Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 789: Quartet Yundong

The news spread in the capital like a plague.

   Lin Hero won.

   Hero Lin was seriously injured.

  Lin Hero is dead...

  Lin Hero is dying.

   All kinds of news, with different appearances, noses and eyes, like wings, spread wildly inside and outside the capital.

   After all, this battle was live broadcast.

   Lin Beichen's injuries, life and death have affected the hearts of countless people.

   The citizens spontaneously went to the Central Temple Mountain to pray for the heroes who defended the glory of the empire. In the square of the Statue of Lord of the Swords, countless devout believers fell to the ground.

   This kind of momentum also alarmed the Pope.

The contemporary Pope of the Temple of the Lord of the Swords personally appeared to appease the people, and promised to the majority of believers that he would do his best to communicate with the Lord of the Swords, and ask her old man to give an oracle to save the hero Lin Beichen... …

   At the same time, the temple also announced the new Pope’s successor.

   is a beautiful saint who has never seen her face before.

  The believers gathered on the square were fortunate to witness the face of the new Pope’s successor, who was truly like a goddess of the gods, stunningly beautiful, sacred and holy, and unobservable.

   It is rumored that this Mianxia was a genius that was secretly cultivated by the temple, and was recognized by the Sword Lord Sovereign.

   This is good news.

   The people in the capital are full of joy.


   "This kid, won't you really hang up?"

  Emperor Capital Lingjia.

   After returning to the capital, the old man Ling Taixu, who has been greedy for cups and drunk all day, hugged the stunning Meiji Matchmaker brought from Yunmeng City in his arms, and asked such questions.

   He brought more than one Miki from Yunmeng City.

Now they are all placed in their own courtyard, all day long, dancing, music and drinking, so uncomfortable, even if the flood outside is torrential, I am in a posture of wandering in the garden, so many people in the Ling family who are wary of him gradually gradually Rest assured a lot.

   However, Lin Taixu finally showed a trace of worry about Lin Beichen, his chosen grandson-in-law.

   The situation of the Ling family in the capital is quite embarrassing.

  Because of the early morning marriage with Wei Mingchen, it is no longer a secret, and Chikusa Weishi's two hearts displayed during the turbulent empire made him despised and disgusted by many forces.

  With it, Ling's family is like a mouse in a bellows, with anger on both ends.

   The head of the Ling family and the elders of all lines and rooms are now busy dispelling public opinion, and they are still lucky enough to still associate with the Wei Clan of Qiancao Xing Province.

   A few days ago, following Lin Beichen's massacre of the Huangfu Megatron Capital, some people in the Ling family were also determined to change their flags. They thought about bringing Lin Beichen and Ling Chen together to tie Lin Beichen into the Ling family's interest group.

   After all, compared with the more deeply rooted Chikusa Weishi, Lin Beichen, who was born but has no foundation, seems to be more controlled. If he can be recruited as a son-in-law, it would be better.

but now?

   Lin Beichen didn't know his life or death, even if he was alive, his strength could be retained, but he couldn't be sure.

   After all, people who were injured by [Polar God Cry Bow] have very little chance of recovering.

  [Drunken Sword Heaven and Human] Gao Shenghan is a lesson from the past.

   More importantly, Lin Beichen and others also evil the three envoys from the Central Empire Alliance, and they were targeted by the envoys of Shangguo.

   This is worse.

  Once the people of the Central Empire hated him, even the Beihai royal family wanted to protect him, but they were afraid it would be powerless.

   Even because the Seventh Prince scolded [Feisha Tianren] Sand Tee at the time, I am afraid that the pressure on the royal family is not small now.

   This chain reaction has made Lin Beichen almost the biggest source of disaster.

   Anyone who weighs the interests dare not approach him.

   Now, despite the enthusiasm of public opinion, how many of the nobles can stand firmly in the Lin Beichen camp?

   Ling Taixu took a sip of wine and sighed.

   This little bastard, always plays the big one.

   This time, it seems that the car has overturned?

   Finally, he gently patted the buttocks of the character Miki in his arms, and said, "Go and see that little **** for me, and take my treasure."

   Miki was startled, and said hesitantly: "Master, there are not many pills left in that medicine."

   Ling Taixu said: "I have other ways."

   Miki had to agree.

   Because she knew Ling Taixu's temper too well.

   Either you don't say it, or you will never take it back.

   Ling Taixu said again: "That's right, you let Xiao Chen'er come to me. After the stinky girl returned to the capital, did you forget that there is still my grandfather? I have never seen her."

   "I know, Lord."

   Miki put on her clothes, turned and walked outside the hall.


   "Daddy, what's wrong with you?"

   The little princess looked up at her father, unable to understand what happened in the day.

  Mingming, during the day today, my father looked very happy. He kissed himself and threw himself up.

   But why does it look unhappy now?

   The little girl who is less than ten years old can already clearly perceive the emotional changes of her father.

   What she fears most is the look of her father tilting his neck and frowning.

   This kind of atmosphere is scary.

   She stretched out her little white jade hand timidly, trying to rub her father's frowning eyebrows away.

   The seventh prince was upset, and finally resisted not berating his daughter.

   He gave a wry smile, held his daughter in his arms, kissed his cheek lightly, and then whispered: "Come here."


   The guards outside walked in.

   "Seal my prince's ribbon and prince's robe, all neatly encapsulated, I want to enter the palace and see my father."

   The seventh prince is indifferent.

   "Yes, Lord."

   The guard went out and handled it immediately.

   The little princess asked curiously: "Daddy, what are you going to do to see Grandpa Emperor?"

   The seventh prince gently kissed his daughter on the cheek, and said, "Father will resign from office and stop being a prince. From now on, I will happily stay at home with Xiao Ruosu and your mother every day, okay?"

   "Good, good."

  The little princess Li Ruosu is very happy.

   Then she asked curiously: "Daddy, why don't you be a prince?"

   The Seventh Prince was silent.



   North, the frontline battlefield.

   In the cold winter season, the wind and snow are thousands of miles away, and the air becomes mist.

   This vast and savage area is the coldest place in the North Sea Empire. The boiling water that was finally boiled, sprinkled in the air, immediately turned into ice ball.

   For hundreds of years, I don’t know how many dead soldiers have been buried in this land.

   is a lot of historians, they have not remembered the battle between the two countries, when it started because of what events, this is no longer important.

  The important thing is that the war never stops.

   Except today.

  Because of a ‘Heaven’s Life and Death’ battle, which is a matter of national destiny, both sides tacitly suspended the attack.

   It’s just that, now that the result has come out, both sides of the war are a little confused.

   Although the Aurora Empire fell into grief because of the death of [Shooting the Eagle] Yu Shibei, its morale suffered a huge decline.

   But the soldiers on the front line of the Beihai Empire are more concerned about the life and death of the boy in white who has created a miracle.

   Beihai Empire No. 76 post is an ice city.

   This is the closest to the front line where the two armies are fighting.

   Han is worthy of standing by the female wall of the North City Gate, his eyes follow the crevices, looking into the distance, a thousand meters away is the outpost of the Aurora Empire, when the weather is good, you can almost look at the sergeant of the Aurora Empire.

   The two guards stood behind Han Buheng, looking at his commander with deep concern.

   Because every time, only when encountering a great problem, this young officer, known as the [North Sea Shield], who has been well-known in the North, would stand alone at the gate of the city, looking out the battlefield ahead.

   And this time, Han Bubu has stood for two full hours.

   Is there something big that cannot be solved?

  The guards have never seen their own commander so difficult.

   "Have you really figured it out."

   A voice came.

   Han pays off and looks back at the same time with the two guards.


   The three of them saluted together.

  Especially the two guards who lived up to Han's life. Seeing the people coming, they didn't dare to show up, their eyes were filled with awe and admiration.

   Because of this person's name, he is called Ling Chi.

   One of the five great gods on the battlefield of the northern empire.

   From joining the Northern Territory battlefield five years ago, to this day, Ling Chi does not know how many feats he has made, how many enemies he has killed, and has turned the tide again and again. He is the **** of war among countless empire soldiers stationed in the northern territory.

   "You have time to change your mind now."

  Ling Chi looked at Han Fu, and said, "I order people to fly you back with a boat in the sky."

   Yunxiao Flying Boat, the fastest means of transportation in the northern army of the empire.

   Han pays off and shook his head gently.

"I believe in him."

   This new star in the Empire’s new generation army, who has always been known for his firmness and calmness, has a deep worries on his face, but his eyes are extremely firm.

"I'm a soldier, even if the sky falls, I can't leave without authorization." His rough palm gently rubbed the crevice of the snow-covered city wall, and said: "And I firmly believe that there will be no accident, no one can kill. For him, since I knew him, he has been synonymous with miracles. He has won the favor of the Sword Lord, and my **** will bless him."

   "What about..."

   At this point, Han Bufu looked at Ling Chi and said, "I'm back, and I can't help much. Only by staying here can I play my best value. I have to hold here until he wakes up.

   Ling Chi gently patted Han Fuyi's shoulder.

   This young man...No, it should be said that he is a young man. The speed of maturity is far beyond his imagination.

The seedlings that he brought from Yunmeng City at the beginning have grown up at the fastest speed. He is good at defensive, like an unbreakable aegis, standing in the most dangerous place of the northern battlefield. Has not been repelled.

   The name of [North Sea Shield] has already had a lot of influence in the entire northern battlefield.

   The way that the battle far away in the capital ended in the end made everyone stunned.

  Ling Chi knew that Han had to be heartbroken and worried about Lin Beichen's safety.

   He also knows the story between Lin Beichen and Han Wangfu.

   The friendship between the young people is pure like the clear water of the mountain stream in autumn, with almost no impurities.

   Therefore, he will specially approve Han to rush back to the capital.

   But Han pays off and refuses.

   In just over half a year, this teenager has grown into a qualified--no, it should be said that he is an excellent soldier.

   Ling Chi did not persuade.

   He lightly patted Han Buheng's shoulder again, turned and left.

   He knew that it was not just Han who was worthy, and it was not just his Ling Chi. Today, on the entire Northern Territory battlefield, thousands of soldiers of the North Sea Empire are deeply worried about Lin Beichen's safety.

   The two guards watched Ling Chi leave curiously, and then looked at his commander.

   I have never heard of it before, one of the five great generals, General Ling Chi, who is as cold as snow and knows his own commander.

   But the tone of the conversation between the two just now...

   is like an old friend who has a close personal relationship!



   Shang Zhuoyuan.

   A famous doctor in the capital, going in and out.

  The final diagnosis and treatment results were very unsatisfactory.

  The result of the consultation with several top famous doctors is that Lin Beichen's injury is the same as Gao Shenghan's-no, it is even more serious than Gao Shenghan.

  Because of the ice arrow inserted in his body, he couldn't pull it out.

  The final conclusions of the famous doctors, summed up in one simple word, are--

  The medicine stone is not effective.

   To make it simpler, it is—

   no cure.

   translated is——

   prepare funeral, bury it.

   Whether it is the royal family or the officials, they are trying their best to block the news.

   But I don’t know why, but the entire capital quickly learned.

   The whole capital began to be filled with a sad atmosphere.

   And at this moment, no one noticed that on the Temple Mountain, the beautiful and holy successor of the Pope quietly descended the mountain alone.


   late at night.

   bedroom, the fragrance pervades.

   Everyone outside the room is waiting anxiously.

   And in the room, the slender "Ye Weiyang", pale and flowing on the beautiful and pure cheeks.

   The beautiful eyelashes and eyebrows, as well as the falling hair, are covered with a light layer of ice crystals.

   Her delicate body, in the posture of'holding shrimp', tightly attached to Lin Beichen's body.

   Strange power flow.

  Different energies are circulated and exchanged in the bodies of the two.

   The deadly ice arrow shot in Lin Beichen's right chest is melting at a speed visible to the naked eye in her little hand.

  Instead, Ye Weiyang’s jade-like skin is gradually covered with a light layer of frost, making her look like an ice beauty.

   Ye Weiyang exhaled slowly.

   She runs magic arts quietly.

time flies.

   An hour later.

  'Ye Weiyang' finally gradually absorbed the cold snow and frost that permeated his body, suppressed it with divine power into a mass of alien profound energy, and sealed it in his body.

   After all this, she slowly got up and got off the bed.

   Footsteps, slightly staggered.

   "Idiot, put yourself in such a dangerous place."

   "The gods worked so **** the Temple Mountain in the capital. For you, overnight, it turned into fly ash and buried hidden dangers... I'm crazy."

   She looked at Lin Beichen who was still in a coma.

   The young boy has handsome eyebrows, exquisite features, and the light outlines the facial contours. The beautiful lines are intoxicating. From her perspective, even those gods in the gods who are famous for their beauty seem to be far from him.

   really did a crazy thing.

   I probably hope that he can be used to improve his cultivation in the future.

   After all, such a good stove is not easy to find.

   "The next few percent recovery depends on your own good fortune."

  'Ye Weiyang' looked at Lin Beichen's face with complicated expression, and finally put on his coat, observed for a moment, and turned to leave.

   It didn't take long.

   Lin Beichen, who had been in a coma for a day and a night, finally woke up in a daze.

   Almost in an instant, a lot of information flooded my mind.

   What happened before the coma suddenly came to mind.

   He subconsciously wants to sit up.

   But the weakness of his body makes it almost difficult for him to move a finger.

   is very weak.

   It was the arrow of ice stuck in his body, which was gone.

   who pulled it out?

   He was about to ask, and suddenly, a voice rang in his mind——

   "Ding Dong."

   "A new update patch is detected in the APP in the phone, please download it immediately?"

   "This patch update requires 10MB of data."

   "Please make sure that your phone has sufficient power and data."

  Reaper's mobile phone system prompt appeared in my mind.


A big chapter.

Don't worry, everyone, Lin Beichen will begin to pretend immediately.

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