Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 801: This master is not reliable

"Who is it? Is it Sun Xingzhe that liar?"

   Zhu Junlan rushed towards the gate like a stray dog ​​running away.

   Ge Wuyou hurriedly followed.

   opened the gate of heaven and man, and stood outside a middle-aged man with an elegant appearance.

   The middle-aged person is tall, with slender legs, ape shoulders and a bee waist, and the bone skeleton ratio is very comfortable to look at. It belongs to the golden ratio of the figure, tall but not awkward.

His eyes are black and white, like deep and clear spring eyes. They are bright and mysterious. His sword eyebrows are thick, his cheeks are plump and full, his nose is like gall, and his mouth is like a pill. The handsome masculine man, coupled with a moon-blue scholar robe, with a square jade buckled between his forehead, and an unsheathed long sword hanging from his waist, shows a chic and uninhibited temperament to the fullest. .

  This kind of appearance, coupled with this kind of attire, immediately makes people contact those rangers who wander around the world and draw their swords to help.

   Seeing this man, Zhu Junlan and Ge Wuyou were both in a daze.

   " turned out to be Mr. Tan..."

   Zhu Junlan saluted subconsciously.

   Ge Wuyou unexpectedly said: "Master...Master, why did you come back early?"

  The middle-aged man is Tan Congyuan, the guardian of the Tower of Heaven and Man of the Beihai Empire.

   "Oh, I'm coming back early, my dear disciple seems very surprised, don't you welcome to be a teacher?"

   As soon as the middle-aged man opened his mouth, a thick hippy smile filled the air. The ranger temperament formed by the handsome appearance and the chic clothes suddenly collapsed.


A small black tic-tac-toe appeared on Ge Wuyou's forehead, and he resisted the spit in his heart, and said: "Master, did you eat and drink for nothing, and have been chased for debt? That's why you escaped early. "

   "Where is there a disciple who said that to his master?"

   The middle-aged man suddenly looked angry.

   Ge Wuyou looked at him calmly, without speaking.

The middle-aged man broke his gong again and said: "Uh...haha, this time my dear disciple guessed right again. I really know that I am a disciple, hehe, yes, I just owe money again, a good disciple. , Give Master half of the Thousand Profound Stones first, so how can Master repay the debt."

   The sad expression on Ge Wuyou's face has become more intense.

"No money."

  He pointed to Zhu Junlan and said, "I have lent him all the profound stones."

   Zhu Junlan suddenly twitched her facial muscles frantically.

   Mentioned this, he almost wanted to swallow himself.

   He still can’t figure out why the three promising gold-class titled heavenly beings actually want to join forces to deceive themselves. Isn’t this a way of self-defeating?


   Tan Congyuan looked at Zhu Junlan and said: "Zhu Gongzi, you would actually borrow our poor ghost master and apprentice's profound stone? Did you go to prostitute or gamble, and you can even spend all the profound stone on your body?"

   Zhu Junlan's face was black like coal.

   "You guys talk first, I'm going back."

   He turned and left.

   Entering the Tower of Heaven and Man and sitting down, Ge Wuyou prepares wine and food.

   Tan Congyuan couldn't wait to eat and drink, and asked: "Tell me, what's the matter? You are willing to lend out the profound stone that looks like a life, this is beyond the teacher's understanding of you."

   "I didn't want to borrow it."

   Ge Wuyou gave the answer, saying: "But the interest he paid was too high."

   Then, I recounted what happened in the capital these days.

   "I missed so many fun things?"

  Tan Congyuan, the guardian of the tower, looked regretful for not falling, and said: "If you don't leave, you won't leave. This time I will stay in Beihai and never leave."

   "Because you owe too much money, you have nowhere to be hunted down, right?"

   Ge Wuyou ruthlessly exposed the scars of the master, and said: "Tell me, is it a debt of favor this time? Or a debt of money?"

   "Evil disciples, how do you talk to the master?"

Tan Congyuan reprimanded and said: "This time I returned as a teacher, I came back with a mission. Ha ha, this time the preliminary evaluation of the Beihai Empire rating will be hosted by the teacher. Hahaha, this is a great opportunity to make money. Ahaha, this time, I must squeeze all of Li Xueye's family."

   Li Xueye, the real name of the contemporary Emperor of Beihai.

   only a few people know.

   Among the few people who know this name, only a very few people dare to shout it directly.

   Tan Congyuan is undoubtedly one of them.

"If I remember correctly, the name of the one hundred and ninth true love you said is called Li Xueqin, right?" Ge Wuyou asked with a melancholy expression: "If I remember correctly, Li Xueqin is the emperor of Beihai. Sister, and you still owe her a lot of money."

The tower guardian Tan Congyuan said with great righteousness: "It is a business matter for me to blackmail the Beihai Empire, and the sincere and touching love between me and Princess Huaiyang is a private matter. Public is public, and private is private. As a teacher, we must distinguish between public and private."    Ge Wu worry:"……"

   Such shameless words, Master, how did you say it for granted?

   He was silent for a while, and suddenly remembered something.

   "Wait, your shameless virtue has long been infamous. Why can you become the chief examiner of this Beihai preliminary evaluation?"

   Ge Wuyou feels like he has discovered a remarkable Huadian.

   Tan Congyuan said: "Haha, of course, this is an opportunity to learn from my charming charm that is nowhere to be placed."

   A very bad premonition emerged in Ge Wuyou's heart. He hesitated and asked: "Did you sleep the female chairperson of the Central Empire Alliance who is responsible for determining the candidates for the preliminary evaluation of the regional examiner?"

   Tan Congyuan looked shocked: "How did you know?"

   Then he quickly explained: "Don't talk nonsense, I have no affair with Xiao Wan'er."

   Ge Wuyou was silent again.

   He has already begun to think about whether it is necessary for him to leave the Tower of Heaven and Man in the Beihai Empire to remain incognito for a period of time.

If he remembers correctly, the husband of Jiang Wan, the female speaker of the Central Empire Alliance, is not to mention the position and authority. He is still famous for being overbearing. The master gave him green, and as a disciple, he would definitely be implicated. Right?

   "Don't worry, things are not what you think."

   Tan Congyuan repeatedly explained the guarantee.

   Ge Wuyou had to reluctantly believe it.

   Mainly because he couldn't think of where he should go and escape incognito for a while.

"Take me a photo of the assessment process of the four golden titled devas. I want to see it." Tan Congyuan finished eating like a starving ghost reborn, drank a few sips of tea and slid, and said again. : "By the way, in this preliminary assessment, you can plan what kind of questions will come out."

   "Huh? Me?"

   Ge Wuyou was dumbfounded, and said: "Is it so casual?"

   "Where is it random?"

   Tan Congyuan asked, "Don't you use more snacks?"

   Ge Wuyou was speechless.



   "Haha, I am the emperor of the North Sea. I keep saying everything. This [Green Soul] is really given to you."

   In the Hall of the Humble Administrator's Palace, the Beihai emperor Longyan rejoiced, saying: "This time, you gave me a huge surprise. I want to reward you again. Let's say, what do you want?"

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