Here is Blue Justice!

Don't lose, Blue Justice!

"Gu, oh!?


"Damn, you can't hear me!

Exhale briefly and step forward.

Pegasus guards his face with both arms. I paid off the bastard's leg and punched a second punch where I fell apart. Feeling the response to reach the inside of the suit, I step further forward.

The bastard's face was distorted by anger. Oh, my God, you don't look like that. It's the same here!


Jump, twist your body and hit the kick in the temples. Is this the third shot? We're one shot away from Norma, but I'm gonna knock you around till you fall.

Pegasus looked up into the sky. If they go up there, we can't catch up. Do it normally. Then you can't.

"It's not your garden."

Pegasus using a flight unit and escaping into the hollow. I pushed the button and pointed my right knee towards the sky.

"Can you hit me, I have a toy!

Sparks scatter from the back of his leg as the missile fires. Boost, try to chase the missile and jump high. My aim is not to hit this guy on Pegasus. To be a stepping stone.


Don't lick your grandfather's suit.

Reach the same altitude as Pegasus. I kicked the missile. An explosion occurs in the back, but it is just heat resistant. I packed more distance with a boost, stretched the wire and caught the bastard's leg. Quickly attract,

"Hmm, fly like a fly, just kidding..."

"Drop it."

Slap a good one in the face. He's a little bit of a runaway bastard, but at this distance, then there's nothing I can do. Pegasus, unable to even take the reception, plunges down to the ground, winding up sand, dirt and smoke.

I landed, and I threw myself in the smoke. Shadowy. I packed the distance at once and shook my fist up.

"Are you sure?

"... Huh!? Ku, that's it!?


Stop hitting him on the brink. A shock runs in the belly, blowing it backwards. Got hit. Pegasus was shielding the president's body.

"Heh, ha-ha! It's not easy being a hero!

"You...! Dastardly, like this!

"You just have to win! Wouldn't you!?

... Oh, you're right - of. Wake up your body and stare at the bastard. I laughed delightfully. You've taken the kid hostage and forgotten about the bad guy's aesthetic.

"So, what do we do?

"You've made up your mind. Don't move. If you move, he's gonna kill this kid."


Oh, shit. More norms.

"Whoa, what's up! Can I fall down here, Mr. Hero? If I were a hero, I wouldn't fall down. I'd have to stand up and be a sandbag. Hey!? If you fall, this kid dies!

"Stop, please, no more...!

"Ahem? I told your boss to stop, but what do we do?

How many times, how many times, how many times have I been hit, and I would have been kicked.

"... go on"

"Ouch. And I just wanted to say, it doesn't matter if you do any more. So, Miko Swan. No, Miko Mitsuko your sword. Say it. Unlock this suit. I guess there's more to this guy. Awesome weapon. Oh, my God. You're equipped, aren't you? Give me the keyword so I can use it. Then don't just take this guy's life."

Keywords? What are you talking about, this guy? Oh, no, that's not good. Seriously, I can't get my hands on you when you're stronger.

"I don't know about that. I'd tell you if I did! So don't hit Aoi anymore."

"You hit me, bokeh. Because we're fighting. So if you say so, you're gonna miss it. But now."

It's a dilemma. I'm willing to ask you to say the keyword. That's right. Ah, at least only now will I be released. But when they say it, there's no next. Now it's only mutual. But even if Pegasus Blade gets stronger, there's no room for me to stretch any further. Then we'll have to do it.

"… President"

"Don't open your mouth!

Beaten and defeated. I saw the president as he was.

"President. Don't say it. I don't know, but don't follow these guys."


"But Aoi, you are"

Yeah. I could die.

"I think you and I might be looking at it from the standpoint of each other. But let's at least scratch him like he's real at the end."

The president leaned down, and then, he looked at me.

"Okay. I'll tell you. Now I can remember my father's... what he said."

Pegasus distorts his face. The president doesn't look at him, and for some reason, he keeps his face to me.

"'There's no such thing as the strongest suit. His suit was called the strongest because he wore it and wanted to protect the country. The performance of the suit doesn't determine everything. It is the heart of a man who decides, and the strength of that man himself." "

"... ah? Is that the keyword?

"Pegasus Blade. You don't know anything."

The president breathes in. I hold my fist in.

"Don't lose! Don't lose, don't lose! Please, I'm gonna bust this one!

"This... amah"

"Don't lose, Blue Justice!

I guess she made up her mind to be ready again too. That's fine. I guess the boss has to take responsibility for the lower end. Apparently, our president is going to hell with the bottom end. He was an idiot, a good one.

Pegasus reaches out to the president.

"I'll be the one you're dealing with!

"Pull in, half-yarrow!

Before that, I stretch the wire. But I am flattered. No more attacks without any fakes. Angry minded Pegasus Blade's movements are more beautiful. He was grabbed before he pulled the wire back and was drawn forcefully.

I fire a knee missile. Pegasus let go of his hand from the wire and flew upwards. I don't think the same hand will work, I'll wait for him to approach me on the ground.

But fast. Though my eyes have gotten used to it, my opponent is nevertheless the Suit of the Tenma the Sword. This guy has been taking down Idaten Maru and Black Warriors.

"No... so!

Even if you think you've avoided the attack, you can strike hard from behind. Moving on to the counterattack, he's not there anymore. Now he's kicked right out of the front, slipping down the ground. The visor was soiled and only slightly obstructed in vision. Take one breath. Suck, puke. Be cool. Think. Think, think, think... can you win? For a guy like this.

I'm trying to get up, but I can't keep up with my feelings. I would be the one who would vacuum a punch where I stood and get busted. In the meantime, let's get some rest. This is how we wait for recovery, for a chance.

"Stand up! Stand up, please!

I heard voices.

"Please, please!

"Take him down!

I wake up my torso.

"You're the only one left!

"I know you're saying something unsolicited, but!

... what?

It was the heroes and the combatants who were screaming. They're all looking at me. Look at me, I'm screaming.

"Go, go, go!

"Such a horsesurface, just stretch it out! Please."

When I stood up unexplained, I was blown away in the face. I fall, rubbing my body against the ground again. A scream came from somewhere.

"Aoi, Justice Aoi! What's wrong, your power was like that!? Wouldn't be!?

It's a wild voice. When I looked up, Groshra was looking at me.

"Yes, stand up! You are more beautiful now than anyone in this world, more than anything!

Kunzait......? What's wrong with him?

Pegasus looms in front of us. I took a defensive stance with both arms. Every single one of those guards gets beaten up and dances through the universe without being able to enjoy it. It's like a bastard's toy.

"Ku, you are so heartless or Justice Aoi! The living one had more teeth!

Capture sentinel security coverage guys at the edge of your eyes in a circling vision. You can't fall unprotected. I use a booster, I'm on the verge of falling to the ground, and I land on both feet. I was struck there. Pegasus football kick pierces my belly deeply.

"Aoi, don't stop! You wouldn't have...!

My breath is going to hold. But I can't stop. The voice of Mr. Hundred Ghosts connects and stops my consciousness. Avoid pegasus running rampant and bareback the blade.

- Shouldn't you get some distance and rest?

"Don't leave Aoi! They're faster! I wouldn't catch up with you anyway!

"... the Black Warrior"

Shut the fuck up.

I run out. Slip through the universe, as if Pegasus would echo as well. The shaken blade cut off the sky and was beaten as it slipped through. The blade breaks from its roots and pierces the ground.

- - It stays down. Hold your breath. It feels better that way, doesn't it?

"Lord Aoi, don't turn your back!

Ugh. Let it go.

Stand up exhaled. Pegasus' leg as he was about to step on me decided the ground. Don't get up, release the sand you were holding against the bastard's face. Pegasus showed no fright at all, tired of his anger and kicked through my visor.

Oh, shit, stay. Why am I seeing this?

"What are you doing, number thirteen!

"Go Aoi! You can do it!

"Nice to meet you till our minute!

I say unsolicited things.

"Aoi, don't push down! Don't lose with feelings! You haven't lost yet!

"Aoi, aaoi! Hang in there! Hang in there. Yeah, yeah!

The Esmeralds are screaming desperately.

"Hihi, let the outfield go, huh?

"Oh, my God."

Put your strength on the limbs.

Get up and punch him.


Empty fists smash the ground. Pegasus's figure disappeared from sight.

- Down! Down! You're gonna lose anyway!

"What are you doing! You in my suit, you're the hero!

- You want to get hurt!?

"Boquete, where are you going to look! Don't you regret that he liked you? I can win! Knock it off!"

- You just have to be adult! Someone might come and help us!

"Masayoshi, do it!

"Brother, come on, oh, oh! Because he's not your brother's enemy! So!"

I get busted.

Someone screams.

Kicked, crawling to the ground.

Someone called my name.

"... don't bother, don't bother."

"Well, yeah"

Every time I get up, I fight. I don't know why. I just felt like I had to.

"Oh, fuck you!

When I fell asleep, the sky was blue. I looked like an idiot.

The voice grows louder. I was rolling in the middle of a big hole, and I got up slowly. At some point, there are people outside the hole as well. A lot of people. I even felt like every inhabitant of this city was watching us fight. Look around. I felt dizzy.


"Come on. Yeah, yeah, yeah!

"Aoi! Aoi, come on. Aoi!

The voice gets even louder. But I didn't think it was loud anymore.

"Blue Justice! Stand up!

"Do it! Kill me like that!

... shouting my name out loud, the one I know or don't. My name is called.

This was my first time in my life.

- You're on your own, aren't you? Let me fight alone, they're just screaming.

Everybody's calling me.

Fight, don't lose, work hard, win, I expect.


Unexpectedly, I shrugged.

It was a feeling I could never taste when I was doing the lower end in an evil organization.

"Damn it, there's a herd of mutton fish!

"Oh, shit."

It's embarrassing. But above all, it feels good.

Shit.... my whole body hurts from getting hit by a bump. Stinging and somewhere is hurting with a fever. Probably broken bones. The wire's been spotted. Even the bomb won't work. Missiles are out of stock, and the blades are broken. I don't think I can keep up with the speed of Pegasus. My breath is rough. I'm so tired of dying. I didn't care until just now, but now the suit feels heavy. This guy, that's it. Yeah.

"Fu, ku, ah, ha"

"... what are you laughing at?"

- All right, do it, me.

I don't feel like losing.

"Say it!

Because of my mind, Pegasus moves dull. At least, it looked that way to me. Play his fist and slap his palm bottom into his empty stomach. For a moment, Pegasus stopped. Miss it. Release a series of hits at close range.

"What, ha!?

I guess I couldn't stand it. Pegasus' face rose. I dropped my hips deep and put my strength into my right fist. Not enough for what I've been paying back, but this is the real deal.

"No, no, no. Blue Justice. Ugh!

Yeah, that's my name.

"Blue Justice, it's here!

Pegasus Blade dances to the universe with a glance. I didn't think, I was holding my right hand up as if responding to my voice.

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