Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 803: Your Majesty, think about it

"Your father said..."

   The Emperor of Beihai opened his mouth to answer.

   "Wait a minute."

   At this moment, Lin Beichen interrupted.

   I saw that Young Master Lin glanced around with extreme vigilance and said: "Your Majesty, don't say anything, let me see if there are assassins around..."

   Beihai Renhuang's heart trembled.


  How can there be assassins in my palace?

   Could it be that Lin Beichen's excellent cultivation skills found any clues?

   At this moment, Beihai Renhuang was a little flustered inexplicably.

   As a result, Lin Beichen looked around sloppily, and finally said: "Safety... Your Majesty, tell me."

"You've just……"

   The emperor of Beihai wanted to speak but stopped.

   "Oh, it's like this. Every time on TV... well, in various popular novels on that mainland, when someone wants to tell a secret, they will always be killed suddenly, so I should be more cautious. Isn't it reasonable?"

   "I have confirmed that there is no assassin. Your Majesty can safely say secrets."

   Lin Beichen explained sincerely.

   Beihai Emperor: "..."

   Come, call Feixue into the palace for an instant.

   I want to make him an official official.

   Seeing people is also correct.

   Lin Beichen, the brain-dead, really can't chat happily together.

   "Your father said back then, let me copy Zhan Tianhou Mansion, don't show mercy."

   Beihai people imperial way.


   "Your Majesty is sure, did he have a fever when he said this to you?"

   Lin Beichen got angry when he heard it.

   What kind of show operation is this?

   Please copy the family and destroy the clan?

   doesn't take my dear son at all.

   Don’t everyone always say that he loves me very much?

The emperor of Beihai has no surprises, and said: "There is no fever or brain attack. At that time, your father was very sober and he especially told me that all the family property must be confiscated, and all the domestic slaves must be dismissed. Don't leave it to you. A copper coin, as long as you don't want your life."


   Lin Jinnan is a reverse operation?

   Lin Beichen is not a fool either.

   He vaguely understood something.

   Do this to protect yourself, right?

   I'm still a father.

   "Are there any more?"

   Lin Beichen asked again.

The Emperor Beihai shook his head with emotion, and said: "There is nothing else particularly important. I just thank me for the kindness I have treated him for so many years, and I also ask me not to investigate his affairs again... We monarchs and ministers for decades, That was the last time I saw him...your father came and went in a hurry."

   Lin Beichen directly dropped a black line on his forehead.

   Lin Jinnan is not urinating, so hurried?

"No way?"

Lin Beichen raised his middle finger, rubbed his chin, and said in a weird tone: "Your Majesty, think about it. Did you miss it? Didn't my father leave tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands of profound stones, or tens of billions? The gold coins, the artifacts of the town, or the heritage of other divine artifacts, let your majesty transfer them to his dear son?"

   The Emperor Beihai looked at Lin Beichen, as if looking at a sand sculpture.

Lin Beichen then smiled flatly, still unwilling to say: "Your Majesty will recall carefully, whether there are any **** realm techniques, practice secrets, **** pill... even if it is a ring with the grandfather hidden. s things?"

   The Emperor of Beihai has truly seen Lin Beichen's shamelessness.

   I made a decree at the beginning to prove that this kid is a brain-dead. It is definitely the most wise decree these years.

   is really a saying.

   "I have a good memory, but I have nothing."

   Beihai Renhuang said every word, gritted his teeth.

   "Hey, he is really not a qualified father."

   Lin Beichen sighed melancholy, and then he couldn't help but curiously asked: "What happened later? The so-called Zhantian army was constantly dispatched and the whole army was annihilated. What happened?"

   A trace of hatred flashed through the eyes of Beihai Renhuang.

   Obviously, he thought of something unforgettable.

Under Lin Beichen's gaze, he took a deep breath, and the Beihai Emperor continued: "When your father led his army to the northern battlefield, he noticed the calculations of the secret forces and changed the marching route. I guess, He wanted to save the Zhan Tian army. After all, this was the elite iron army he had cultivated. It was also a powerful force left to the North Sea to fight the Aurora Empire... But unfortunately, his plan failed. The heavenly army was all killed by the forces that secretly watched, and your father's whereabouts remained unknown during that battle."

   Turned out to be annoyed because of the loss of the Zhan Tianjun.

   Lin Beichen can understand.

   In the past year, the Beihai Empire has been at a disadvantage on the northern battlefield, struggling, and it has a great relationship with the loss of the trump card of the Zhantian Army.

   "Then my old sister's disappearance..."

   Lin Beichen asked again.

   Beihai Renhuang shook his head: "It's not that I made the shot."


   Lin Beichen said you continue to talk.

The Emperor of Beihai continued: "When your father came to see me for the last time, he repeatedly reminded you of the arrangements for you, but he didn't mention a word about your amazing sister. Later, I also thought about it. Someone secretly took your sister to the capital for protection, but unfortunately, before she can do it in the future, she has disappeared!"

   Lin Beichen heard this, still partially distinguishing whether Lin Tingchan had disappeared voluntarily or was captured by the secret force.

and many more.

   Lin Beichen suddenly remembered something.

   On that day, Yu Ke'er, the little princess of the Aurora Empire, once looked for herself with a Jinpa. After Wang Zhong recognized it, he came to the conclusion with excitement: It was definitely Lin Tingchan's embroidered handkerchief.

   Therefore, Yu Kerr is very likely to know the whereabouts of Lin Tingchan.


   Did the tigress turn to the Aurora Empire by treason and surrender when the situation was not good?

   "Oh, my poor father and old sister..."

   Lin Beichen pretended to be emotional, and said: "I must find them..."

Then he quickly changed the subject and said, "By the way, your Majesty, didn't you just want to reward me? Since you have no money, and no magical pills and medicines, then you should just do it. I gave me military power and the power to conquer the Thousand Grass Provinces for the'violent attack on General Wei's. I want to destroy the Wei's."

   Lin Beichen has no deep feelings for Lin Jinnan and Lin Tingchan.

   So I don’t want to get involved in these messy things.

   When I think of fighting against that so-called mysterious force, I feel that it is not a human officer.

   The expression on Beihai Renhuang's face became serious.

   "Are you sure you want to kill Weishi?"

   He looked at Lin Beichen and said, "Do you know the details of Wei's family?"

   "The bottom line?"

Lin Beichen touched his chin, and said, "Isn't it the big family of the empire? At most, there are gods and demons secretly supporting me. I should be able to deal with it. You can tell your Majesty that I am very strong now. With a flick of a finger, the clan will be destroyed and the country will be destroyed, one thought will revolve, killing the gods and destroying the demons, hahaha."

   Beihai Renhuang: "???"

Destroy the country?

   I feel you are threatening me.

   "It's true that there are gods and demons behind Weishi."

The Emperor of Beihai subconsciously lowered his voice and said, "But the reason why they are so arrogant and daring to act against my will is because it is not ordinary gods and demons who support them, but the true gods of the orthodox gods of the host true continent. So, with your current energy, it may be very strong, but there is still a high probability that Qiancao Wei can't be destroyed."


   Lin Beichen was really surprised when he heard these words.

   Genuine Tenjin?

   is not an extraterritorial evil?

   Doesn't make sense.

  In terms of the shallow history and divine knowledge of Lin University’s scum, the gods in the orthodox belief system can only patrol their own followers, and cannot directly intervene in the military affairs of non-belief countries. This is the iron law of God.

   Which **** of the gods, with such iron head, dare to break the rules?

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