Ashes Sky Airi struck his tongue. Another one of my men was blown away by a giant bump.

"Well, I don't know what's going on. I'm being annoyed because of a man called Justice Aoi. Don't be ridiculous. It's a military law conference, this is"

"Whew! Shut up, woman, it's on to find out you're Aoi's associate. Die regretting getting to know him!

Justice Aoi. Ash Sky knew its name. I looked into it. He is a man who has made himself false not once but twice. I'm pretty sure I did an investigation to gain an advantage over my weakness. But I don't remember having a friendly relationship. If we are hunting suits, Aoi is the man on the side who is hunted for suits. Enemies. Undisputed enemies. Then why are you seeing this because of such a man?

"The pig."

The ordinary people who have been there until now are running away with a high scream. Neither the ash sky nor Baten Caitos showed any hesitation in turning the whole city into a battlefield.

The big man, who named himself Batten Caitos, prefers the method of warfare that made him say things to his privileged physique. Go ahead and shove it away. That's all. No skill. It's a big mess. I just can't prevent it. If I get hit, I get hurt all over my body and have wings to mouth with the ground. In fact, more than half of my men had been defeated. It is inherently an occasion for tactical retreat.

But there were no two letters of retreat in the ash sky now. Batten Kaitos is grasping information about hate Justice Aoi.... make me throw up. She was so determined.

"It's like standing up, you!

The ash sky wields the whip of the object. Baten Kaitos behaves dull and doesn't dodge attacks. Precisely, I didn't have to. His suit is more robust and sturdy than his own. The raw half attack did not pass. If so, she pulls out a savel tucked in her hips. It's not a mock. It's a bespoke one made for a suit.

"How about this?"

"It doesn't work!

The sabel is played. The ash sky takes a distance with its face in the face. Batten Caitos laughed loudly. I was sure of my victory.

"... I have something I can't stand. I have no choice but to fight a sloppy fat man like you and his incompetence."

Ash Sky gathered his men and gave them instructions. They immediately move on to action and distance themselves from Baten Kaitos.

"You can't let them get away with it, but they're the little ones. Wow!

Airi's men in the ashes sky keep the distance. Batten Caitos continued to follow them by getting tired of the performance of the suit. Occasionally, you take a counterattack with a whip or a sabel, but without any damage. He is no longer a piece of armor. Sentinel security does not cover weapons that penetrate the defenses of whale-shaped suits.

"Hahahahahahahaha, run, run! Get him, he's gonna swallow it!

Drive endlessly through the city and destroy buildings. The road had been decided and the soil had been stripped out. The moving ash skies and her men seemed to be running away well. but the only way to escape is to get away. If he is running, he will soon be defeated.

- To me! Get knocked down!

A giant body over two meters gracefully knocked down the street lamp. Baten Caitos doesn't go through with it, he keeps going after his target.

"This is it! The power of the Four Heavens!

"... is it time?


"Army, stop!

"Shh, shh, shh!"

When the ash sky stopped, he imitated her, and his men stopped her in an undisturbed motion. Batten Caitos approaches the ash sky with suspicion. but I felt uncomfortable with my legs.

"Huh? Holy crap..."

It's heavy. My legs are terribly tired. That's not all. Fever began to be lost from his whole body, which was as excited as a hound driving sheep away. It's hot and humid in the suit. I can't stop sweating. Batten Caitos took a deep, long breath.

"Are you an idiot? Was that suit produced in China? This is what happens if you've been moving around for over an hour."

"but oh, shit!

But it's weird. I am certainly tired. It is also true that he relied on the performance of his new suit and neglected to work out. But what do you mean the ash skies aren't disturbing one breath? Batten Caitos screwed them.

"We are not like you. I work out differently. It is more shameful to us than to die unwillingly that something hunting a suit drowns in it. I can tell at a glance by the shape of your shit. I can tell even if you're hiding in a suit. You're a dirty scumbag who hides from everyone and sneaks up on donuts in the back."

"Ooh, ooh, ooh."

"For it disturbs me. If you keep up with our pace, this is what happens to everyone. Does your leg hurt? Is it hard to breathe? Your body won't listen to you anymore, will it?

Exactly. Once you stop and rest, you can't stand up properly anymore. Batten Caitos knelt out of fatigue and exhaled a rough breath. The suit steams even more because of it.

"Huh, haha! Justice Aoi! He wasn't wearing a suit, but he was more in the mood than you! Come on, I'm going to make you very cute now!

"Shit, whoa, whoa, don't come, don't come!

Surrounded by the surroundings, Batten Caitos moved his face busily and turned his gaze around. Everywhere was full of enemies, there was no way to escape.

Pegasus Blade had already reached Colors when he received reports that he had lost contact with the Four Heavens King. He used a suit flight unit, was single, stood on enemy ground, and looked up at the building. And I looked around at my subordinates stretching out unusually.

"Wow. Woman, you did it"

"... well, what is the new Four Heavens King, you mean the Lord"

Flirting the muffler, Idaten Maru finds herself. Pegasus Blade laughed with her nostrils.

"Me? You think I'm the Four Heavens King? Ha, ha, ha! Don't lick it."

"Come on."

Okay, and Kunzait, who had noticed the presence of Pegasus, screams. Idaten Maru didn't know. The man confronting him is not the Four Heavens King. Binding them together, saying they are one king.

"Oh, that's fast."

Pegasus bites off a grin in the back of his throat. Idatenmaru was flirting with him in a brilliant move, although his meds in the Kunzite battle remained effective. Take the back and keep turning to the blind spot. But Pegasus was calmly analyzing her velocity.

No one in the organization has as much speed as Idaten Maru. Even the Phoenix-shaped Anka, now the Four Heavens King, will not be able to catch up.

"But don't you dare!

"... be an idiot"

A spinning kick of Pegasus Blade pierced the abdomen of Idaten Round. She exhales without leaving the air that had accumulated in her lungs. Still tried to kill the shock, but it blew up unbearably. The momentum didn't subside, I rubbed my body against the ground, bounced over and over and hit my back against the pole, and finally stopped. Idaten Maru doesn't move as fast as it should.

"It was depressing, but at best it's a fly stop....... Kunzait. Finish what you started. If you want to defy me any more, you know what I mean?

"Oh, I know exactly what you mean."

Taking his gaze off Kunzait, Pegasus Blade lowered his posture and twisted the fourth floor window of the building.

Kyoue stared through the window at the battle that was taking place outside the building. But now he's paling his face. Idatenmaru, who almost cleaned up the combatant and the Phantom, but she has now been defeated by a white horse man.

"… come, come"

"Yeah, I see."

We have to get out of here. Mio, however, did not move from the center of the room in a calm manner.

"Inside now"

"I can't."

The moment I took my gaze off the window and hung my hand on Mio's wheelchair, the window glass broke and scattered indoors. The man ahead hangs his foot on the window frame and looks rarely indoors. Kyoue's consciousness was about to fly. The man jumped to the fourth floor.

"Well, this is the Hero Dispatch. Out of the way, it's a mess."

"You must be the one who scattered it"

"Shh, president."

Mio did not deflect his face from the man. He laughs with pleasure. It was a distorted face.

"Are you the Colors? You're Aoi's colleague."

"Yeah, that's right. Bad guys."

Mio exhales. That's how I watched Pegasus Blade with cold eyes. He blushes.... It's her face. It's her gaze. It's a face I hate Pegasus Blade. It was an abominable voice. like underestimating and scorning others. It was also a trait prepared by those who stood above men.

"... you."

"You took it."

It is the bright light that dwells in Mio's eyes.

"It helps to be understanding. I'll save you an extra explanation. Well, let's just do it. You, you must be the owner of this suit, right? Tell me the code. Password. Give me this guy's, true name!


That's when Pegasus Blade remembered the discord. Because Mio didn't look like he was lying. Even if I use 'ability', I can tell her words are true.

"Oh? Why not? Seriously, don't you know that? I'm guessing you got it from your sword, Tenma."

"What's a sword, eh, president? No way?"

Kyoue admired Miko for her impatience, but she could not afford to answer.

"Why... how far do you know...?

"Huh. Heh. Yeah. This guy, okay. Apparently, you were a secrecy. Fine. I'll tell you. Properly torture him. Oh, I don't like it, but it's going to get him up and running. Right now, I'm in the mood! No! That's why I'm telling you. Do what you guys want to know best."

"Yes. Everything, it's you.... Where's Aoi?

"I killed him."

Pegasus snorted. Calm, Miko's emotions disguised as faceless distorted. Though she was a person standing on top of people, she was still young.

"I killed him. I killed your hero Aoi."

"Stop drooling your delusions. Aoi won't die. He's our hero."


Justice Aoi is a hero.

Pegasus held his belly and laughed out loud.

"Hiha ha ha ha!? He did!? Um, scum!? Oh, oh, yeah, I sure might! He's a hero here! Well, that's for sure. But he's a fighter in the organization! You didn't know!? He's my colleague! For years, I worked as a fighter before a hero, as a scoundrel! No, I couldn't be either a combatant or a hero! The bastard is a bat! He's a traitor, half-baked son of a bitch!

Pegasus confirmed Mio's reaction. The nines next to her are in shock. But Mioko Swan himself did not show any upset. I'm not even working on it. I'm not even hiding the shock. She just leaked one word.

"I knew it."

"... oh? Zanka, you fucking kid. Where are those idiots who hire fighters as heroes?"

Mio smiles disgustingly. She nearly opened her mouth, but before that, the door that was closed opened. Pegasus Blade is overreacting.

"Damn, you did it!?

"Ha ha!?

It was Esmerald who should have disappeared with Aoi. Aoi ended it, but in the end, finding her has never come true.

"Yes, you hid here!

"Aoi! Give me Ed, give us all back! Give it back. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!

Esmeraldo uses walls and ceilings and moves as he jumps like a superball. It didn't mean indoors, it showed a quick move. Unlike the speed of sophistication as a move, like the Idathen circle ahead. It was a hard speed to capture, stripping away my instincts.

"The dead ones won't come back to life! If you want to give it back, you can't talk to me!

"Kill, only Omae! Always!"

Even though he was made to kill, Pegasus Blade didn't move. I just couldn't help but have fun and fun. Originally, there was no such thing as a one-on-one battle with Esmerald, the Four Heavens King. If you defeat her, you can prove your strength. Pegasus snorted. Laughing, I waved my fist.

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