Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 813: White Moon Tribe

Soon, Lin Beichen discovered a terrible thing.

   There are more ‘enemy’ in this wilderness than imagined.

   The centaur tribe that put pressure on the people of the North Sea Empire before is just one of the countless ‘monsters’ wandering in the wilderness.

   and it's a relatively weak one.

   Along the way, Lin Beichen saw all kinds of strange creatures.

There are a tribe of “six-armed monsters” with one head but six arms, creatures resembling a mud horse but with thunder horns, and one-eyed trolls with two heads and big noses. Some have wings. Flies like an ostrich-like ancestor bird race, and even saw a six-legged human head monster like a big crab...

   "The creator of this world, I am afraid that he is drinking too much, right?"

   sloppy creation of real hammer.

   too irresponsible.

   Lin Beichen felt strange as she watched.

   The monsters that I saw along the way, no matter whether they look like humans or beasts, no matter their intelligence is high or low, they can only be described in one word——


   If you have to add one more word, it is—


   is ugly and fierce.

   is particularly brutal.

   These ugly, fierce and savage monsters occupy different areas of the wilderness as territories, like the splendens in the barren Gobi, living casually...

   Lin Beichen has no experience as a scout.

   But he still observes very carefully.

   The monsters have a strong sense of territory.

   is basically that each ethnic group occupies a water source, radiating in all directions, and the size of the territory varies according to the strength of the ethnic power.

   They are attacking each other most of the time, becoming hunters and hunted.

   Probably this wilderness is too barren, water is scarce, and vegetation is lacking, almost all monsters are carnivorous creatures.

   They obtain food by hunting creatures outside of the race.

Lin Beichen has seen dozens of "six-armed demon" who were probably starving, quietly cross-boundary ambushes, killed dozens of ancestor birds with stone spears, and began to pluck their hairs before they died. blood.

   But soon he was chased by a large group of ancestor birds who heard the news, and finally triggered a scene of **** and brutal melee between the two groups...

   Bloody battle and death are the main theme.

   happens in this wilderness all the time.

   A primitive and **** chaotic order shrouded this wilderness.

   "Maybe the environment is too harsh, or the laws of heaven and earth are different, so these creatures have very strong individual combat power, and there are chiefs who are comparable to the third and fourth-level celestial beings in each race..."

   "Even for ordinary individuals, the combat power is generally at the side of the martial arts master, and even the cubs have the destructive power of the Great Martial Master..."


   "These monsters of dog days are a bit too strong."

   Lin Beichen looked more and more frightened.

   Let alone other dangerous creatures, the dozen or so barbaric monster races encountered along the way are not something that the Beihai Empire Examination Team can handle.

   If you really leave the deserted ancient city and encounter more than two such monster races in the wild, under siege, there is a 90% chance that the group will be destroyed.

   Masters including Beihai Renhuang and Zuoxiang, I am afraid they can only run corpses collectively or find a way to buy a living.

   "According to the Emperor of Beihai, there should be an ancient city in the west, and that is the object to be conquered in the mission of the Beihai Assessment Team."

   Lin Beichen continued to fly west.

   Then he discovered another strange phenomenon.

   Every time the color of the sky gradually changes to crimson, an inexplicable wildness starts to boil between the sky and the earth.

   has little effect on outsiders like him.

   It’s hard to notice if you don’t understand it carefully.

But for the monsters living on the ground, it seems to be injected with a violent agent. They will immediately start to become irritable and bloodthirsty, and they will cross the territory to kill other races, and even each other within the race. attack……

"So, after the sky turned crimson, the ruined ancient city was attacked. It was not a weird setting, but because the centaur race at that time was affected by this boiling wild atmosphere and began to bloodthirsty and militant attack the ancient city? "

   "But what is the reason why the sky changes color?"

   Question marks flashed in Lin Beichen's mind.

   He hummed while eating skewers, and continued to fly forward.

   Finally, when he was about five hundred miles away from the deserted ancient city, he was refreshed.

   Because the ground below finally showed signs of high-level intelligent creature activity.

  He saw a flat terrain with more than a dozen ‘farmland’.

   These ‘farms’ are divided and guarded by tall stone walls, which should be to prevent the crops from being destroyed by monsters.

   Some strange crops that seem to be fruit trees are planted in the fields, with durian-like fruits hanging on the branches.

   There are some huge and ancient totem rock statues around the ‘farmland’, scattered in the branches, giving Lin Beichen the feeling, just like the scarecrows erected in the fields by farmers on the earth to scare the birds...

   If there is ‘farmland’, there should be intelligent creatures, right?

   Moving forward, Lin Beichen saw a strange mountain.

   is described as "weird" because the new outfit of this mountain is totally unreasonable.

   It is like a square that was cut off from a complete mountain by a terrifying existence with great power. There are five to six hundred meters high cliffs on the front and back, and only the top of the mountain is relatively relaxed.

   is a black ancient city on the top of a mountain.

   Lin Beichen had a familiar feeling when he saw it.

   Because of the size, layout and style of this black ancient city, it is very similar to the abandoned ancient city occupied by the Beihai Examination Group.

  The difference is that the city walls here are higher.

   Forty meters below the city wall is pale yellow rock, and forty meters above it is black.

   After careful comparison, Lin Beichen came to a conclusion——

   The pale yellow part of the city wall is more ancient and mottled, full of traces of carving over the years. It should be the original height of this ancient city, and the black city wall of more than 60 meters above belongs to the ‘illegal building’ that was later added.

   If the over 60-meter-long covered building were torn down, it would be another ruined ancient city.

   After being stamped, the wall is extremely thick, about 20 meters wide.

   You can race along the city wall.

   Every 100 meters, there is a ten-meter human-shaped sculpture like a tower, which looks a bit like a defensive tower in the Summoner Canyon.

   The figure patrolling back and forth on the wall is...

   "Human race?"

   Lin Beichen's eyes showed a touch of joy.

   Those figures are humanoid creatures.

   To be precise, it is Human Race.

   Their appearance is almost exactly the same as human beings.

   The figure that appeared on the city wall should be a character like a warrior of this race.

They have black hair and yellowish skin. The average height is about two meters. The animal skin armor is simple and simple, even a little rudimentary, covering the waist and hips, heart and other key vital parts. The limbs are naked, and the exposed muscles are like Huangyan. Sculpting is generally full of explosive power...

  They use some kind of black metal weapons, the style of the weapons is rough and simple, and they even lead domesticated ancestral bird pets...

   The rich and primitive style of the different world rushes to the face.

   Lin Beichen became excited.

   finally saw the existence of intelligent people besides ugly monsters in this world.

   Is this the force that the Beihai Examination Group needs to conquer?

   But if there is a certain degree of civilization, does it mean that you can communicate on a certain level?

   Such as the way of exuding charm and conquering them.

   In this way, war can be avoided and the so-called ‘unification’ required by the assessment task can be completed.

   Young Master Lin is a firm pacifist lover after all.

   He has always adhered to the principle of ‘if people do not offend me, I do not, if anyone offends me, I will kill him.’ As long as he doesn’t forcefully pretend to be in front of him, he rarely takes the initiative to attack.

   If the wise people in the black city in front of you can communicate, why bother to fight?

  Isn’t it good to induct with love?

   Observe first.

  Look at the strength of this "force"?

   Lin Beichen approached cautiously, but did not show up immediately.

   looked down from the sky.

Inside this black stone city, most of the area is actually'farmland', accounting for more than 90% of the city's area. The'crops' in it are the same as those in the'farmland' on the small plain outside the city, but I don't know why , Most of them are in a withered state...

  The simple stone houses and stone courtyards made of black rocks are scattered around these withered barren fields. There are few two-story buildings in sight, and high-rise buildings are completely invisible.

   What surprised Lin Beichen was that the number of "population" in the city was far less than the number he had estimated at the beginning.

   "Probably only five or six hundred people?"

   This amount is too small, too small.

   Compared with the previous centaurs, they are far from each other.

   He hides in the dark and continues to observe.

   "Individual combat power is not as good as the monsters in the wilderness..."

   "A general warrior is about the strength of a great martial artist..."

   "They seem to also practice, some of the captain-level fighters are comparable to martial arts masters..."

   "A few are comparable to heavenly people."

   "Maybe there are strong ones hidden in it, but the number should be very small, because within this distance, I don't feel any danger..."

   "It may be concluded that if there is no such strange mountain and the ancient city PLUS, then this suspected human tribe will probably disappear from this small world..."

"and many more?"

   "There are celestial beings in the monster tribe whose strength is close to that of the fifth and sixth-level celestial beings. According to the truth, the high wall can't stop it. Is there any secret weapon in this human tribe?"

   Lin Beichen thinks about it, the more it feels difficult.

   There are many small question marks in his mind.

After    thought about it, Lin Beichen did not choose to directly mix into the city to inquire in detail, but went to bypass the weird mountains and the black ancient city to further explore the smaller world.

   But the next moment he walked around, he was completely stunned.

   Behind the mountain turned out to be a beach.

   The waves rolled.

The light golden beach was covered with colorful shells, shimmering with radiant brilliance, and full of dreamy colors, which made Lin Beichen suddenly feel like a play, as if he had broken into a wild land to the sweetness of life. Among the scenes of anime.

   What makes Lin Beichen feel even more incredible is that about three hundred meters away from the beach, he has come to the end of this small world and everything has disappeared.

   There is no sea, no waves, no ground...

   is a black starry sky!

   The weird thing is that the sea water did not flow into the starry sky, but constantly surging, setting off waves, as if this sea water was connected to another sea area far away.

   Such a strange and magnificent picture made Lin Beichen instantly sluggish.

This unscientific.

   is not metaphysics.

   Even in the world of martial arts, there shouldn’t be such a scene.

   Is it a magic array?

Do not.


   Lin Beichen clearly felt that this was the real picture.

  The boundaries of the small world spread here, and suddenly disappeared.

   Or it was broken.

   has reached the end of this world.

   Lin Beichen tried to cross the sea and approach the dark and lonely starry sky, but failed.

   A kind of invisible power that is so powerful that it has blocked him at the most marginal position, making it difficult to leave this continent.

   After several attempts, he gave up.

   Returning to the sky above the black ancient city, Lin Beichen hides in the high-altitude clouds, looking down below, raising his **** and rubbing his eyebrows.

"It is reasonable to say that the situation in the western region has been cleared out by investigation, but what is the situation of the human race in this ancient city, what is its combat power, and what attitude towards outsiders, if you can figure it out together, maybe later The pressure on the Beihai Assessment Team can be lower."

   "It's better to think of a way, get into the city and see the situation."

   "If you have the opportunity, you can directly radiate charm and fascinate this human tribe directly. It's OK to avoid the battle between swords and soldiers."

   Lin Beichen clarified his thoughts.

At this time, he suddenly saw that a city gate in the east of the ancient black city opened quickly. More than 60 residents of the ancient city drove the simple cart pulled by the ancestor bird and rushed out from the inside, towards the bottom of the mountain. 'Farmland' is close to...

   These more than sixty figures include warriors in simple armor, as well as some elderly women and children.

   They went to pick crops.

   "There is a way."

   Lin Beichen's heart moved, and suddenly he had an idea.



   "Hurry up, hurry up."

   "The movements are a bit quicker."

"Before the next **** arrival, there is only time for three sticks of incense. Pick as many as you can [cui fruit]. Remember, only pick the ripe ones. Be careful when loading them. Don’t move the ones that are not ripe. Once the time is up, immediately Withdraw."

"It's not good, Uncle Shanyue, the east wall of Stone Garden No. 1 collapsed for a while, and 16 fruit trees were gnawed off and the bark could not survive... It must be the [bristle boars] who killed a thousand swords again. ."

   "Uncle Shan Yue, the underdrain of Stone Garden No. 3 is blocked by mud and needs to be repaired..."

   noisy but full of vitality voice kept coming.

   Bai Shanyue responded one by one.

   Baishan Yue, 68 years old this year, is the elder of the Baiyue tribe.

   is also the captain of this grain collection team.

He has no left leg, his right arm is empty from the elbow, and his swarthy face is made of black iron. A shocking old scar takes away his right eye, almost splitting his head in half, which is unimaginable. How did he survive this severe injury.

   Baishan Mountain is of course not born like this.

When he was young, he was handsome and strong. He was one of the most famous warriors in the tribe. A pair of iron axes did not know how many monsters in the wilderness had been killed. He was highly respected and supported. He was the idol of many girls in the tribe, and even the tribe at that time. One of the candidates for the chief.

But twenty years ago, in order to protect the food harvesting team of the tribe, Baishanyue was cut off by the troll king's left leg and right hand during the battle with the one-eyed troll clan. After one eye was abolished, Baishanyue fought at that time. ability.

   He lay in the black house of the tribal witch doctor for ten days and ten nights. After he absorbed the thick potion and herb sauce on his body, he survived unbelievably.

   But since then, he can only withdraw from the soldier's sequence and become one of the elders responsible for planting, harvesting food and training soldiers.

   And the pair of iron axes that were once in love with a powerful force have long been re-forged and turned into weapons in the hands of younger generations...

   But there is nothing regrettable about Baishan Mountain.

   Being able to live to be sixty-eight years old in this cruel world is already an extra gift from the Lord of the Great Ruins.

  Many guys his age have died in the wilderness 30 or 40 years ago.

   Baishan Mountain cherishes every day of life.

  He worked hard to live, burn himself hard, make the greatest contribution to the Baiyue tribe, and help the younger generations to continue the blood and incense of the tribe!

   There are playful footsteps.

   "Grandpa Grandpa, time is still enough, we want to go outside the wall to pick some [Star Mark Grass]. The blind woman said yesterday that the herbs in her jar are almost running out..."

   The little granddaughter Bai Xiaoxiao ran over in a crisp and authentic manner.

   A fourteen-year-old girl, with a firm and smooth wheat complexion, and a pretty goose-egg face.

   She inherited the appearance characteristics of Baishanyue when she was young, with clear and clear peach eyes, a well-defined high nose, rosy lips, and tall stature. Now she is one of the best little beauty in the Baiyue tribe.

   Bai Shanyue loves this little granddaughter to the extreme.

A trace of hesitation flashed in his one eye, after thinking about it, he jumped onto the 10-meter-high stone wall with one leg and looked around in the distant wilderness. No trace of the monster approaching, he nodded. Said: "Go, go and go back quickly, don't run too far...Be careful."

   During this period of time, many farmland in the city had problems, and dealers and herbs could not be planted. This not only made the tribe food strained, but also the witch doctors became anxious.

  Many tribal warriors had to venture out to pick wild herbs to cure diseases.

  [Star Mark Grass] is one of the main materials used by witch doctors to make hemostatic powder. It is in great demand. Fortunately, there are around the stone garden. Let the little guys take the opportunity to collect some.

   "Hee hee, you know, grandpa, don't worry..."

   With the approval of the leader of the leader, Bai Xiaoxiao, happily rushed to the field with the little sisters to look for [Star-Scarred Grass].

   The cheerful figure, like a group of little larks rushing out of the cage, chirping and jumping happily, sprinkling laughter on the barren wilderness...

   "Little sister, one month later, there will be a triennial selection ceremony for holy land disciples. Are you going to participate this time?"

   "Of course I want to go, hehe, as long as you pass the assessment and enter the holy land of our ruins, you will have a chance to see Sister Yun Yun."

   "Ah, speaking of it, I really miss Miss Wei Yun. She hasn't returned for more than a year since she left last time!"

   "I heard Grandpa and the others say that A sister Ming Yun performed very well in the Holy Land. She is already the saint princess of our market, and I don't know when she will come back to see..."

   "I had a dream last night, and I dreamed of Sister Wei Yun."

   "When will she be back? I heard that Ling A-niang missed Aunt Wei Yun, so she cried and went blind..."

   "Nonsense, Ling A-niang's eyes were blinded by herbal steam. A sister Ming Yun has cultivated so well in the holy land. Why does Ling A-niang cry?

   "Wow, there are so many star-scarred grasses here... come here."

   "Look, what did I find? Agave flowers? A whole agave flower..."

   With additional discoveries, the girls cheered.

   Before they knew it, they walked out of a safe distance.

   "Little, I went too far, come back soon."

   On the stone wall in the distance, the shout of Baishan Mountain came.

   "It's okay, Grandpa, there are a lot of agave flowers here, we..." Bai Xiaoxiao stood up, wiped the sweat from his forehead, with a deceptive smile on his face.

   But it was only halfway through her words, her face was slightly startled.

   Because there was a slight vibration on the ground.

   Bai Xiaoxiao hasn't reacted yet. On the stone wall in the distance, the stern and sharp voice of Bai Shanyue has sounded: "Quick, come back...Run, run..."

   White's little heart contracted suddenly.

   She realized something, turned her head slowly, and looked in the direction of the vibration.

   In the distant wilderness, hundreds of gray-brown [Wire-haired Giant Rats], like a rolling rock, were rushing madly in the direction where they and others were.

  【Wire-haired giant rat】is one of the most common and dangerous monsters around the tribe.

Adult [Hybrid Giant Rats], even when running on all fours, are one meter, five or six meters tall, and their backs are covered with toxin-bearing bone spurs. Their teeth and claws can instantly crush rocks, even the most in the tribe. Brave warriors are unwilling to face a group of [Wire-haired Giant Rats] who are charging wildly...


   Bai Xiaoxiao reminded her companion loudly.

But soon she saw desperately that her best friend, Xiaocao, didn't know when she ran farther away, less than five hundred meters away from the group of [Hirrus Giant Rats] sprinting wildly in the distance. ...

   "Little grass..."

   Little Bai's mind was blank, and he didn't know where the courage came from. He threw away the herbs he had collected and rushed towards his friend frantically.

   She wants to pull her back.


   Seeing this scene, Bai Shanyue's heart sank into the abyss.

   Rich combat experience told him that neither his granddaughter nor the baby girl named Xiaocao could be saved.

   My own food harvesting team of sixty people did not have the power to confront such a large group of [Wire-haired Giant Rats], and it was too late to ask for help in the city.

   But the family love that blood is thicker than water still made him make the final struggle.

   "Everyone goes back to the stone garden..."

   While he ordered the others to retreat to the stone garden, he jumped down from the high wall, bursting out all the power in the mutilated body, and rushed towards the granddaughter who was about to fall into the rat group.


For brothers and sisters▄█?█●.

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