Here is Blue Justice!

Somebody beat him?

The first to notice the anomaly in the floating fortress was a hero named Jay who was swirling around it. I heard the battle. In recognition of that,

"... are you descending? No, this is"

The fortress began to drop altitude little by little. Jay thought it would be at the hands of a Raptor-shaped Phantom who had entered earlier.

The combatants are down. My hero is hurt and I can't move. There are those who are assembled by the Phantoms and bewitched.

"Don't get tired of boulders"

"What's black? You, have you snapped yet?

The Black Warrior looked out for the Esmerald, whose body never dulled, and sighed.

"It's like a beast"

"I prefer the beast because it's easy to understand."

"I see, not like me"

As we speak, the two beat down the approaching combatants and keep kicking them. But prolonged combat builds up fatigue. Phantoms and combatants were still descending from the floating fortress. I can't see the end, and the Black Warrior punches the Phantom in the back in frustration, letting him faint. The moment I exhaled and relaxed, neither Esmerald nor the Black Warrior noticed. that a monster in a monkey shaped suit is imminent from behind.

"Oh, I knew it"

The turned Esmerald smiles. A monkey type Phantom is slapped and rolls down the ground full of debris.

"... the name of the Four Heavens will cry"

"I don't care. I'm not obsessed with the Four Kings."

Holding the combatant's head in both hands, standing like a wall was Groshra, a giant man in a lion's suit. When he throws the fighters in his grip, he drops his hips low and stands against another enemy.

"I'm glad you're well. It's good to see you again."

"That's all Tenma has to offer. Your right arm will pull you down."

Say, Groshra pointed to the floating fortress. Esmerald understands his words and brings tears to his eyes.

"Kunzait is safe, too. I'm taking my men and fighting them in different places."

"I can't see the story, do you mean you're on our side?

"Allies, huh?"

Black Warrior and Groshra staggered their gaze.

"Phew, I'm only a handful of evil. But if there is anyone in the way who is neither righteous nor evil..."

"Got it. Now I'll keep my back with you."

The wind blows through. The blade flashed and the combatants screamed. Red circle swung through the score and saw the woman flipping the muffler.

It's wild.

It's Idaten Maru.

With Kunzait, Idathenmaru, who came as a reinforcement on the hero's side, cut down those who were surrounding the red circle and lined up next to her.

"All right, really, let's smash these guys down...!

"Oh, no. I was wondering if I should get away from here."

"Ah? Why not?

"Arr, it's time to fall"

Pointing to the floating fortress, Idaten Maru bows his head and begins evacuating to the rear. Without knowing what it was, Red Maru also chased her and looked up into the sky in solidarity with those who passed by.

A strong vibration is transmitted from the foot. Her body swayed to the left and right, and Mio, who was tied up, glanced at her face. The monitor has been powered off since earlier. Because of this, I don't know what's going on, but from the way the man in front of me, Pegasus Blade, looks at me, I know it's unforeseen for him, too.

Pegasus clenched his teeth and kicked the floor. He seemed quite frustrated, and forgot that Mio was there, and he spoke ill of his men.

"Fuck off! Shit. Shit's the right thing to do. Those guys!

"... oh, this, you're falling"

Pompous and leaky, Mio laughs with his nose. If I had listened, I would have heard the sound of battle from there. Someone is screaming, smashing through the walls, metal and metal are bumping into each other.

"I don't know what I'm talking about, but I don't think they put my men together."

"Shut up, you fucking kid."

Mio recalls the appearance of a floating fortress. Perhaps this huge disc is made up of numerous flying units. And guess who doesn't often think of Pegasus is destroying the unit and going around. I don't know the strength, even the performance, of this fortress, but it is possible to carry a large number of combatants, Phantoms, throwing them from the sky. That was enough of a threat. For one thing, Mio feels his shoulder load has fallen, and Mio leaks his relieved breath.

"What are you laughing at...!?

The room rocked harder than before. Pegasus falls ill and hands on the floor.

"Maybe we should run away."

"I run away...?

I couldn't believe Pegasus. Either way, this is a fortress that I identified and recognized as a castle. Fear, the need to turn your back, etc. wasn't supposed to be anywhere. He doesn't move for a while, he doesn't talk, but he gets up like a ghost and starts whining about something in his mouth. Mio felt something not good about how Pegasus was doing, but there was nothing he could do.

The floating fortress was beginning to fall. Slow, but would definitely crash. You can't have it back, you can't have it back up.

The Edos, who succeeded in destroying more than half of the flight unit, had opened the cargo compartment cargo door and looked down on the ground.

"Looks like the heroes are dominant."

"Mr. Edo, what are you going to do? Keep going. We'll take him with us."

"Whatever, jump"

Shh, a screaming voice comes up from around me.

"That's a gag comic book!?

"I was able to come to the conclusion that even if your suit performance, the altitude from here, and amateurs like me think about it, 'well, it'll be fine'. Dear Speinel, what do you think?"

The Speinel has the performance of the combatants' suits in mind. Anyway, he was in charge of designing and developing most of the suits.

"Well, you'll be fine. Now choose. Do you want to jump out of here? Or will this fortress fall and be caught in an explosion? Do you think the Pegasus will attack you from behind?"

"You've heard of those three choices. Hey, whoa, whoa!

With the numbers to be summoned and the other Phantoms to look after, Edo clasped his shoulders.

"Then let's go from me. It's an example. Watch closely."


"Wait a minute! Mr. Edo, were you wearing a suit!?

Edo raises his hand and leaps his body into the hollow. The sound I tried to make stuck my ear. From up there, my people are screaming something, but I can barely hear them. The coat is driven upward by wind pressure. He estimates the height from the floating fortress to the ground.

- Isn't it just the same as the apartment you live in?

Thirty meters, yes or no. It would be about ten stories tall. Edo pulls out his sword and stands on both hands. The ground approaches. The hero, the fighter,

Don't be ridiculous.

The enemy.

Edo twirls and cuts off two Phantoms who were raising their faces. Lands as he takes the passive, pays the combatant's foot as he rolls down the ground. He stood up and started the fight as if to show his own safety.

Jumping down, and admitting Edo cutting with the Phantoms from the moment they landed, the numbers in the cargo compartment sighed out depressingly.

"Damn it."

"Eh, we have to go too..."

Speinel smiles bitterly and points to the ground.

"Those who are unsure should wait here a little longer. Little by little the altitude is dropping. You can stick, but just think about the time between getting down and evacuating. Yeah, and then you could use a parachute."

"Tell me first!

"I didn't think you'd take me."

"Please, shut up."

The sky burns. Burn and fall. The floating fortress falls as it explodes repeatedly. It will soon clash with the ground and scatter everything. I bet on that one. I lost my dreams and my hopes of putting it on. Closer as hope disappears little by little, Pegasus opens his eyes. I thought we should never lose sight of it.

Ask yourself if this is what you wanted to do. Maybe I just wanted to be strong. Maybe he wanted to prove it. The shape is a testament. Whatever the process, what you have in your hand shows strength, your own vessel. to the strongest and greatest beings in the world. The suit that surrounded me was supposed to make it possible.

- It's the world, really.

But I didn't think I'd stop. I knew it, but I wanted it. The feeling could not be held back. What I really wanted to have was something else.

"Ku, ku... ku ku ku"

I laugh without knowing what's funny.

He roughs up his voice without knowing against whom he is angry.

Do you hate it? Is it painful? Is it hard? I can't control my emotions.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

I don't think I've been betrayed. Because I didn't need company. I'm sure it was myself who betrayed you.

No heroes, no combatants, no Phantoms. Everything was the enemy. Justice and evil had nothing to do with it. I didn't mind because it wasn't justice or evil.

Pegasus Blade lost one body called himself, everything else. But he never thinks to bow his head. I can't think of going down or losing. Neither the belief of a name to say righteousness, nor the aesthetic of a name to say evil, belonged to him. However, he had his beliefs and aesthetics. There's only one person left to understand.

A loud explosion sounds around. The laughter was cancelled by the roar. The floating fortress shattered and collapsed, scattering fragments...

Pegasus Blade stepped down to the bottom of an empty big hole in the city of rubble with his inflaming fortress on his back. Heroes and fighters frightened away by falling buildings turn their gaze to him.


"... him"

As Mio lowered to the ground, Pegasus Blade rattled his neck bone. He says nothing and moves on at a slow pace.

"Hey. Can anyone beat him?

Someone said. Everyone could not answer.

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