with a low growl from its throat, a wave of extreme ferocity and violence that has never been seen before, erupting from the body of this giant silver-white tailless ghost rat.

   Everyone backed off subconsciously.

   "Our young master, we are going back to Shang Zhuoyuan."

   A tall figure that looked like a ghost, seemed to have emerged from the void, and suddenly embraced Lin Beichen, who was in a coma, in his arms.

   This is a burly man with Mediterranean hairstyle with ordinary legend, ordinary face, and some hair loss.

   His left leg and arms are unusually thick.

   No one can see how he appeared.

"who are you?"

   The left eyebrow is like a knife, staring at the man.

  Mediterranean hairstyle guy faintly said: "I am the young master's personal guard, my name is Gong Gong."

   "No way."

   Zuoxiang shook his head and said sharply: "As far as I know, there is no such person by Lin Beichen's side, you lied!"

   Gong Gong: "……"

  How to explain this question?

"he is."

   A voice came.

But I saw the old housekeeper Wang Zhong, supported by Xiao Binggan, jumped onto the ring, and said loudly: "He is my young master's personal guard. I can testify that the young master does not need to go to the palace or the hospital, so he will return to Shang Zhuoyuan. "

   The raised eyebrows stretched out slowly.

   He knew this person, the most trusted butler around Lin Beichen.

Although intelligence shows that this wretched middle-aged man has low strength, bad character, and bad character. Most of the young Lin Beichen's bad habits are contaminated by this person, but I don't know why, after Lin Beichen's rise, he still trusts him very much. .

  Since he said so...

   "Send Lin Tianren back to Shangzhuoyuan quickly."

   Zuoxiang said loudly.

   Gong Gong held Lin Beichen in a coma and was about to leave.

   "Wait a minute."

  [Feisha Tianren] Sha Santong, who has been sneering sneer all the time, suddenly spoke in a cold voice and stopped, saying: "The truth about the death of the heavens has not been investigated, so please don't leave."

   "The name of Sha!"

   The Seventh Prince stepped out and shouted sharply: "Do you really think that as a messenger, you can do whatever you want in my Beihai Empire?"

   The sand three links were startled, and immediately furious.

   But Ji Wushuang waved his hand to stop his follow-up actions.

"Well, Lin Beichen can take it back for treatment, but he is not allowed to leave the capital. After he wakes up, he cooperates with our investigation." Ji Wushuang seemed to take a step back, and then said with a smile, "But the [Polar God Cry Bow] has to stay under."

"give him."

   Wang Zhong said indifferently.

   squeaked lightly, but still obediently threw the [Base God Cry Bow] on the ground.

"let's go."

   Guangjiang several people led Lin Beichen away quickly.

   Only Lin Dashao's injury is the most important right now.

   As for the others, they can be discarded.

   Fortunately, Lin Beichen was really fainted at this time, not conscious at all.

   Anyone who has a little sense of the outside world, at the moment Wang Zhong abandoned the [Polar God Cry Bow], I am afraid that he would immediately jump up and cheat the corpse.

   With the departure of Lin Beichen and his group, all kinds of noises and discussions became a mess in the grandstand of the first arena.

   The more than 600,000 spectators in the stands continued to boo.

   Ji Wushuang waved and took the [Polar God Cry Bow] in his hand. The expression on his face was indifferent, his eyes were like water waves, covering every inch of the bow. When he observed it carefully, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

   "This bow will be preserved as an exhibit first."

   He directly put this state-of-the-art weapon into the storage treasure.

   Prince Yu's complexion changed, and finally he could not speak.

   "Take the corpse of Tianren Yu, please."

Ji Wushuang looked at the breathless female corpse on the ground, and shook his head slightly. There was also a character in the small country of the frontier fortress. Unfortunately, he had fallen before he really rose. Otherwise, with Yu Shibei's talent and cultivation skills, it would be In the Central Empire, you can also play a little famous.

  The people of the Aurora Empire finally left with Yu Shibei's body.

   "By the way, Lao Sha, you personally stare at Shang Zhuoyuan. Don't let Lin Beichen run away until the final investigation result on the truth of this battle comes out."

   Ji Wushuang said again.

   Sha Tee laughed.

   "Don't worry, I will stare at you, whoever dares to escape will kill him on the spot."

   This [Feisha Tianren] from Quicksand Country has a cold and authentic tone.

   The face of the same person on the left was immediately ugly.

   This is obviously said to them on purpose.

   After speaking, the three envoys of the three central empire alliances turned into streamers and disappeared in place.

   "Let's go too."

   Zuoxiang spoke, and left with the nobles of the Beihai Empire.

"Old man Xiao, you choose four thousand elite dead men from the sixty-six guards. You guard the Zhuoyuan Garden. No one is allowed to enter or leave. Then send someone to select medicines and food. You must go through ten inspection procedures to confirm. It can only be sent in without error."

   Zuoxiang whispered authentically.

   Xiao Yan nodded, expressing understanding.

   This time, all parties in the North Sea Empire must work together.

   The royal family’s protection of Lin Beichen will be stricter than that.

   Regardless of the price, Lin Beichen must be treated.

   This empire's genius must not fall.

   The royal family is afraid that they will use the heavens to guard Lin Beichen.

   Fortunately, Lin Beichen's subordinates are brave and invincible. They are a force that is tyrannical to the extreme. Unless it is an invasion by the top celestial beings, ordinary people should not be able to threaten him.

   Unless it is through other conspiracy means.

   This is the key area where the royal family and officials need to provide protection.

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