Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 806: I don't love black stone

"Issued the emperor's order, except for Wang Shoucheng in the north, summon all the people who are outside to return to Beijing."

   "At the same time, all the great masters of Baiyun City, Zhujian Pavilion, and Xiaojiejianyuan are conscripted to come to the capital."

   The Emperor of Beihai made up his mind and immediately made a decision.

   The emperor's order to recruit heavenly people is a super big event.

   Zuoxiang got up and saluted, and said, "The minister will do it, what about Lin Beichen?"

   The Emperor of Beihai thought for a while, and said, "I will go to Shangzhuo Garden myself."

   At the moment of the country’s peril, the emperor who asks for help must learn to bow his head.

  Of course, in the eyes of the Emperor Beihai, this trick is called Corporal Lixian.

   Zuoxiang clicked like in his heart,

   He had already noticed that Lin Beichen, a cerebellum, typically eats soft but not hard.

   Your Majesty took the initiative to give this guy a little bit of face, and the probability of using this brain-dead man to make a move is much higher.

   "Actually, level 3 difficulty is also good."

   Zuoxiang smiled suddenly, and said: "Get a high score in the first test, and the second test will be much easier."

   He added in his heart: As long as you can please Lin Beichen.

   The two kings and ministers never thought that one day the empire’s honor and disgrace would be tied to a once-brained boy.



   Aurora Embassy.

"This is real?"

   Prince Yu’s face also showed a shocked look: "It turned out to be the [Heavenly War] mode?"

   sat there with three links on the sand, smiled faintly, and said, "So, what are you still worried about?"

Prince Yu sat down slowly, thought for a while, and said: "No, if it is in the [Heavenly War] mode, as long as Lin Beichen takes action, the Beihai Empire will be easier to pass. The strength around Lin Beichen is really It’s too scary, and coupled with the celestial beings, strong and elite of the North Sea Empire, it’s easier than the literary test."

   Sand Tee smiled slightly and said, "This time [War of Heaven] is level three difficulty."

   Prince Yu shook his head: "Even if it is level 3 difficulty, with Lin Beichen, the enchanting shot, the Beihai Empire has a 70% chance of passing."

   There is a monster in the Beihai Empire.

   A sword cut off the martial arts of the Aurora Empire.

   More importantly, the people around him are ridiculously strong.

   The original situation in the Aurora Empire has taken a turn for the worse.

   This is the strategic significance of the strong man.

   Wei Chongfeng and Tuoba Chuuxue both agreed with Prince Yu’s views.

   Today's Lin Beichen is not only strong alone.

   is the people around him, who are a little too strong.

what is this?

   This is a general trend.

   The wings are full.

   It's hard to do.

   They have been scared out of psychological shadow by Lin Beichen.

Sha Santong smiled contemptuously, and said, "What? Ji Wushuang's cartilaginous head knelt and broke the courage of your Aurora people? If that's the case, you can kneel outside Shangzhuo Garden now, maybe. When the nest is covered, there will still be a few of you finished eggs."

   These words, the two irritating Wei Chongfeng, their complexions flushed, and there was anger in their eyes.

   If it weren't for Sha Santong, it was the titled Celestial Man of the Central Empire Alliance mission. By this time, the **** whose body was beaten long ago would not have been known.

   "Hee hee hee hee, what Shabobo said, in fact, there must be a back player, right?"

   Yu Ke'er, who had been holding the bear doll, suddenly raised her white face like a jade, smiled sweetly, and complimented her.

  The flattery of the sand tee to this little princess is very useful.

   "The leader said, even if you follow the previous plan, she will take action."

   He didn't click through.

   But this sentence has revealed enough information.

   Prince Yu knew instantly, and his expression immediately turned from cloudy to sunny.

   And Wei Chongfeng and Tuoba Chuuxue were also overjoyed.

   After such a long time, did that adult finally take the shot himself?

   In this way, the Beihai Empire has already cooled down in advance.



   Lin Beichen did not expect that as soon as his front foot returned to Shang Zhuoyuan, Beihai Renhuang arrived on his back foot.

   Haven't you just seen it?

   directly chased the door?

   Even if it's an adulterous dog and a man, it wouldn't be so inseparable, right?

   Does this guy want to go back and chase [Green Soul] back?

if it is like this……

  Lin Beichen has already begun to consider how to build a suitable one after the seventh prince inherits the throne

   And Beihai Renhuang did not speak for the first time, but was still in shock.

  Because when he came, he passed by the tent at the gate of Shangzhuo Garden and saw [God Fighting Heaven and Human] Ji Wushuang naked in the tent, being beaten on the ground by a fat and white businessman.

   I heard that the rich businessman paid 100 profound stones and got an unprecedented opportunity to beat the titled deity.

   But Ji Wushuang was just beaten and didn't fight back.

   Beihai Renhuang had also heard about Ji Wushuang's indictment before.

   is already shocking.

   But I didn't expect Lin Beichen to play so wild.

   A titled deity from the Central Empire has directly become a tool for making money.

  Visit, take a group photo, give advice on martial arts, and learn from each other.

   now has the option of unilateral ‘beating’.

   For the first time, the Emperor of Beihai had a mess of thoughts of ‘this world is terrible’ and ‘Am I getting too old to keep up with the rhythm’.

   "What is your Majesty looking for?"

   Lin Beichen broke the deadlock: "First of all, [Green Soul] I will not return it to you."

   The emperor of Beihai returned to his mind, and explained in detail in the future.

   "Uh...what is the [Heavenly War] mode?"

   Lin Xuezha once again exposed his ignorance.

"An ancient method of assessment that was once very popular, prevailed in the peak era of the orthodox **** belief system. It opened the door to the outside world with divine magic and sent representatives of the countries participating in the assessment to a certain place in the market world map to experience the fierce battle of reincarnation. Calculated based on the siege of the city and the number of enemies killed, those who meet the standard will even pass the [Heaven War] assessment."

   The Emperor of Beihai introduced concisely.

   Lin Beichen also understood roughly.

   is similar to how many canyons come together to open black?


   "Can mortals also teleport outside the domain?"

   He is curious and authentic.

Beihai Renhuangdao: "The orthodox **** belief system in the peak age is omnipotent. It is not difficult to open up small worlds on foreign maps. However, as the times change and time passes, the number of times to open small worlds on foreign maps is decreasing. , I did not expect that this time, the Central Empire Alliance would actually adopt such a method, which is a challenge and an opportunity for us."

   Lin Beichen raised his **** and rubbed the center of his eyebrows.

   Beihai Renhuang said very vaguely, but the implication is very clear, that is, the current orthodox **** belief system has cracks.

   It's messy anyway.

   "I can do it."

   Lin Beichen readily agreed, and said, "I have to add more money."

  [天籁故事] Beihai Renhuang had long expected this kid to make a request, and said: "How many gold coins, you can tell."

   "How vulgar are gold coins."

Lin Beichen looked insulted and said angrily: "I am also a member of the Beihai Empire. Do I have to use gold coins to contribute to the empire? That kind of dirty golden color makes me feel sick when I look at it, your majesty. Insult me ​​with this kind of thing..."

   The Emperor of Beihai was startled, and immediately respected.

   At critical moments in the empire, you still have to rely on such a **** and awe-inspiring boy.

   As a result, Lin Beichen added another sentence: "It's all converted into profound stones.

   Beihai Emperor: "..."

  The sudden Sao flashed off my waist.

   Please be your own person.

   Give me the majestic emperor of the country, even with a little respect, okay?

   The two bargained, and finally sold at the price of 2000 profound stones.

   "Your Majesty may have misunderstood me."

Lin Beichen said with emotion on his face: "In fact, I don’t love profound stones at all. The happiest time was when I bullied men and women in Yunmeng City. I didn’t need to practice, and my daily routine was only a few hundred dollars. Gold coins, but I have a very happy life. I don’t have to worry about the profound stone. The biggest regret in my life is that I have cultivated to the heaven and human state... I have lost my simple happiness."

   Beihai Emperor: "..."

   If it's cheaper, then sell well?

   Enough, hey.

Lin Beichen looked at his expression and said, "Your Majesty, don’t believe me. What I said is all my heart-wrenching words. The reason why I want so many profound stones is for the brothers under my hand. Actually, I, It’s a profound stone that I won’t keep...I really don’t love profound stones."



There is only one watch today.

Since last Wednesday, I have been running to the hospital with my daughter-in-law. She has a problem with her body and has been undergoing various examinations. She just took a break on Saturday. Xiaodao Girl has a high fever since last night. She is better today, but she has a high fever in the afternoon. My mentality It’s a bit collapsed. Next week, I will take my old father to Lanzhou Hospital for knee replacement surgery... People who are middle-aged, there are old and young, and today because they are too worried about their daughter, they have a mess of thoughts and slow writing. Everyone scolds. Me.

Tomorrow, adjust your mentality and strive for the fourth shift.

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