Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 815: Solutions to language barriers

I'm such a genius.

   Lin Beichen saw the faces of the people of the Baiyue tribe, their expressions became more and more relaxed, and a hint of gratitude was also revealed, and he subconsciously thought that his sign language communication had worked.

  Hahaha, what about language barriers?

  I, Lin Meinan, still use my ingenuity to communicate perfectly with these tribesmen?

   Sign language genius and wise elders, the exchange was very pleasant.

  Finally, after discussing with other tribal partners, Bai Shanyue decided to temporarily take in this slave who had fled from the outside world.

   After all, people have a life-saving grace for Bai Xiaoxiao.

   Baiyue tribe has a clear grievance and grievances, and has never done bad deeds that are kind and not reported.

   But before setting off, after obtaining the permission of Lin Beichen, the soldiers of the Baiyue tribe collected the dead [Hard-haired Giant Rat] corpses and mounted them on the cart.

   Although [Hard-haired Giant Mouse] has sour meat, it is meat at any rate, and its fur and bones are useful, and it can be regarded as a treasure. Today, when supplies are in short supply, it is natural to not let it go.

   "It's really weird. [Hard-haired giant mouse] usually doesn't run wild during the day, but only comes to this area at night. Why did an accident happen today?"

   On the way back to the city, the wise elder Bai Shanyue thought silently in his heart.

  The group soon returned under the city wall.

   After the wise elder Bai Shanyue entered the city and reported the situation, Lin Beichen was allowed to enter the Black Dacheng.

   Along the way, the tribal warriors didn't know what they were talking about, and other people in the tribe came round and looked at Lin Beichen curiously.

  From the sincere smiles and expressions of these people, Lin Beichen can probably tell that these people are not malicious to him, but are very friendly.

  , the folk customs are simple.

   It's really hard to come out of the poor... Uh, good people.

   Lin Beichen couldn't help but sigh.

   After a cup of tea time, he was placed in a deserted yard in the city and rested temporarily.

   didn't mean to neglect Lin Beichen.

   are the houses in the Baiyue tribe’s city. Most of them are quite panic-stricken. They are all like this-mainly because of the bad environment and lack of water sources, leading to serious desertification.

After the wise elder Baishanyue settled in Lin Beichen, he immediately went to the tribal center to find the patriarch and reported what he had seen today.

   If outsiders want to stay in the tribe for a long time, they still need the approval of the patriarch and elders.

  The strength that Lin Beichen showed was very powerful. If he could stay in the tribe, it would definitely be a great help. This was also one of the important reasons for Baishan Yue to take in Lin Beichen.

   In the small yard, there is dust.

   Lin Beichen calmly looked at the surrounding environment,

   To tell the truth, a small city of six to seven hundred people is really no lively and prosperous at all, with low houses and loess streets. Even the original Yunmeng City is hundreds of times more prosperous than this black ancient city.

   But between the sounds of animals and dogs, there is an alternative comfort.

   Lin Beichen was in a trance, there was a feeling of returning to the grandmother's house in the countryside on the earth, a touch of familiarity, his mood suddenly softened.

   He couldn't help thinking of his relatives.

   I don’t know my parents, grandparents, grandparents, and grandparents, how are they now?

   Especially grandma.

   Among several grandchildren, the most pained by grandma since childhood is Lin Beichen. In the past few years, because of her family inherited cardiopulmonary disease, her health has not been very good. Knowing the news of her disappearance, will her condition worsen?

   Lin Beichen stood at the entrance of the small courtyard, looking at the distant fields, feeling melancholy, the thought of returning home that had already faded away, once again flooded like a tide, completely submerging him.

at this time--

   "Chi, don't be afraid without gamma..."

   Bai Xiaoxiao, a girl in a leather vest and small leather skirt, came from a distance.

   She carried a small bamboo basket with four crisp fruits picked in the farmland outside the city, and came to Lin Beichen, saying something in the tribal language he didn't understand.

   The girl's pretty and delicate face, with a sweet smile, has a wild beauty.

   What are you talking about?

   Lin Beichen was confused in his head.

   should be thanking me for saving her.

   I just don't know if she knew that she was the culprit who brought the group of [Hard-haired Giant Rats], I wonder if she would laugh so sweet and friendly.

   "Ababa, Kara..."

   A few emerald green crispy fruits in the fruit column were placed on the stone table, and one of them was taken out, wiped carefully with leaves, and held in front of Lin Beichen.


   Although I don’t understand, I think this black-skinned beauty is asking me to eat.

   Lin Beichen is a linguistic genius after all, and he understood it all at once.

   "Thank you."

   He said, revealing the iconic smile of a beautiful man, then took the green crispy fruit, hesitated for a moment, opened his mouth with a click, and bit down.

   An astringent bitter and spicy taste, straight to the nostrils.

   seems to be eating mustard.


   Lin Beichen opened his mouth and sprayed out the pulp.

   "Is this **** food for humans? It's terrible!"

   When did the top young master Lin suffer such grievances?

Even if he was squeezed dry by the death phone time and time again, he has never wronged his appetite since he came to the other world. He originally thought that this kind of crunchy-looking fruit would be delicious, but he didn't expect the taste to be simply amazing. Doubt about life.

   "Aba, Bobby Bibi...Guru?"

   Bai Xiaoxiao said something apologetically.

   Lin Beichen returned the crisp fruit that had a tooth mark back, shook his head, and said: "Take it back, I'm not used to it..."

   The black-skinned beautiful girl didn't understand Lin Beichen's words, but still took the crispy fruit, reluctant to throw it away, but carefully put it away again, put it back in the basket, and prepared to take it back for storage.

   Now the fields in the city are barren and there is a shortage of food.

   Crispy fruit is already the main food source of the tribe, even one cannot be wasted.

   Lin Beichen tried to communicate with Bai Xiaoxiao again.

   But this time, his gestures were completely incomprehensible to the beautiful black girl.

   The two people talked a lot, they were all talking with the duck, and they didn't understand what each other meant.

   "The language problem still needs to be solved."

   Lin Beichen raised his middle finger, rubbed his eyebrows, and began to consider a solution.

If you can download APPs such as [Youdao Translator], [Baidu Translator], [Sogou Translator] or [Oulu Dictionary], you should be able to communicate with the people of this primitive tribe after the magic change of the death phone Right.

   It's a pity that in the [App Store] of the Grim Reaper phone, the APP software will only appear after the upgrade reward, rather than search for optional.

   Is there any other way?

   Lin Beichen thought hard.

   Suddenly a flash of light flashed across his mind.


   He suddenly had a solution.

   "Little black...girl, can you take me to see your tribe's collection of books? Any book or the like will do, as long as it is something with text..."

   Lin Beichen gestured with his hands.

   "Awai? Wala Gada?"

   Bai Xiaoxiao's face was confused, her pretty little face was filled with confusion, and probably there were countless small question marks in her mind.

   Lin Beichen took the trouble to explain, and even simply painted it on the ground with branches.

   Gradually, Bai Xiaoxiao seemed to understand something.


   She said something, turned and left the small courtyard.

   After a while, this beautiful black girl actually came with a book.


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