Here is Blue Justice!

It's Blue Justice! Remember that!

"... that?

When I finished installing the suit, I said goodbye to the Halimas and headed to Colors. but along the way, something, you know, the floating fortress is falling. I'm burning because I can't get a smoke out of it.

Stupid. You're lying. I'm glad you came out intentionally, but you're totally late.

"Yay, yay, yay, yay!

Run to Colors. I wasn't running normally. I can't make it. I recall the functionality that was described to my sister Halima. No, I thought you said you could push some button and get up to speed. Uh, which one? You're wearing too many different features like a phone these days, Grandpa. For the old man. Damn, you don't need anything extra. I can't remember. I feel like I can use it. Eh?

"I wonder this" some little outpouring on my right arm. Well, it would be one of these. That's how I step on it. I'll hit the buttons in due course. Then I felt uncomfortable at my feet. Grab your right ankle like you did to see if you stepped on the gum, and I'll try to raise it.


There was a spark scattered from the back of my leg. The moment I recognize that, my body floats in the universe for some reason. No, it feels more like being pulled than saying floating. Going up in the sky with Gyu.

"Hi, you're a flight unit!

But they're not. Because my body, this time upside down, is aiming for the ground at a glance. He falls without time to recognize the earth. I hit the walls of the private house from my shoulder, and I screamed at my mother. Definitely dead.

For a while I couldn't move in shock. But for some reason, I don't feel pain. When I stood up, I wasn't damaged at all, at all.... Ooh, ooh. Awesome suit. This defense, seriously, isn't it stronger than Pegasus managed to do? Hihaha.

... It wasn't if I was playing. Well, I got one. What I just did was not fly in the sky, but control it well and speed it up. Depending on how you use it, you may be able to fly and travel irreplaceably. Hmm. I'd like to try more weapons and stuff, but I still don't have time. Let's hurry to Colors while we use the features we just had.

"Is that it? But what happened with which button just now?

Pushing the appropriate button again, the knee part opened up and flew something with great momentum. I heard an explosion from somewhere and felt some fragment rise. I screamed the name of the kid I liked when I was in elementary school.

A large number of people had fallen before Colors. Even so, they all wear combatants and Phantom suits. Did you get hit? This place was attacked, too. But the battle is over. I wonder if Idaten Maru did it for me.

"... the window"

The fourth floor window is broken. I guess I've forgiven you for breaking into Colors. I have a very, very bad feeling. Anyway, why don't you check inside?

"Sha, sha, sha... what the hell?"


One, there was a Phantom who stood up, albeit relaxed. He's a bastard in a chachi-shaped suit. He's got a wand on him for some reason, and "Yabe" is a good idea.... and this guy, I've seen him somewhere.

"You. Could it be the one who was forcing the master of the bar?

The Shachi-shaped Phantom stares at me and laughs out at Shashi-sha.

"No way! No way! I didn't expect to see you here!? This situation, now! Here! I can't believe he's coming here, except for you!?

"... what the hell did you do?"

Definitely. This is the one I used the glove for the first time. I don't know how this guy got out, but he knows me. I don't know if it was Pegasus Blade's orders, but I came to Colors to pay my debts.

"Shashasha, you know what? You know, I'm here to bring that wheelchair fucking kid. Master Pegasus took him."

"What. So you were just stretching out there."

"Shake it off! It's just incompetence on your right! Funny fit, but I guess it's a proper suit anyway, hey?

Bring the president? Why not?

"What can I do for our president?"

"You know what? I just want to kill you."

Shachi sticks his wand on me. Lower end of the spectrum. I've decided I don't know anything about trying to force myself to ask. More or less, you seem motivated.

"Fine. I'll ask him."

"You can't! Here it is! Because I'm gonna kill you!

Say, Shachi takes off the back part. The story is broken. You're definitely a cutter. That's what I thought, but something new grows from the back part of the chachi bastard and goes around.

"Eat it! Killer cutter, three blades!

Three flips, flying in motion like homing me. Let's just run to the right. I thought so and jumped lightly. The right shoulder hits something at that moment. It was a building wall. It didn't hurt but I feel uncomfortable.

"... uh?

That's weird. There must have been about a few meters to the wall.

"Shit, you look like you're running early."

The cutter loses sight of the target and pierces the ground as he twirls around. I'm dying when I hit it. Yabeemon, come on. Then I'll go from here next.

Build strength on your feet, jump, and pack your distance.


"Huh!? Hey!?

There was a Phantom in front of me. I don't know why, but my body still moves on its own and punches to the right. I can see it in a big swing. It can't be a hit. Advice Chachi escapes to the rear. My fist cut the sky and smashed the asphalt with an awesome crushing sound. Rising fragments appear over the visor. The face of the Chachi bastard is stiff and tense.

My body still moves. There is no recoil. It wasn't a glove ratio. Unusually light. I step further forward and aim at the bastard's face for a kick. But the speed gets on more than I thought it would, and it just doesn't fit empty enough to go around on the spot. But the balance is not out. I let him go with my back fist.

"Oh, my God!?

"I'm listening to you!

Light. Fast. I say it is, but it's definitely heavy. What is this? What the hell is this? What am I supposed to do? This suit is too good. It doesn't work the way you want it!

"That suit, that! Sounds like Yabe, but he can't handle it! Then this is it! Killer cutter! Ten blades!

As many as ten of my earlier back cutters pop up. It's inevitable at this distance. What are we gonna do?

We're gonna have to "fuck" it!

Step back first. The backstep is still a lot lower than I thought. Pay the cutter that comes after you with your right arm and prevent it with your left arm. Keep it up. Assault with your left arm with your head covered. Some of the remaining cutters hit the suit, but

"I'm not even scared!

There was no problem. The inside was chilling, but there shouldn't be one scratch on Grandpa's suit. Kankakin has a pleasant ear sound. They were bouncing back. That's not all. The cutter is more broken. What strength. Even shells don't work, do they?

"Fuck you!

"Ooh...... Huh!

Shit, it's empty again.

It didn't work, but it didn't hit us well either.

"Shasha, now slay me with my final strong, hundred blades -"


"Step aside!

At that time, the cab, which was identical to the figurine until just now, moved at a high speed,


I slammed the chachi. The Phantom, crashed into a bonnet and bounced off, dances the universe and crashes to the ground. And it stopped tickling. My limbs are cramped. For once, you're alive?

"What, is that an ant?

"Hehe, there is."

From the taxi comes down Kyou, with a good face, smiling.



"Welcome back"

"... you're late. Thank you for leaving a message."

I get in the back seat of the cab (because of the suit, I feel narrow), and Kue launches the car. The destination is near a stupid big disc.

He's not dead.

"It was sweet."

Are you okay then?

"But you often found out it was me. For once, I'm hiding my face."

"Mr. Aoi is our hero. That's why I thought so."

"Oh well.... Hey, look at that. Me, seriously, don't I look like a hero?

"What are you talking about?

Kyoue looks at me over the mirror.

"... Aoi has always been, always been a hero. It doesn't matter about the suit. Oh, that, too, I know it's cool."

"Oh well."

Something's lit up.

"Well, you're the one who defeated the Phantom earlier."

"I got a scratch on my car."

Right there.... No, if you think it's uncomfortable.

"Kyouichi, you're driving a car, talk to me."

Kue basically doesn't open his mouth while driving. Because I'm focused.

"... hey, maybe you're excited. It was like a dream."

In fact, this guy's tone was somewhere hot.

"A dream?"

"Heroes come to help when they're pinching. It's a situation that everyone admires."

"Well, I guess so. Oh, more than that, the president's still alive, isn't he? I heard they took him."

The look on Kyou's face is irritating. He nodded heavily.

"A man named Pegasus called the president. You're all fighting under the disc right now. Ren-kun and you, everyone. … Mr. Aoi, may I ask you just one thing"

They send peeping, trying gazes. Oh, you mean that. You pegasus blade, you're a mess.

"Looks like they asked me if I was a fighter."

I felt like the car was slowing down. I looked out the window.

I was fooling these guys, I am. Must be despised.

"... really, what is it?

"Oh, it's true. I don't know, maybe six years before I went into Colors. I went into the organization about that time. So, I got in trouble with the money and started doing heroes, too. That's funny, right?"

"I won't laugh," Kuze said out in a strong tone. Unexpectedly, I get barometric pressure.

"I would never laugh. Glad to hear the truth out of your mouth."

"Nothing. You don't think anything of it? I was betraying you guys."

Kyoue wasn't looking at us anymore.

"... I intend to see Mr. Aoi work hard, ever. The evil organization, the righteous allies, probably doesn't have much to do with Aoi."

"What the hell, man?"

"Aoi is Aoi. Oh, uh, I'll fly. Please get caught for a moment."

Gun, and my body rocked back and forth.

"... Aoi. Um, the president."

"No. Fine. Because I ask myself."

I'm sure the president knew about me, too. Then something must have happened to her, too. There's something I want to hide.

While I was running, the disc fell. Totally invisible. Without knowing where I don't know, on my own.



"I don't have anything to do, do I?

Kyoue didn't answer me.

The disc was crashing and making a big hole. I thought of the Colosseum for some reason.

The building is so smashed because of the fallen disc that there are people still running around. This city is crappy every day then. The one that happens crappy. But this is too harsh. On this scale. Even the dead might have come out.

"... are you all right"

"Don't worry. I was alive, too. Probably, guys."

Is there a TV camera around the hole? The people with all kinds of equipment were making noise. Well, I guess so.

Kue parks a taxi near the TV station car. At that time, I felt like I saw the familiar one who did the trick, but I didn't have time to be sure.

"I wonder what's going on"

"I don't know. You know, a little closer."

There was a small explosion. The disc has no more shadows to see. It's burning, it's broken. But I'm sure there's everyone in the hole.

"Hey, I guess it's my fault. Did you guys see something over here?

"... Huh?

Taxi stops. The blood caught my attention from Kyoue's face. He screams and hides his face with both hands.

"... I'm being watched"

It seemed that way.

"I just have to get hungry. I'm leaving. I've stopped running."

That's right.

I've already chosen to be a hero. I wanted to be a hero.

"... ok. I'll give it to you too."

Kue opens the back seat door. It was a playful thing to do, and I smiled bitterly. Go out slowly, making sure your body feels like it. Big cameras have been looking at us.

"Oh, you know, you..."

Oh, this sister is definitely an alley. Beautiful is the handled woman, Anna. I always watch the show. I'm looking after you.

My eyes stuck on my chest, but I picked up the microphone.... was directed at me, so I took it.

Do I have to talk about "uh" or something? In the meantime, let's have some time. I wonder what's going on in the hole.

Peeping into the big hole, there they were. Everyone was down. Heroes, combatants and Phantoms alike, fairly.

I was the first to find Len. There is a groshla beside him for some reason.

Naomi is shaking with a hundred ghosts holding her.

There was a red circle. She was shattered and sat on the spot.

Idaten Maru is down. They're not the only ones. I know. The face heroes, the Phantoms, Grandpa, the Sentinel Security guys... oh, the ones with the numbers, damn. You're alive! Good! Then I'll find Mr. Edo. When he stared desperately, he was near Lady Esmerald. He seems unconscious, but he's alive. I was alive. All of them.

"... I see"

And only one of us found the one standing in our face. Definitely. Pegasus Blade. Look at me. Shit. He did everything.

Can you forgive me? Can you forgive me? You're hurting someone I know so far, will you shut up? Hannah, I'm so motivated, this way.

And then I found the president. I looked out for Nine, nodded small and scratched my head. I'll grip the microphone hard and point you to a fucking mess. Reminded me of the prowl microphone performance I saw back in the day.

"Different. Definitely. I know who's wrong and who's right. So, I'll beat the horse's face there."

Pegasus looked up at me and called. Honestly, I didn't really hear what you were saying. He's just trying to deny me. That's all I know.

I'll be ready while I'm talking. Justice, evil, heroes, combatants, it's none of my business right now. I have no straight faith, no straight aesthetics. But I have my justice. I'll do what I want. I won't let anyone complain. I don't care if you say so. This is not right. If only I could tell. I'm the only one who can believe you. Justice Aoi.

"I know, because I've decided I am. I'll beat you up. That's my justice."

Give your sister back her microphone, and I'll untie her.

"Oh, uh, what's your name?!?

What!? What, a name?


You can't rose your real name, can you?

"Well, what's your name? -"

"No, I..."

Slap on the back. You saw it earlier. It must have my name on it.

"- - Blue Justice"

Laugh if you laugh with blue justice.

I decide, I jump into the hole. Pegasus Blade laughs.

"Ha ha! I knew it!

"Ugh, it's a return match! Let me do it!

I've tried everything in the cab, and I've just previewed the functionality (although I've been stared at to death by Kyou).

Press the button on your arm. A roller appears from behind the leg part. Spread the spark as you fly the pebble, pushing through the slopes. Next, he stretched his left arm without turning around. From there, a wire ejects. It reminds me of a starch drum. Damn.

Grab the ground with the tip of the wire beveled. I immediately put the wire back on, rolled it off and shot the missile all over me. A few rounds to Pegasus. It's on its way and explodes. Smoke envelops the surroundings. Now I activated the booster, watching the ground decide to blow. My body is pulled. In a straight line, head for him.

"It's been a while. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

"You're not! I'm a Colors hero!

Pegasus popped out of the smoke. I hold my right fist in. I'll knock you straight in.

"Now it's time to kill him. Ah!

"It's Blue Justice! Remember!"

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