Here is Blue Justice!

I have nothing to be afraid of. I don't cower. You keep fighting forward. Come on, look, Blue J


Painful. Somebody help me.

Oh, my God, I couldn't even think about that.

"Ha, ha, ha! Goddamn it, Zako's in shape! Ahhhh."

Pegasus Blade's movement is slowing down. It's more of a move like when you first started fighting. Why? It's not like my suit's gone crazy, and I bet you can fight it better than me when I'm worn out.

But I'm actually pushing it. I'm the dominant one.... think. Think. What's the difference? What's the difference just now? What changed.


Pegasus' arms pass over his head. It was too much. Yabe. If I think about it, I'll eat the extra attack. Damn it. I'm the one pushing it anyway. Keep doing this. Aah!

◆ ◆ ◆

Justice Aoi is pushing Pegasus Blade. There is no mistake in this fact. But Aoi himself didn't know why.

"Aoi...... Huh!

Pegasus Blade has not been able to exert his full strength. There are three people at this stage who realize that fact, why. One was Swan Mio Zi. She remembered her father's words. The Suit of the Tenma of the Sword has power. To save this country, the sword got a suit and wore it to hear the voices of those who were looking for help.

Definitely. Mio tried to tell Aoi what Pegasus was capable of. Open your mouth. But the voice calling Aoi's name, Blue Justice's name, did not stop from inside or outside the hole. Her voice is extinguished.

Other than Swan Mio Zi, there were those who were aware of Pegasus Blade's abilities. It is a spinel. But I also knew there was nothing I could do about it.

"... I just told him"

Speinel steps that Pegasus Blade's abilities will be about sound, eighty-nine. His blunt movements are caused by those who are cheering on Aoi. Pegasus is listening to the 'sound' of the enemy. I just can't hear it now.

People make noises when they move. Heartbeat, for example. Breathing, for example. The sound of kicking the ground and building strength. The moment you turn from quiet to motion, the sound always rings. Hear the sound, react tired of the suit's performance, and fight. That is Pegasus' method of warfare, the identity of power.

But there's nothing I can do to find out. Few humans exist who can fight with complete silence. Such arts and crafts could not be done to Aoi. Your solidarity with him will soon be over. When that happens, it means the defeat of Justice Aoi.

◆ ◆ ◆

I'm losing my punch. Sometimes I'm tired, but, bastard, my moves are back.


"You're disturbing me, breathe!

Mm-hmm. It's just so lame. Can you care? No matter how unusual, we just have to keep fighting.

Pegasus's kick captures the temples. I tried to beat him back, but his legs fluttered. He looked at me and laughed.

"I don't know what it's like to do it one-on-one"

"... what the hell are you missing? Hannah, you must be playing Tyman with me."

"You think so?

I get punched in the stomach. I ignore the damage and wave my left hand. But Pegasus was reading through the behavior. The fist is bounced and gets a kick where it's out of balance.

Isn't the performance of the suit everything? That could be true. But this guy... Is the contents a first-class product?... No, wait. This guy. Was he so, like, the one with the arm up? I don't know how much you wore in a Mitsune Tenma suit and the mulberry stain inside is so strong.

Then what is it?

"Shit, wow!

"I know! I can see it!

Even if I get beaten up, I get hit. No, try to figure out what I'm gonna hit you with. It's not like I can see the future. Is that your eye? Is that your ability to see better about the suit? It's possible. This guy's reaction is unusual.

I give in on the spot and twist his face.

"So how's this guy?"

Hit the right punch. I can still avoid it, but this is not my destiny. He opens his fist and throws the sand he was gripping in, aimed at his eyeballs.

"Still a hero."

"Gu, uhh......!?

I take a blow from Pegasus and I fall asleep on the ground.

"You're a cunning copycat."

Think more. You can't keep doing this. I've been fighting against Cancer like this, and I don't see a winner. I'm not alone anymore. If I get hit, what happens to the rest of them? Squeeze your wits about what you can do to beat this guy up.

Now Pegasus did not avoid the sand. No, I didn't even seem to care earlier. If so, it's not the eyes.

"Damn it."


This guy's movement was dull because

"You can't hear me!

Isn't that after everyone called me?

"... what"


Right. Is that what happened? I don't have any proof, but I felt something close to certainty. Pegasus Blade has great ears. I'm listening to the sound and fighting. Must be. Well, sure, that would also mean that my movements are being read. I don't know how far you're listening, but a raw feint shouldn't catch you.

"... what's up. Stand up, Hero."

"Oh. Wait for me."

This guy is listening to me. The ability was speculative. But I can't think of a countermeasure. Instead of moving without making a sound, I can't fight any more. Now I can fight because everyone's rooting for me. I'm sealing Pegasus' abilities. But my voice goes down. Not like this, no. Turn it on before your voice stops. Uh, no!

"Ah? What's wrong, dull?"

"Know what!

Damn, it's not easy to hit. I know you're in a hurry. I'm overwhelmed, and I guess the aim is monotonous. But still, if we don't move, I guess we won't win.

Not like this, I am. This city. Everyone.

"Ha! Ha-ha-ha! I'm having fun! I'm having fun!

This, to him.

"... it is."

Pegasus Blade's movement stops.

"... what the hell, this is wow"

Looks like the bastard muttered something right now, but I didn't hear anything at all.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! No, no, no, no, no, no!

"What are you doing, hero!

"Don't let go of me just now. Oh, come on!

"Justine! Blue Justine!

Ground ringing.

The number of people outside the hole is increasing. My voice is getting louder too. It's no longer a yell. It's not the same as just now. What the hell is this about?

When I was wondering, I saw someone standing on the edge of the hole. He was a golden hero. I have a bad taste in red capes, deer horns, and decorations on my helmet. I've seen it somewhere. Oh, that guy.

"Do you hear me," he said, squeezing the microphone hard.

"Do you hear me, righteous ally? And evil manners. My voice. Everybody's voice. That's fine if you're hearing me. This voice, in other words, is a prayer. It's a sacred wish."

The volume is too high and the sound is cracked, but his voice passed wonderfully well.

"The battle always brings chaos. Chaos will turn comedy into a tragedy. This city is screaming now. They are taking people's moans and crying. But I would never tell you not to waver. I look like this and tolerate violence. Fighting isn't always about losing it. You will need to weep and bleed to keep your faith alive. But there's got to be something we can do. So, blue bat. My people. Fight. You have nothing to be afraid of. I don't cower. You keep fighting forward. Come on, look, Blue Justice. Around you."

As they say, I look around. High voices of children. The old man's squeamish voice. A man's wild voice. A woman's, screaming voice. In the hole, outside. Everybody, he's calling my name. Louder than before, with stronger thoughts than just now.

"Did you see that? Admit it? Everything in this city is on your side. Got it?

"... mine"


It was fake. I was halfway there.

But for me now.

"Gu, is ahhhhhh! Stop it, my voice! Shut the fuck up. Yeah!

Pegasus Blade is suffering.... right. Voice. He's probably out of control. The tympanic membrane is going to break. I just have to unilaterally hear the big cheer. The only thing he's capable of is turning it on and off.

"Come on, you should fight fully. I sincerely hope you win. [M] I keep waiting forever for the moment when evil is banished and justice raises its name. My name is Golden Bat. He is a halfman who melts himself in the dark night but never forgets the light of day. The sun has been shallow since I first became a hero. But I've only been thinking and thinking about this city. I believe so, that no one can beat that feeling. Please, protect this city instead of me."

"Shit, Mayor! Step back, it's dangerous!

"Tell me what! Nonsense! You should scream too if you have time to say that. [M] Don't lose! Come on! That's what you scream!

Right. That guy, that hero. The one I met in the aquarium before. But the mayor? I think I heard something right now. Well, okay. Apparently, he called on the people outside. Thanks to him, I was able to seal Pegasus' abilities.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey!

I don't care if you say you're a hero. Then you can't do anything, I can. But let's put Keri on. That's all I can do.

Pegasus Blade releases his fist. I inevitably took it on my shoulder and beat it back. Sounds crisp. I guess one of the suits smashed. You know. You know.

I said, "Oh, my God. Something's mine! My ooh ooh!

"Ugh, would that be enough!?

My left leg is heavy. It's an alert. Something's ringing. Apparently the roller was broken.

"I guess I've done what I like scattered all the time!

"Not yet, I haven't done anything yet. Whoa."

Pegasus' shoulder goes down. Maybe the bone broke. Still, the bastard kept punching. Beat each other at close range. No longer has anything to do with skill or anything. Hit me, they just hit me. Just kick it back, and they'll kick it back.

"I don't have anything yet!

"Well...... you will!

Pegasus Blade has power. I have a suit called the strongest. But that's all. That's all this guy had. This guy has no allies. I don't have company. I don't have a protector. I can't keep fighting alone.

"Why is something getting in my way? Ooh!?

My leg. My arm. My shoulder. My chest. The suit breaks down slightly.

"This voice! You don't hear me!

Everyone was screaming for blue justice. There wasn't even supposed to be anything for me. One wrong step, maybe I was looking just like this guy. But no. No, it's not.

"I don't. Alright, you do!

"but ahhhhhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!

"I have nothing to protect!

Upper-flavored fists strike straight and Pegasus's jaw rises.

"I'm just taking people's things. Then I couldn't! I just had to be myself, and I couldn't if I thought so! I'm not fighting for me right now!

The left arm part was crushed. Never mind, push it down.

"What's wrong with fighting for yourself, wanting to be human!? It's my fault!

"It's not up to you to decide that!

Beat it. Pegasus dances through the universe and clashes to the ground. But it was still working. At last, he turned his back. I did it with the wings, which are the flying unit, so I can't fly anymore. This guy is no longer a Tenma.

"Fuck you, wait."

I tried to chase him, but I felt strange. The suit. The suit is the limit.

Almost everything is broken, and if you notice it, it is close to life. I don't mind. Even Pegasus is already at its limit.

"Out of the way, out of the way, you cunt! Cunts!

Pegasus is about to make a hole. But my body isn't moving properly. Slipping, falling, hands on the protrusion, desperately trying to escape. Those up there were frightened by its shape and had made way for it. Keep going. Then you'll get away with it.

"Damn, I'm having a bad time forever!

I don't know how far I'd feel if I did something wrong, that guy.

"... oh, oh?

I can try to run. Not good. It's a little bad, this. If you want to move, don't do it. But I can't stop. Slowly or whatever, we just have to move on.

That's when I heard the sound of cutting air from behind.

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