Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 815: Acting like the wind, always with me

I really am a sign language genius.

   Lin Beichen was overjoyed, taking the black beautiful girl's smoothly finding books as his own credit.

   The next thing to do is simple.

   He tried to scan this very crude-looking book with only a dozen pages with the Grim Reaper, to see if he could generate a book-like APP like he cheated on an exam in the Third Junior College.

   This is the most basic function of the Grim Reaper.

   As long as you can generate an APP, once the APP is running, you can master the words in it as if you were practicing qigong.

   is almost like a translator in disguise.

   "Hey, it's done."

   Facts have proved that Young Master Lin's brain is still very bright.

   In the [App Store] of Grim Reaper, a new APP is really generated.

   The name of this APP is [Cropping and Cultivation of Crisp Fruit].

   That's right.

   Xiao Hei Pi brought this rough and simple book, which is actually a rough guide for the Baiyue tribe to grow crispy fruits. It is very simple, but its content also contains most of the text of the Baiyue tribe.

   Using the [Crimson Fruit Cultivation and Cultivation] APP, he can at least understand the characters of the Baiyue tribe. Even if he can't pronounce it, he can understand and write.

   The most basic communication can be carried out.

   Bai Xiaoxiao looked at Lin Beichen curiously.

   She is really interested in Lin Beichen.

   Not only because Lin Beichen saved her life, but also because Lin Beichen's identity is very mysterious, the most important reason is... he is handsome.

I was used to seeing those rough and heroic men in my tribe. It was the first time I saw Lin Beichen with face, sword, eyebrows and starry eyes, a beautiful young man with inner beauty, handsome facial features, and vigorous vitality. There was a trace of Bai Xiaofang’s heart. Ripples of silk.

   She stared at Lin Beichen and said a few words in a row.

   Lin Beichen smiled and waved his hand, picked up a dead branch, and wrote a line on the ground——

   "My name is Lin Beichen, what is your name?"

   Bai Xiaoxiao looked at it and was stunned on the spot.

   So he knows the words of the Baiyue tribe.

  Why did you seem to be completely unable to communicate before that?

   "No doubt, I just learned your tribal script... I am not only a beautiful man, but also a language genius."

   Lin Beichen seemed to see through Bai Xiao's doubts, and wrote a line on the ground.

   Language genius?

  Bai Xiaoxiao's beautiful goose egg face showed a trace of suspicion.

   Even if you are a genius, it is impossible for such a short period of time, from a state of complete ignorance, just relying on a reference book to learn by yourself?

   Bai Xiaoxiao kept asking questions.

   Lin Beichen waved his hand and said: "I can't pronounce it, I can only recognize words."

   With such an explanation, Bai Xiaoxiao believed a little instead.

   She also picked up a branch and wrote on the ground: "My name is Bai Xiaoxiao... Why does Grandpa say your last name is Zhu?"

  Surname Zhu?

   Lin Beichen stayed for a while.

   What the hell?

   Why don’t I know my last name is Zhu?

   Is it...

   It was a pleasure to communicate with the old man.

   Lin Beichen began to doubt life. How did the old one-legged, one-eyed, one-armed old guy translate the sign language? What did you say to others?

   He was about to write on the ground and continued to ask, when an unexpected change appeared.

   I could only hear the sound of panic in a farmland a hundred meters away, and there was a faint cry of sorrow.

   Twenty or thirty tribal people have been alarmed and have gathered around.

   When Bai Xiaoxiao saw this scene, he seemed to realize something.

   A dark and pretty girl's cute little face flashed with a thick color of worry, no longer able to communicate with Lin Beichen, abandoning the branches, turning around in a panic and running towards the farmland.

   Lin Beichen was curious, and followed behind.

   When I got closer, I saw a few middle-aged women in shabby linen holding the dried fruit trees and crying sadly under the emerald fruit trees in the farmland.

   and the other tribesmen next to them also looked sad.

   The fruit tree withered, this is a big deal.

  Some people comforted these middle-aged women, and some people watched the dried fruit trees carefully, trying to find out the reason for the dried fruit trees...

  Most of the farmlands in the city have very special soils, and most crops cannot be grown. Only this emerald fruit tree can grow.

   The seeds of this fruit tree were the genius of the tribe back then, and now the saint of the market world, Bai Rongyun, found it for the Baiyue tribe from a very dangerous place.

   Over the years, the Baiyue tribe has relied on this kind of fruit that is not demanding for the fertility of the land.

Although    Cuiguo tastes bad, it can be grown and the yield is not low, but it is easy to preserve. It has always been the main food source for the Baiyue tribe to survive in such a difficult environment.

   But I don’t know why. Over the past six months, the emerald fruit trees in the city have begun to wither in patches. The patriarchs, elders, and witch doctors have tried all kinds of ways to reverse this terrible trend.

   In order to survive, the Baiyue tribe had to take risks and plant the emerald fruit tree under the mountain outside the city.

Although the plants survived, and high walls and stone statues were set up to protect the farmland, they were often destroyed by monsters in the wilderness. Several times when the fruit trees were mature, they were not able to pick them in the future. They were destroyed by monsters overnight. His hard work is in vain.

   In addition, in the process of planting, cultivating, and harvesting, the danger of being hunted and hunted by monsters will also occur, resulting in a huge loss of the population of the Baiyue tribe.

  As a last resort, the tribe still focused its efforts on planting emerald fruit trees in the city, and selected more than two hundred experienced tribesmen to take care of the emerald fruit trees day and night, hoping to extend the life of the fruit trees...

   But I didn't expect that no matter what method was used, large areas of the emerald fruit trees were still withering and withering.

   This afternoon, the emerald fruit trees in this farmland still looked vigorous, but in a blink of an eye, more than 30 fruit trees withered at a speed visible to the naked eye...

   The tribal women taking care of this farmland, anxiously, burst into tears...

   The faces of all the tribesmen were confused and sad.

   Could it be that the great **** of the ruins world wants to abandon the Baiyue tribe?

   Why does the green fruit tree die in pieces?

   "Aniang Mu, Aniang Qing, don't cry, you can't blame you, they are sick, there is no way..."

   Bai Xiaoxiao has a dim expression, and her mouth is tightly pressed.

   She could only comfort the crying women in vain while carefully observing the dead fruit trees.

   But nothing was found.

   Because these emerald fruit trees are the same as the previous signs, they look normal, no insects, no broken branches, intact rhizomes, no damage from external forces, but they suddenly wither quickly without warning...

   The whole process is visible to the naked eye.

   is like being sucked out of all vitality in the dark by something terrible.

How to do?

  If this continues, once the emerald fruit trees in the city die out, the Baiyue tribe will really be unable to survive and face the crisis of extinction.

   The tribesmen around have sad and hopeless expressions.

   Lin Beichen probably saw some clues at this time.

   He walked under the emerald fruit tree and gently pressed his palm on the withered bark.

   In the next moment, a strange color appeared on his face.


   The fruit tree is actually not dead.

   There is still life.

   He used the wood element innate profound energy to investigate a little, and he could feel that there was a faint wood element life force jumping and flashing deep in the roots of the fruit tree.

what happened?

   Lin Beichen frowned, while continuing to investigate other withered emerald fruit trees with the innate profound energy of the wood element, while secretly pondering the reason for this situation.

   After a while, he understood.

   The opportunity to break into the tribe has come.

   A light cough, after attracting everyone's attention, Lin Beichen came to Bai Xiaoxiao calmly and wrote a line on the ground with a branch.

   Dress like the wind, always with me.


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