The Emperor Beihai didn't want to talk to Lin Beichen anymore.

   What does it mean to sell well after being cheap?

This is.

   is very typical.

   "Your Majesty, I tell the truth."

Lin Beichen succeeded in extortion, a handsome face smiled like a weasel who had successfully stolen a chicken, and said: "You think, so many of my brothers are all heavenly people, Grand Master Pinnacle, ask them to come out and take out It’s not too much to point profound stones, isn’t it? It’s still for the sake of my face that I gave a friendly offer, otherwise you can get 2,000 profound stones to see if you can invite so many powerful people who have worked hard for you."

   When Beihai Renhuang heard it, he felt that it was justified and could not be refuted.

   Lin Beichen said again: "In addition, I also have Wang Zhan. I have to prepare some other materials to ensure that we can pass the customs smoothly and smoothly. These all cost money... Hua Xuanshi."

   The Emperor of Beihai was puzzled: "What is Wang Zhan?"

   Lin Beichen "……"

   "'s the hole card."

   Lin Beichen said: "It needs to spend a hole card made of black stone."

   "Do you still have a hole card I don't know?"

   A look of joy appeared on Beihai Renhuang's face.

   This little boy, the more cards he has, the more stable the imperial evaluation.

   "Of course. I, Lin Beichen, as the most beautiful man in the North Sea Empire, never fight unprepared battles."

   Young Master Lin raised his head proudly at a 45-degree angle.

   Beihai Renhuang happily returned to the palace.

   Two thousand black stones are considered to be hemorrhage, but the royal family can also get them out.

  The problems that can be solved with black stone are actually not problems.

   Unless Lin Beichen really wants too much.

   With Lin Beichen's shot, the imperial assessment is basically stable.

   In fact, Lin Beichen did not lie.

   After all, whether it is [Snow Eagle], [98K], or [Blue Tube Gatling], filling bullets requires profound stone energy.

   Now [98K] has been eliminated by Xiao Binggan and sent to Guangjiang.

   This invisible silver rat is simply the best sniper.

   The tool person Xiao Binggan has mastered Gatling for a long time.

   It is no exaggeration to say that it is not a problem for one person to block tens of thousands of elite troops with the small cookies in the Gatling cannon in the finished state.

   The power of such a deadly weapon in the national war is absolutely shocking.

In the afternoon of the same day, the Emperor of the North Sea sent Zhang Qianqian and the commander of the Imperial Guard at Loushan Pass. He had already escorted two thousand profound stones to Shangzhuo Garden. At the same time, he also sent the official collection of [War of Heaven]. Various details.

   Xuan Shilin Beichen personally accepted it.

   related materials are left to Wang Zhong, Xiao Binggan and others to study.

   The preliminary assessment will be conducted one month later.

   News gradually spread.

   This imperial evaluation is of great importance. The domestic nobles and bureaucrats of the eight major provinces are also watching nervously.

  Many empire powerhouses, elites in the army, have begun to gather in the capital.

   Ten days later, under Wang Zhong's advice, Lin Beichen finally reluctantly ended Ji Wushuang's ‘test’.

   "Something not as good as a dog. Go away."

   Lin Beichen didn't give a good face.

   "Master, I want to play with you."

   Ji Wushuang smiled, flattering and authentic.

   "There are so many people who want to play by my side, how old are you?"

   Lin Beichen is not polite.

  For such people, you can’t be polite.

   The fiercer you are, the better he is.

The essence of   PUA lies in this.

  Wang Zhong thought for a while, and also persuaded him: "Master Ji, if you want to work for the young master, you don't have to be with the young master. Maybe you can do more for the young master by returning to the mission?"

   Ji Wushuang's heart moved and looked at Lin Beichen.

   Wang Zhong said 10,000 sentences, not as good as Lin Beichen said.

   Lin Beichen thought for a while and nodded: "Wang Zhong, this dog thing, is right."

   Ji Wushuang's face immediately showed joy.

   "Work hard, I admire you very much."

   Adhering to the principle of giving ten sticks to a sweet jujube, Lin Beichen patted Ji Wushuang on the shoulder and said: "Go to the mission and stare. If you have any news, tell me as soon as possible."

   Ji Wushuang looked grateful and frightened, and said, "Master, don't worry, I'm Ji Wushuang."


   You are really coveting my beauty?

   Lin Beichen kicked out: "Go away."

   When the two went out, Ji Wushuang gave Wang Zhong's cheeks and thanked Wang Zhong for the first time.

   This person can really bend and stretch.

   It’s just that this time the curve is really long and the arc is really high.

   "Steward Wang, thank you for these days, in front of the young master, for your kind words for me. In the future, I will be useful to Ji Wushuang, just speak."

   [God Wars Heaven and Human] from the True Dragon Empire, dialogue with Wang Zhong in a low profile.

  Because he is a smart man.

   Just now when he was in the room, Ji Wushuang discovered an important detail.

   Lin Beichen called him ‘something inferior to a dog’ and Wang Zhong called a ‘dog’s thing’.

   After his careful and scientific reasoning, he came to a conclusion——

  In the mind of Young Master Lin, his status is lower than Wang Zhong.

   So in front of Wang Zhong, Ji Wushuang had to keep a low profile.

   sent away Ji Wushuang, Wang Zhong went back to his life beautifully.

   Unsurprisingly, [God Fighting Heaven and Human] Ji Wushuang earned more than 100 profound stones from working hard, all of which were handed over by Lin Beichen.

   "These profound stones also have a small part of yours. After all, you have done a great job, but you like squandering, so I will save it for you first."

   Lin Beichen said to Wang Zhong: "I did this, you have no opinion?"

"of course not."

   Wang Zhong was crying.


time flies.

   On the fifteenth day, bad news came from the palace.

   The heavenly people of Baiyun City and Xiaojie Jianyuan were unable to come to the battle.

   This is hidden news, only a few people know.

   But the impact is huge.

   According to reports, both Baiyun City and Xiaojie Jianyuan had infighted, and they were divided into several factions. Even the celestial beings who lived in the two holy places of Beihai Swordsmanship were deeply trapped in it and could not be separated.

  Neither is nor is it.

   Really can't.

   Coupled with Gao Shenghan's death in the Shangzhuo Garden, it is equivalent to the fact that the Beihai Empire suddenly lost three celestial-level combat power in the [Heavenly War].

   This is a huge loss.

  Before this, the Beihai Empire had only six celestial beings.

   In desperation, Beihai Renhuang summoned Lin Beichen into the palace to discuss countermeasures.

   "The impact is not big, I just need to do more."

   Lin Beichen is full of confidence.


   Beihai Renhuang's eyes flashed with hope.

   What he wants to hear most now is Lin Beichen's words.

   Lin Beichen slapped his chest loudly and said: "Don't worry, but..."

   "But what?"

   Beihai Renhuang's heart tightened.

   "You have to add money."

   Lin Beichen Road.

   The Emperor of Beihai: (??へ??╬).

time flies.

   Lin Beichen has met many friends, and no one doubts that he is pretending to be dead anymore.

   Yuan Wenjun, Li Xiuyuan and others are also relieved.

   Especially Gan Xiaoshuang, when he met Lin Beichen in Shang Zhuoyuan, after he was sure that he really recovered, he cried with joy.

   is such a simple girl.

   Lin Beichen couldn't help but sigh.

   These days, I have lived peacefully.

The only bad news came from the Battle Beast Trading Center. The overworked Dragon Spotted Leopard fell ill and smoked Wang Zhongji’s throat. It is said that this dog treats the imperial doctor in the palace as it is. Veterinarian, please go over several times and are preparing tonic pills...

   There is also Chu Hen and others, still no news.

   These ten martial arts masters seem to have melted into the air, and investigations by various parties have not been whereabouts.

   One month passed in an instant.

   On this day, the wind is sunny.

   is the day of [Heavenly War].


Thank you brothers and sisters for their encouragement and tricks. Xiaodao Niu had a fever all night last night, and it was more than 39 degrees at 6 in the morning. After changing the anti-fever medicine, it is now more than 37 degrees, much better, and the mental state is good. The leader decided Observe and observe again, don’t go to the hospital for the time being, grab the time code

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