Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 804: As long as the money is in place

The so-called orthodox belief system of gods means that when a horse races to enclose the land, the heavenly gods who first occupied the host Zhenzhou continent have formulated a set of behavior rules and systems. Everyone divides the territory and agrees on the rules to occupy this fertile land. Let's cut the leeks.

   This rule can protect vested interests to the greatest extent.

   Therefore, it is a treaty that every orthodox **** must abide by and uphold.

It is precisely under the operation and maintenance of this system that the orthodox gods of the host Zhenzhou woven a terrifying iron curtain, which made some other evil demons coveted, but they were still unable to establish their own in the host Zhenzhou. Believe in orthodoxy to get a piece of the pie.

   Infighting with each other is absolutely intolerable in this system.

Once    is discovered, it is likely to be kicked out of the orthodox **** belief system.

   Since ancient times, there has been almost no orthodox gods intervening in state affairs outside the religious rule.

   To gain more territory and believers, it must be through wars between mortals and the birth and death of the country.

   Lin Beichen was forced by the priest Qin to learn countless collections of divine Taoism books, so he has studied this aspect quite a bit.

   Hearing that the Emperor of Beihai said that behind the Wei Clan in Qiancao Xing Province, there was an orthodox **** intervening. How could he not be shocked?

   Lin Beichen originally thought that he was the only one who was best at breaking the rules and lifting the table, but he didn't expect these so-called orthodox gods to do so shamelessly.

   "Which system of orthodox **** belief is behind the Wei family?"

   Lin Beichen asked.

Beihai Renhuang shook his head and said: "It hasn't been investigated yet, but from the perspective of Wei's rise and various clues, it is by no means only relying on the evil demon from outside the sky. To be precise, it is in the orthodox belief system. The gods, in collusion with the evil demon outside the sky, contributed to Wei's sitting."

   Oh, I know this.

  The evil demons outside the sky belong to the ruins realm where Bai Weiyun is located.

   But the twenty-five sons of the Wei family have turned against the water. Taking advantage of the ruins of the family, the cup shrank in anger by the high Bai Rongyun.

   These are new and old hatreds.

   Lin Beichen thought for a while, and decided to continue acting.

   What about the orthodox gods?

   still can't tear the lower bounds in person.

   I am a knight of the gods who have the cell phone of the **** of death in his hand. It is not a matter of slinging those believers.

   As long as Qiancaowei is destroyed, the foundation of these unruly orthodox gods will be eliminated. Without the gods supported by believers, it is equivalent to rootless duckweed, and there is a kind of lower realm to bite me.

   Ah, I am really swollen.

   Lin Beichen sighed in his heart, and said: "These so-called orthodox gods only dare to sneak in, don't be afraid, just an orthodox **** of faith..."

   "Who said it is one?"

Beihai Renhuang looked strange and authentic: "I haven't finished talking just now. There is probably more than one orthodox **** behind Wei, but a terrifying alliance group. Their power spreads across the entire host Zhenzhou... The world is about to change. Up."

   Lin Beichen's handsome face twitched slightly.

   Nima, can you say it all at once.

   The words of more than one orthodox god, then I may not be able to bear it.

  Failed to fill the cup.

   This is embarrassing.

   Stay steady, don’t panic.

   "Hehe, I just wanted to say that there is only an orthodox **** who believes in the gods. We don't need to worry too much. When I pray to the Lord of Swords, please ask her old man to do it herself..."

  Lin Beichen turned around and said, "But since it's an interest alliance, then I think about it, and I can't trouble the Lord of Sword with his old man too much, let's deal with it slowly."

The emperor of Beihai nodded without breaking his head, saying: "For the current plan, the most important thing is to pass the preliminary assessment of the imperial assessment smoothly, and to establish the foundation, and then to slowly figure it out. If anyone destroys it, someone maintains it. Orthodox belief The defenders of the system are not only us, but also the great empires in the central area. What we have to do is to survive such storms and wait for the calm and calm day to come."

   Lin Beichen understood.

   The central idea of ​​His Majesty the Emperor is eight words——

   Staying in the waves, wretched development.

   This is a universally accepted saying.

   "Your Majesty is wise."

   Lin Beichen immediately slapped it over.

   After a pause, he asked, "I don't know what the main content of the preliminary assessment of the empire is? The ring battle? Or...say it first, if you let me take the shot, I have to add money."

The Emperor of Beihai smiled and said: "The initial evaluation is relatively simple and relatively easy. According to the old practice, there are a total of celestials, peak martial arts, martial arts masters, temples, regular troops, total population, legal system, The standards for land area, mountains and rivers, and mineral resources are all based on measuring whether a country must exist..."

   Lin Beichen felt a little brain hurt when he heard it.

   These content, for a scumbag, is really too much assessment of brain capacity.

   He can ride and shoot well, fight thieves fiercely, and have a high level of force.

   But things like population laws are not his field of expertise.

   "So is it difficult for us to pass the preliminary assessment this time?"

   Lin Beichen asked.

Beihai Renhuang smiled slightly and said, "The problem is not big. We can meet most of these standards just now. The second step that is difficult is to go to the Central Empire Alliance to accept the final evaluation. The situation will be met by then. It's a lot more complicated, I hope you can help."

"no problem."

   Lin Beichen agreed: "As long as the money is in place, all difficulties will be broken."

   Beihai Emperor: "..."

   This kid, is he really talking about money, or is he pretending to be crazy?

   According to reason, based on his cultivation base and power, he shouldn't be so instigated for lack of money.



   The Tower of Heaven and Man.

"has a problem."

   Tan Congyuan watched the photos of the four golden titled heavenly beings and fell into deep thought.

   Although there is no flaw on the surface, but I don’t know why, Tan Congyuan always feels that something is wrong.

Where is   ?

   He touched his chin and looked over and over again.


   There was a knock on the door.

   "Master, the initial evaluation plan is selected and set, can you take a look?"

   Ge Wuyou opened the door and came in.

"dont see."

   Tan Congyuan waved his hand and said, "Send it directly to the Beihai Royal Family and let them start preparing. Oh, yes, send a copy to the Central Empire Alliance mission. They will have to cooperate with the invigilation at that time."

   "Master, don't you really watch it?"

   Ge Wuyou confirmed again.

   "Don't look. Get out."

   Tan Congyuan issued a eviction order.

   Ge Wuyou turned and left with joy.

   Just don’t look at it.

  He walked out of the Tower of Heaven and Man, his face was filled with excitement.

"The previous empire rating assessments were all about population, territory, laws, and the number of strong people. This set is simply uncreative. This time, I will completely overthrow it. Haha, I believe Young Master Lin will like this very much. He will thank me for the assessment method."

   Ge Wuyou is looking forward to it infinitely.

   After selling such a big favor to Young Master Lin, he would never hate me anymore, right?

   Well, I won’t say anything for now.

   When the time comes, give Young Master Lin a surprise.

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