Here is Blue Justice!

Oh, uh, what's your name?!?

Heavenly Horse can fly through the sky.

A hero standing like a wall blew to the right and a combatant in a hurry to take a combat stance to the left. Decided, slapped to the wall of the peeled hole. Hit your back or stomach hard and stop moving in sequence.

"Don't be alone, they won't be after you!

Pegasus Blade grabbed the Phantom's arm and swung it like a gain. The colliding combatant strikes his belly and gets stuffy. The heroes who tried to surround Pegasus, but couldn't keep up with his speed. Pegasus Blade goes through the enclosure and breaks through a thin spot.

The sword swung down. Pegasus takes it with his arm and bounces it back. Faster than a broken sword fell to the ground, he kicked and struck down whoever was around him. Step on the fallen, fly off the spot and take the distance if the number of opponents increases.

"Peony. Situation g, Suggest Use of Fortissimomine"


"Now shoot!

Towards Pegasus in the air, shelling from a distance began. With Hundred Ghosts Peony at the head, those with flying gear launch a simultaneous attack. Explosive flames create new debris, and the landing raises the smoke.

"I'm not stopping you, get in there!

Into the smoke, heroes, combatants began to storm. but it is launched into the sky in turn from those who enter. Smoke cleared, but with a dull sound, he threw off a hero Pegasus stopped moving. Twelve men with Esmerald numbers set it up, but Pegasus didn't even count it.

In the form of a numbered response, the elites of sentinel security coverage approach. Individual abilities were high, but still do not reach Pegasus Blade. He jumps low and kicks those coming from left to right. I was targeted at my feet at the moment of landing, but I can't stand my teeth in front of a tough suit.

"Individual ability to dictate the battlefield, etc."

The ash sky stretches the whip. I tried to do that tangled up in Pegasus's arms, but he himself pulled the ash sky in first. She tries to step on it, but she's no match for strength. When you feel a fluffy floating sensation, your vision hits up, down, left and right. Pegasus is swinging through the ash sky with every whip.


"Oh, fly."

A thousand lashes are pulled, and the ash sky is thrown into the sky. That's when the heroes with the flight unit emerged from above and took her. Others attempt attacks on Pegasus as they are, but are stunned or bounced off by the palm bottom. Jump like a super ball and slide on the ground.

Pegasus kicked the ground hard by setting his aim on those who had shot him with flying gear. Pack the distance directly from the front. A bullet or arrow hits his suit, but he can't penetrate a single one. Peony repeated the shelling in Shakyak without giving up, but Pegasus was not even frightened.

"I won't let you."

A small shadow pops out of the side. It was no use. She uses jujitsu and uses the momentum of Pegasus to spin his body. But Pegasus did not fall. He activated the flying unit while being floated and was forced to take the passive. Pegasus set himself up in a hollow position and twisted his nose.

Kids are too busy these days.

"I don't want an adult with a stretched nose column to tell me."

Noe aims to strike back again, but Pegasus rushed in faster than ahead. It is a move that cannot be captured by her. But Gloshra took the hit. Unable to kill off the momentum, he slips backwards with his arms around Pegasus's back. Groschla shouted as she shredded the soil that had been stripped out. The movement stops perfectly and Pegasus pounds his tongue.

"The Four Heavens have babysitted. Oh, you've fallen."

"I'll pay you back!

Groshra releases her hand. Pegasus grinned as he held up the edge of his mouth, but the expression stained a stunning color.

"I'm not the one to give it back!

Strong impact on the flank, Pegasus coned and blew away. It was Ren who hit him. He looked up at Groschla, but he was frightened and did nothing to shrink.

"It's a good blow. It's no worse than me."

"... well, it's as loud as ever"

Beaten Pegasus, but not a lot of damage. He stood up and admitted Ren.

"Well, that weepy boy of yours will turn against me. Hey, you're my friend, we are."

"You're white, but you're not cool anymore! I'm not your friend! I have brothers! I don't need you!

Groshra smiles bitterly and puts her hand on Ren's head.

"Have you grown up a little?"

Don't touch me.

"Uh-huh! I didn't come here to see the play!

Pegasus, packed with distance in almost an instant, slaps Groschla's torso. but he never fell. Grab Pegasus's arm and release an upper-minded punch with his empty arm. We beat each other from close range and we don't give in to each other. But the performance of the suit was difficult if not impossible. It was the lion man who got on his knees first.

Pegasus tried to release a spinning kick to Groshra's head, but Ren's body prevented it. Instead, he rounds his eyes, cones like the Pegasus ahead and dances through the universe.


"Hey, go after him."

"Huh!?" Shortly he cried out, and became a grossly lettering and smothered.

Pegasus attempted pursuit, but the sensor reacts and jumps off the spot. Numerous bitterness poured down to where he was. Idathenmaru was the one who set it up at a rate like a wind.

"... as in earlier"

"Well, I want to come get hit."

Idaten Maru tried to go around to the blind spot repeatedly bouncing. Pegasus backstepped reluctantly for that move, but a strong shock runs on his back. Turning around, there was a boy in a black coat. He is not wearing a suit on this battlefield and is fighting only with shoes on his left foot.

"Said it was biological!?

"That's me."

Black Martial moves outweigh Idaten Maru as well if only for a moment. Pegasus couldn't fight back and stayed just to prevent his kicking. He was struck there and hit in the back of the head. Idathenmaru set it up next.

The flies.

It was a nastier rate than a feather worm, but Pegasus had already experienced that of the idaten circle. First he grabs the leg of a slow-moving black warrior and slaps him on the spot. He then dared to take a series of approaching Idaten rounds, dropping his hips and hitting the counter elbow. Around, her short body sways.

Keitaro Edo and Esmeraldo show up faster than the two of them lose consciousness. Pegasus intercepted them with a tongue-in-cheek.

Edo rolls out his sword with his legs as if he were dancing. Pegasus cut off the spinning solo like a serial slaughter without a single meeting. He beats the belly of the sword and smashes it to pieces. Fragments scatter and fall sarcastically.

Esmerald's figure was reflected in the fragment. She flies straight from the front to Pegasus, releasing her heel drop as she turns again and again in the hollow.

"I've already seen that, this way!

"You! What did you see about Master Esmerald!

Edo takes out a new sword and slashes it away in a massive motion. Pegasus was about to be pressured by the unusual heat rising from him.

"Don't be a jerk, but get your goose neck in line! Shiatsu!

"I am."

The reaction is too good. Pegasus was sore. There is too much confusion between the suit's performance and its own physical abilities. My body reacted first to Esmerald's brief feint. And the suit made it possible to handle it. A coarse suit can't break into a gap like a jade chirp. Reaction is possible because it is the suit of your sword Tenma,


I forgive the attack. The reaction is possible, but Pegasus Blade himself hesitated to fight back. I'm not used to the performance of the suit, not that. It's just that he wasn't blessed with the kind of opponents who pulled out performance to near the limit. So I get lost. I wonder if it's okay to say it. And there's a gap.

Esmerald moved better than he did when he fought indoors in Colors. Fist out as if you enjoy the fight. Wait to see what the other person is going to do, react to it and move faster.



"Great, everyone's safe!

A sword came from the front and a fist from the rear. Pegasus lowers his posture and dodges the attack.

"Ed and everyone were safe! So I'm sure Aoi is safe too!

"I'm not kidding!

Pegasus broke Edo's sword and threw his clenched body. Edo prevents his weapon with a newly drained weapon, but it shouldn't have. It should have been avoided, not prevented. He can't keep up with the offense, gets a Pegasus blow to his abdomen, and collapses as he spits blood. Edo nearly lost consciousness, burning Esmerald's back to the retina.

"... maybe it was a mistake to push you to the Four Heavens"

"Ha, even if you didn't do anything, I was bound to be like this. Definitely."

"I thought it was a better one."

"I don't know if it's good or bad for someone in an evil organization."

Esmerald shook his head and laughed.

"You were just a little bit like Aoi."

The moment I heard that word, Pegasus Blade roared and screamed. Although Esmerald was avoided his attack once, there was no second. She is wrapped around her neck and slapped to the ground shortly after she escapes. The body bounced and Esmerald groaned small and passed out.

Pegasus breathes on his shoulders, looks up to heaven, and keeps screaming for a long time.

"Goodbye, me."

It sounded high and dry. The shaken servant of the red circle was dusted by Pegasus' protruding fist. He grinds her torso with his arms without even looking at the red circle.

Red circles disappearing from Pegasus' sight. In a way that goes wrong with her, the speonel protrudes straight from the side. Pegasus scolds him, but the wind pressure is terrible. He kept his balance by putting his hands on the ground.

Speinel looks at Pegasus from the hollow into the suit left behind by Tenma the Sword.

"It has terrible performance. I guess we can beat it."

"Then why are you coming at me?"

No number, no force, no speed, no skill, not even a nasty armed man can reach Pegasus Blade. He can't use a decent weapon, but that power alone smashes everything. Speinel had more experience than Pegasus, but I guess even that doesn't make sense.

Maybe it's because I'm expecting it.

"... Expectations"

"My goodness. Everyone gathered here must be waiting."

I didn't ask what. Pegasus waited for Speinel's attack and stood with his fist up.

TV cameras hold and reflect Pegasus Blade's appearance. He was even laughing. As if, let the beast call upon his compatriots, forever.

The young woman's reporter is calling on residents to evacuate with a pale face. Anyone watching this broadcast, or anyone on the scene, had a hunch about the end of this city.

A sad voice echoed the colors of no one forever and ever.

Pegasus Blade's voice was echoing inside the big hole. His laughter also sounds like Seung Jun. Mio stared at the fallen heroes. They are not the only ones. All combatants and Phantoms also fought and lost the Tenma suit. Few can move, and none can fight.

- What's a sword?

I wish I didn't even have a suit. I should not have been born in this world. What you make to end the battle creates a new battle. What irony, cause and chaos spirals everywhere in this world. Justice and evil keep twisting.

Mioko Swan is ready. And I remember my father's words. Her father hated the sword Heavenly Horse, resented the blood flowing on himself, and cursed justice. But he remembered only once that he had spoken of the Sword with a gentle eye.

"Miko. This suit..."

When he remembered the words, Mio looked up over the great hole. One taxi stopped. It was a blur, and it was still going to break. It was a familiar car.

The press that was around the big hole makes a scene. A tall driver opens the rear seat door in a respectful motion. Television cameras captured whoever emerged from the cab. Pegasus Blade hears the sound and faces up in slow motion.

"Bastard, who are you?

It was a pale bat. It's not like a wooden combatant wears it, it's a bespoke suit that only certain people are allowed to wear. Armor, gauntlet, greaves. The parts, like Western armor, are thin, but never brittle. In fact, it has the same endurance as armor. The disappointing physique made me imagine a warring warrior.

"Oh, you know, you..."

The reporter didn't think, he was pointing a microphone at the bat. Everyone was confused. Under this circumstance, a man appeared in a suit he had never seen before. Confused, I expected.

Heroes in the vortex hesitate to receive a microphone and look up into the sky.

"Uh, uh"

The voice was a little stubborn, but it belonged to a young man. He peeks into the big hole with his microphone in his grip.... There are those who have fallen. No heroes, no combatants, no monsters, no girls. They all fought. And lost.

"... I see," the man nodded small, looking convinced.

The blue hero looks out for the taxi driver and scratches his head. Are you nervous, I took a deep breath twice and took the microphone to my mouth with my hands on my hips.

"Different. Definitely. I know who's wrong and who's right. So, I'll beat the horse's face there."

The man, standing only one person in the hole, pointed to Pegasus Blade.

"... you think I'm evil? What the hell do you know?

"I know, because I've decided I am. I'll beat you up. That's my justice."

Returning the microphone to the reporter, the man begins to stretch his body.

"Oh, uh, what's your name?!?

"My... no, I am"

The man showed his sleigh thinking only for a little while, as if, a little kid had just bought him a toy to show off, slapping himself on the back. There it is described as righteous with a written and beaten letter.

He gave his name and jumped into the big hole.

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