Here is Blue Justice!

Shoes. Look, you don't get it.

Kurobu Murakami was hungry. He was going to the Aoi family, as usual, to have lunch divided,

"... well. He's not here, is he?"

I recall the disappearance of my landlord Aoi. The Black Warrior was helped by him. Previously, a black martial artist had his sister's remains taken hostage by a religious group called Atahism, but Aoi, who came to help Ren, smashed everything. Black warrior saved in the form of that one, but borrowed, he thinks so in discipline. However, he is in a vicious circle where he makes small debts by eating against Aoi, returning them each time, and having them treat him again.

- I'm hungry. Oh, it's because Aoi's cohabitant makes the mesh delicious.

Especially since he didn't care about those things and lived relaxed in this city. If you're in trouble with the money, you can exorcise the villains. If you're hungry, you can go to Aoi's. And

"Mm-hmm. Are you the remnant of Atheism?

Very rarely did they return an ancient nest assassin.

"Masaru Kurobu, right?

I hear things are different today. Black warriors check the surrounding conditions. There is no sound from the nearby construction site. No sign of people.

"That's right. Me. Are you an Atheist assassin?

It was the first face I saw. A man in a feathered lizard-like suit speaks in a lofty tone. If you don't like it, the Black Warrior burned his enemies.

"You're related to Justice Aoi, aren't you?

"... I see you're talking about him"

The Black Warrior lowered the rucksack he was carrying and jumped. Jumping over the temporary enclosure covering the perimeter of the construction site admits those who are falling on the site. They still have breath, but they were hurting me pretty bad.

"Better, good performance. You don't seem to be wearing a suit, but what are you wearing?

"Shoes. Look, don't you see?"

Following the Black Warrior, a man in a dragon suit lands.

"You wouldn't get in the way here, would you? Come on, let's get you dead. I don't care, resist whatever you want."

"Who are you? What happened to Aoi?

"Mm, you don't know. Fine. I'll teach you a souvenir from the underworld. Justice Aoi is dead. You betrayed the organization and paid for your sins against Master Pegasus Blade."

"... dead?

Probably what the man is saying is a lie. The Black Warrior knows Aoi's shavings. Just like myself, I've been diving through the training grounds without a suit on. More than that, the man said something that bothered him.

"No, that's good. What do you mean Aoi betrayed the organization? He's supposed to be a hero. There's no way I'm gonna be stuck with a Phantom like you guys."

"What are you talking about? Justice Aoi is a combatant in my organization. No, you should say it was. He's an ancient ginseng. I've been running around as a lowlife for years."


I don't know why Aoi works for the Hero Dispatch anymore. He used to say he was infiltrating the inside of the organization, but that would make Tsuji unsuitable. Were you working as a fighter before a hero?... No, Tsujitsu fits. The Black Warrior laughed with self-derision.

I see. So I was being deceived.

"Well, I guess so."

"Oh, now I owe you a new one. I need to see him again."

"What are you saying? Well, fine. My name is Rastavan. Don't forget to go into the afterlife."

The Black Warrior kicked the ground. Sparks are emitted from behind the shoes. Having gained enormous accelerating energy, he is also traveling at an unstoppable rate in the eyes of a man named Rastavan. Black clothes flip and breeze. A black warrior's kick, transformed into a pitch-black disease, stripped the dragon's scales and snapped its wings.

"Become...? See, you didn't see it!?

"I'm relieved."


Rastavan's body floats in the universe. The Black Warrior jumped out of the kicked up position and saw his heel fall on his back in the hollow. A bouncing dragon on the ground opened his mouth. Not to breathe fire. He gasped to escape the pain.

"Aoi is still alive. He can't be killed by an organization like you."

"This, kid, I'm the one... because I just became the Four Heavens King. No."

"Because of that. Let me talk to you a little more."

The Black Warrior crouches on the spot and punches Rastavan in the face. He called, and when he spoke of anything, he shouted many times.

In the parking lot in front of the supermarket, one man was flying around. It is Anka, the Four Heavens King in a Phoenix-shaped suit, who repeatedly swirls and avoids shelling from the earth.

"The housewife was horrible yesterday. Scarer than a ghost."

Anka looked down on the ground. There, the fleeing public and the burning cars. And there was one housewife.

Her name is Hundred Ghost Peony. She was once a woman who was made a magic girl of her daughter by her husband, Hundred Ghosts Kusuke, and killed her. Peony met Aoi wearing a "magic wand" shakuyak equipped with artificial intelligence, which at first glance appeared to be just an onion, and an apron that performed alongside a suit, in order to take her daughter's revenge. By his hand, Hundred Ghosts Kusuke was caught by the police and the magic girl he applied his hand to went back to being just a girl.

"Confirm Attack from Hostile Presence"

Peony dodges the flames on which he descends and lurks himself in the shadow of the car.... Anka, who suddenly appeared, forced her to engage. There is no mistake with Aoi's officials, but there is no reason to be attacked. I just wasn't even a woman who was easy enough to get killed in silence.

"Nevertheless, I can't believe Aoi-kun is dead..."

Peony was not upset when he was told of Aoi's death. Occupational patterns that call heroes, it's not uncommon to lose your life. In fact, her daughter was killed by a Phantom. Aoi's death is sad, but sufficiently genuine.

"Ha ha, what's up, it's over!

Ignoring Anka's provocation, Peony double-checked the situation. It's hard to get away from here. The opponent flies and is more maneuverable than himself. Escaping inside the supermarket would make every building burn by the ability of the Phoenix suit. Then we have to fight. We just have to drag the array down and tail it.

"The situation suggests the use of g, Fortissimomine"

"Rejected. That's a long name for a move."

Even if they set off artillery fire as anti-aircraft, they will be scolded before they arrive. There is no scaffold to reach the sky to pack the distance. Even waiting to get closer, it gets seared with a long-range flamethrower.

"Well, I can't help it."

Standing up slowly, Peony looked out for Anka, who was in the hollow. He immediately descends and emits flames from outside her range. Peony rolled down the ground and raised Shakyak.

What's the situation?

"I'll use the Phoenix Arrow."

"… Copy that. Situation, right. Voice recognition forty-eight percent. Phoenix Arrow, Activated '

Anka admitted to shining onions, shakuyaku. Since the beginning, Peony has unleashed several attacks. All of them were flying tools. It is a mechanism through which holes are drilled from the tip of the cane and small bombs, needles, flash shells and arrows are fired.

"That's a one-pattern."

Anka, who fights only with flamethrowers, can't say anything about others either, but he himself was silent on those opinions.... If it's a high-output flame, I can burn it down if it's approximate. Also, you don't hit the flying gear in the first place. Unlike coarse suits, Phoenix-shaped flight units are high performance. You can travel freely and at high speeds.

"Huh, I can't possibly lose.... What?

Peony was throwing a shining shakuyak. Outside, she seems to have good shoulders, and Shakyak moves through the universe at quite a speed. Anka chose not to avoid it, but to burn it down. Set up the flamethrower and press the switch. The suit was heat resistant but hot on boulders. I just want to cool off in a cooled room when I get home. Thinking of it as such, a black shadow emerged from the flames. It is Shakyak. He opened his eyes. What kind of material can withstand this flame?

"Damn, but..."

If you avoid it, it is the end. When Anka turns herself around, Shakyak goes over his head.

"Kay! It's over!

"Phoenix Arrow, Activated"

Turning to the artificial voice heard from overhead, Anka glanced again. A new spring onion emerged from the shakuyak's open hole. It is a small shakyak. Similar to the original, the moment the tip opened sharply, massive iron balls poured down. It's like a small Claymore mine. Not a single clump, so to speak of a servant Phoenix.

"Gwwwwwwww!? Yes, I am!?

Anka eats a shock to the face and back because she was turning around. Not only was the flight unit worn on the back destroyed. He falls screaming. Wow, I thought it was a direct hit to the ground, but I was passive and minimized damage. Nevertheless, it's not even fast enough to move. Anka roared, looking for Peony.

"Shit, where the hell is that Baba?"

"Thank you very much for your high theory earlier."


I'm stomped on my back, and I get Anka around my neck. He slipped away from the peony looking down with cold eyes and bit his lips with regret.

"Aoi-kun said he was dead, but you, you're lying. I don't know if I can believe it anymore."


"'Cause Phoenix comes back to life, right? But you're afraid to die. Hey, can I give it a try?

Guru, the power is caged. I was about to get my spine broken, and Anka roughed up her voice asking me to stop.

"It's a lie. It's a lie! I said Phoenix, but I don't do recovery or anything like that! I'm just incompetent to fly and fire! Me too!

"Oh, yeah. Then treat the bad boy."

"Hih, hih, hih, whoa, whoa!?

Foot down from Anka, who stopped moving, Peony looked around the parking lot.

"That's a terrible thing. Now, what do we do?"

I could go home and prepare dinner, but I was concerned about Aoi's safety. The man ahead is a lying puke, but I'm pretty sure he hasn't seen Aoi lately. As we ascertain the facts, it wouldn't be a bad idea to have tea with President Swan. That's what I thought. Peony's feet were headed for Colors.

'Peony. Demands recovery. Peony. I demand recovery'

With Shakyak's voice on his back, Peony sighed.

Batten Caitos, the Four Heavens King in a whale-shaped suit that was headed for Sentinel Security coverage, crossed the road and encountered a certain group. Those in uniform-style suits. They were jogging around the city singing a rare song, sometimes whipped by a woman who looked like a boss.

"... is that it"

Batten Kaitos confirmed the appearance of his target, Airi Ashikaku. She was reprimanding her lagging men from the group with her ears, kicking them in the ass and slapping them with a whip. I thought they were very conspicuous, but in a Phantom suit, the giant body also caught the attention of the crowd. While thinking about how to set it up, I notice it approaching from the target.

"Hmm? Well, fine. Hey, you, Ash Sky Airi."

"Shut up, smile fat. The first thing I hate in this world is meat mastery like you."

"Hey... oh, yeah"

Best of the openings, the rambled Batten Caitos soared high and rushed into the ash sky.

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