Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 812: I'm not that kind of person

The blood red in the sky has gradually dimmed.

  The smoke of fighting has temporarily receded.

   Although the setting of "the battle begins when the sky turns red and ends when the red color fades" is very nonsense, it actually happened in this world.

   Professionals in the army are racing against time to overhaul the ballista and the mystic cannon, fill the energy, repair the city defense formation, and prepare for the next city defense.

   The atmosphere is still tense.

   There is a nervous look on the face of every busy soldier.

   In such a tense atmosphere, the aroma of barbecue is still permeating the air.

After    Qianqian changed into a new armor, she moved a small bench and sat next to the barbecue stall. She was eating and drinking on the grounds that the battle just consumed a lot of energy.

   There are still adoring eyes, gathering on this girl.

   In the previous battle, the bravery of the irritable girl really completely shocked and stunned the group of elites who defended the city and won respect.

   In the next battle, maybe Qianqian only needs to raise her arms and yell, "If you bring the handle, you will rush with the old lady." This group of enthusiastic soldiers can follow her and charge any evil demon!

   Lin Beichen took Wang Zhong and commanded a group of silver and white guards. The centaur king outside the city was like a corpse on a hill.

   "Be careful, don't damage the hide..."

   "I want bones..."

   "Go to a few people and take back all the beast blood flowing outside without any leftovers."

   "The eyeballs are also buttoned down..."

   "Don't waste it, but also the internal organs."

  Wang Zhong akimbo his hands on his hips, gesticulating his feet, and berating and directing loudly.

  'S keen business instincts told the old butler that whether the centaur king is a monster or a demon, this corpse is of great value.

   Fur can be used to make armor, tendons can be used as bowstrings, bones can be used to create utensils, meat can be eaten, blood can be alchemy, internal organs can be sold...the whole body is a treasure.

   This is all money.

   "Master, things are not right."

   Wang Zhong suddenly approached a few steps, lowering his voice.


   Lin Beichen looked at him.

  Wang Zhong approached quietly, his awkward appearance, and his acting very flamboyant.

   "I don't know why, my right eyelid jumped vigorously. The last time this happened was the day when the Zhan Tianhou Mansion was ransacked... I always feel that this world is very strange, and something not so good is going to happen."

   Wang Zhongdao.

   Lin Beichen glanced at Wang Zhong in surprise.

   This dog is weak in strength and has a wretched character, but this **** intuition is so sharp? Perceived the danger in advance?

"Master, the situation is not quite right. If you are really in danger, there is a word of loyalty in the name of the old slave. For the sake of being loyal to you, you must protect the old Slave..."

   Wang Zhong said with a sad face.

   "I asked you not to come at the beginning. You insisted on saying that the outer market is a place to make a fortune, crying, making troubles and hanging up to open your eyes, now you are scared?" Lin Beichen sarcasm mercilessly.

   "I didn't know at the time, this place is so evil."

   Wang Zhong wanted to cry without tears, and said: "No matter what, you must be careful, young master. The most important thing is to take me with you when you run away. At critical moments, I can protect you from the knife..."

While    was talking, Lou Shanguan hurried over and said: "Lin Tianren, please, your Majesty."

   Lin Beichen flew up and kicked Wang Zhong into a dog to eat shit, and said: "Don't be a **** fantasizing, shake the military heart, I cut off your dog's head...Go, honestly pick up this corpse for me!"

   then turned around and nodded to Loushanguan, saying: "Lead the way."

   The two climbed up the city wall and came to the main hall of the enemy building at the gate.

   A lively military meeting is coming to an end.

   "If you want to pass the [War of Heaven] test, it is not enough to just defend the ancient city."

   "Guarding the city is only the first step!"

   "We are located in the east, and in the three directions of northwest and north, there are three wild ancient cities."

   "The ultimate task of [Heaven War] this time is to encircle and kill all the enemies in the three ancient cities on the three sides of the northwest and the north, completely occupy this small world, and complete the reunification, which is the real completion of the assessment..."

   "The problem now is that we simply don't know what kind of enemy is in the other three-way ancient city, and what is the strength. The preliminary investigation must be completed as soon as possible."

   Surrounded by military generals, the Beihai Emperor is standing in front of a rough terrain sand table and is laying out the next battle plan.

   Lin Beichen, the scumbag, looked shocked.

   At this time, he also knew that all the contents of [Heavenly War] were not only about defending the city but also attacking.

   Want to unify this small world?

   sounds like that.

   "Lin Tianren, without further ado, I would like to invite you to take action and explore the western territory."

The emperor of Beihai is not welcome, and he directly speaks when he comes up, saying: "There are many dangers outside, the scout under the heavens, let alone exploring the territory, I am afraid it is difficult to even get out of a hundred miles alive, only ask you to take action. "

   Everyone's eyes fell on him.

   Lin Beichen thought for a while, just about to open his mouth.

   Beihairen Huangdao: "You can add money."

   Lin Beichen was in a daze.

   Your Majesty, you can, and I will answer.

He was very indignant and said: "Your Majesty, what does this mean, am I the kind of person who falls into the eyes of money? I am righteous, Lin Beichen, and came to this dangerous place for the Beihai Empire and my family. glory……"

   Beihai Renhuang was a little embarrassed.

Who knows that Lin Beichen sighed again, and then said: "But your Majesty has spoken, I have to give this face, after all, you are a golden mouth, and I can't resist the will and respect, then give me two or three thousand mysterious No need to have too much stone, any more will really insult me."

   Beihai Emperor: "..."

   Please be your own person.

   Soon, candidates for exploration in the north and south directions were also determined. They were Lao Gao and Zuo Xiang, two celestial beings.

   Gao Shenghan originally cheated to die in Shang Zhuoyuan, like an old silver coin squatting in the grass and preparing to follow the fate. Unfortunately, he has never found a good opportunity and good partner, so there is no GANK to anyone.

   This time [War of the Kingdom] is of great importance, so in the end it came to the market world map in secret.

   Lin Beichen walked out of the main hall of the enemy building, called a few henchmen to his side, and roughly explained a few words, then rose up with the sword, turned into a silver light, and shot into the vast void.

   In an instant, it was already dozens of miles away.

   Looking down, there is a mess on the ground, cracks and overturned plots everywhere, and there is still a strong fighting atmosphere in the air...

   This should be the battlefield where Qianqian and the Centaur King fought before.

   Continue to fly forward.

   A large undulating hill appeared in the field of vision.

It’s a pity that the ground is covered by dark brown sand. Within the range of sight, there is almost no vegetation and no animals. The long wind moves the sand on the ground slowly, giving people a sense of vastness. The feeling of barrenness and loneliness.

   After more than twenty minutes, Lin Beichen saw a lake embedded in the wilderness like a bright mirror.

   The vegetation around the lake is obviously richer.

   A lot of simple buildings such as potholes and wooden houses are scattered around the lake in an orderly manner. At first glance, it looks like a primitive camp.

   There are centaur creatures in the camp.

   Is this the old monster [literature museum] nest?

   Lin Beichen stepped on the [Green Soul] big sword, slowly approaching.

The centaur creature in the ground camp quickly discovered his existence, and immediately panicked, shouting strangely, throwing stone spears, stones and other objects into the sky, while many centaur cubs screamed and hid. Into the woods...

   "It seems to be a group of old, weak, sick and disabled, not many middle-aged soldiers."

   "And yelling, Ako who doesn't look very smart..."

   "It seems that this centaur race is really not high in intelligence and civilization level... It seems to be born with power, like a pack of wolves..."

   Lin Beichen observed for a while, but didn't dive to make a move.

   He continued to explore deeper into the wilderness.

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