Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 811: Level 6 difficulty

At this moment, Lin Beichen suddenly had the urge to fry the cabbage that he had worked so hard to grow from the ground to make an appetizing plate of hot and sour cabbage.

  His gaze is looking at Qianqian from a distance.

Because of the fierce battle, the silver armor that [Beichen’s Hammer] painstakingly customized for the hard protruding mantle has all been shattered, and the red tight-fitting shirt underneath is also soaked in the blood of the King of Sagittarius. The bumpy figure is vivid and vivid.

   Different from other people looking at Qianqian like a pilgrimage with reverence and worship, Lin Beichen's gaze unscrupulously aimed at some sensitive parts that could not be described.

   "I didn't pay attention to wearing skirts before, but they turned out to be long legs..."

   "This waist is too thin."

   "Uh, it's so big, 36, I really didn't notice before...Is this girl eating too much papaya?"

   "Tsk, when the little girl first came to the bamboo courtyard, she was very thin, and now...Tsk, is this the legendary two-handed belt?"

  In Lin Beichen's mind, many thoughts suddenly involuntarily emerged.


   I am a righteous and awe-inspiring young man. These thoughts must have appeared because of the influence of my predecessor.

   However, before she knew it, Qianqian had already grown up.

   Lin Beichen subconsciously compared Na Xiao Qianqian with several other women.

   "Well, compared with the Lord of Swords, it's not much better, especially the waist and mountains, it seems to be better, but I don't know which sounds better when I yell..."

   "Of course, if compared with the eldest wife early morning, it is a little bit less amazing, but a little more pure..."

   "It's a pity that Xiaobai has temporarily withdrawn from the competition after shrinking. Fortunately, when she confessed to me before she was seriously injured and unconscious, I didn't promise anything. I will see if I can remedy the increase in both hands..."

   "Of course the most fascinating thing is the big wife, Master Qin. Recently, I don't know why the appearance rate has dropped sharply. I don't know if I offend the author..."

"The scar on Xiao Xiangxiang's face has not been recovered by the magical medicine. Hey, I don’t know if she received the few boxes of'Kabi' I sent her two days ago. After the phone upgrade, I bought it at a big price on Taobao. Ladies’ cigarettes are worth ten black stones, tusk tusk, U1S1, the appearance of this classic little beauty when smoking, is really a bit postmodern..."

   "There is also Old Han, and I don't know that he is on the northern battlefield... Wait, Old Han is a man, why do I think of him at this time?"

   When the last name jumped out, Lin Beichen was shocked.


   Didn’t meet for too long and came up with a feeling?

too frightening.

   Lin Beichen shook his head.

   Feeling that there are some strange gazes coming from around, Lin Beichen glanced at the battlefield far away outside the city wall, and remembered that it was on the battlefield, so he raised his hand and gave himself a slap.

When    YY beautiful girls, how can you be distracted to think about fighting?

   When the people around saw this scene, they suddenly felt a little sympathetic to Lin Beichen.

   This empire hero is good at everything, but it is a pity that he was born with a brain disease. Looking at the situation just now, I am afraid that the brain disease has attacked again.

   This disease is so terrible, even one who has entered the realm of heaven and human cannot heal himself.



   Aurora Empire Embassy.

   "Level 3 difficulty?"

Sha Santong Dama Jindao sat on the main seat, pointed his finger at the constantly changing scene on Xuanjing's screen like a slide, and sneered: "Now you understand? What level of difficulty is there, ha ha , This is the real level six difficulty, hahaha, from the very beginning, this was a dead end."

   Sixth level of difficulty?

  Prince Yu and others all exclaimed.

   "That adult, changed the difficulty of the assessment?"

   "This is a foul, right."

   "That's OK?"

   Wei Chongfeng and Tuoba Chuuxue were shocked.

   This is a cheating in the Empire rating, right?

   Once it spreads out, it will be judged.

   "Don't worry, none of them will come out alive."

In the eyes of    Sha Tee, a trace of cruelty flashed.


   Prince Yu was taken aback, and suddenly understood something.

Sha Santong nodded affirmatively, and said: "The Emperor of Beihai, Zuo Luyi, Lin Beichen... Ha ha, as long as these people who enter the outer market realm, none of them will be destined to come back alive. They will be buried in it, as long as the news is blocked. Live, who can know the truth of this assessment?"

  Prince Yu was shocked and accidental again.

   I didn't expect that the big man would not make a move, and he would be such a big man.

   This is to catch all the top figures of the North Sea Empire.

   Beihai Empire, it's over.

   "The prince can return to the Aurora Empire."

Sha Santong thought of the adult’s plan, and said: "The North Sea Empire is in great chaos. As long as you are ready, when the chaos is together, the Aurora Army can quickly defeat the North Navy regiment in the north. At that time, how much fat can it bite? Meat, it depends on your own ability."

   Prince Yu quickly calmed down from the shock, and then diverged his thoughts along this line of thought.

   On the surface, once the North Sea Empire was disintegrated, there were two forces that benefited the most -

   Aurora Empire and Weishi of Qiancao Xing Province.

   But thinking carefully, there is a difference between the two.

  Because of that adult's plan, the Aurora Empire didn't know much, and he and others only passively cooperated, and only then did they know the true difficulty and purpose of the [Heaven War].

This shows what?

   Explains that the plan of that adult was only incidental to the Aurora Empire, and the real first beneficiary was Wei Clan of Qiancao Xing Province.

   But even so, it is a golden opportunity for the Aurora Empire.

   Tore off the fattest pieces of meat from the Beihai Empire. After digestion, the Aurora Empire can go one step further and attack the second empire.

   This opportunity must be grasped.

   After some thanks, Prince Yu left Beihai Capital with Yu Kerr without any hesitation.

   Wei Chongfeng and Tuoba Chuixue stayed.

   Sand Tee retracted the special Xuanjing screen and turned to leave.

Only a few people are eligible to see the real-time content of [Heavenly War]. This mysterious crystal screen was given by the adult. After showing it to Prince Yu and others, after completing the plan, you have to return it as soon as possible. , So as not to leak the news.

   The sand tee walking on the street suddenly felt that life is so beautiful.

   Just a while ago, his heart was full of fear.

   He is afraid of Lin Beichen.

  Because Lin Beichen is too strong.

  Because he knew that he and Lin Beichen were destined to be hostile to some of the conflicts before.

   Ji Wushuang's flattery towards Lin Beichen in his time has magnified the fear in Sha Santong's heart even more.

   Even after countless midnight dreams, Sha Santong woke up from the nightmare.

   He wanted to apologize to Lin Beichen, but as a result, he was not even qualified to enter the door of Shang Zhuoyuan.

   Just when Sha Santong was in panic all day long, fate suddenly threw an olive branch at him.

   The big man who didn't dare to look directly at him on weekdays accepted him.

   And now, he can influence Lin Beichen's destiny.

  [Heavenly War] of level six difficulty, not to mention Lin Beichen, even level six deities can't hold it.

   So this domineering guy who doesn't know the heights of the sky is destined to die in the outer market.

   Lin Beichen, die.

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