It was one rocket bullet that made the sky cleave and move on.

"Become, what?

I don't know who shot him. The rocket goes over my head and pushes straight to my target.

"Heh... kidding -"

It exploded.

On the wall of the hole, it landed on the target, Pegasus Blade. It brought shock and roar to the perimeter. Taking a direct hit, Pegasus slips down the slope.

Helpful, but who? Which one of you shot him?

"I did it. Oh, oh, that's a clean hit, brother! Saw it!? One shot now!

"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha."

"If I'm telling you. Here, let's get another one."


... those guys.

"You guys are here!

"Ah, my master's suit is blurry. No! What are you doing, Aoi?

Opposite Pegasus. There was one light tiger parked outside the hole. There are people making noise on that carrier. The Halimas. Tied corne manages to change, and there is also the town of Okatsu.


I can do it now. I can. Soon, my body was back in strength. Run out. Then, the suit that was about to break falls. Every time I go one step further, the shard drops.

When I got to the fallen down Pegasus Blade, all I had left was about my left arm portion and helmet.

"... hey, you had fun?

"Gu, bu, ru..."

I waited for Pegasus to get up. Even this guy's body is already blurry. He fought the heroes, he fought me, and he ate a decent shot of Bazooka. Even a boulder sword suit is unbearable. Above all, this guy himself is the limit.

We can't fight each other properly anymore.

"Buh...... but ahhh"

Still get up. Pegasus Blade gets up. I haven't given up yet. I didn't admit to losing.

"Let's get this over with. We were originally shaders, we were. Too conspicuous for a boulder."

Pegasus did not answer, and he was beaten up screaming. Too late. It's too awkward. It's easy for me to avoid without a suit.



Take it with your left arm. The parts smashed to pieces. Pegasus Blade holds up the edge of his mouth. My only weapon is gone. I guess that's what I thought. He's been aiming for pursuit even as he's disfigured. It's a big, visible punch.

"What's up, Mulberry Dye?"

Tingling, the body of Pegasus becomes stiff. I drop my hips low and make fists. Hold on tight. Hundreds or thousands of punches I've hit already. My body remembers.

Pegasus came in. I took a blow in the "right arm."

"Are you crying, you?

"... maybe"

- I punched in.

"I thought you were replacing the amulet."

I showed the gloves on my right arm and bent down beside the mulberry stain.

"That's it. It would be cowardly, but that's not true."

"Ha, I was a fighter, too. You just have to win, if you win."

Mulberry dyeing tries to laugh, coughs up.

"I'd like to talk to you about something, but I'm sure he'll ask you again during the meeting."

"... you're not gonna kill me?

"You're a hero."

Cops and the media rush down the slope. Mulberry stain will be caught and you will never be able to get out again. On the contrary, it could result in the death penalty.

"Maybe we can get away with this now."

"You idiot. Do you have a hero to instigate? haha......"

"Can I just ask you one thing?

Mulberry dyeing nodded silently.

"It's moonlight, but how did you do this?

I don't know, Mulberry Dye said.

"I don't know, maybe it's changed since I saw your sword Heavenly Horse suit.... No, you're not. There's nothing wrong with the suit. The bad thing is."

"The demon gave it to me. There's no such thing as a really bad guy. So, well, make amends. I'll make it a peaceful city so that you won't have a problem coming back. Because you're a hero, I am. Protect everyone."

"See how long it lasts."

"Oh, look at that."


It's over.

The battle is over.

Tomorrow, and maybe by the end of the day, the bad guys will do something about it. Still, I'm the one who lost my suit, but I want everyone in this city. There was an explosion. Or the ground jumped.

"Hiccup! Saw it, saw it!? Clean Hitto!"

... Is that it? Me, float, huh?

"The strongest wasn't that sword, the Tenma suit, or the Blue Justice! The Halimas were the strongest! You did it!

No, it's not good.

I noticed, I woke up.

It was slightly bright in the room, but dark outside the window. I can hear people and the sound of cars running. I guess the sun just fell.

"Don't move. 'Cause you're a bummer."

Trying to wake up my body, I was stopped. It was the president peeking into my face.

white walls and ceilings. It smells like medicine somewhere. Am I in the hospital? So, they're putting me to sleep.

"... don't worry, I can't move."

Apparently, he's bandaged all over his body. When consciousness returns, pain also returns.

"Hey, what happened?

The president moved the wheelchair and stopped near the window. There are no other signs of people. It was like he was taking a private room for me.

"After that, you ate the Halima family bazooka. It was a direct hit, but it was terrible."

You're kidding. Next time I see you, I'll make you a gitta-gitter. The one with the cedar, his butt peppered.

"Hey, by the way, how long have you been asleep, I..."

"Two whole days. In the meantime, Pegasus Blade... Mulberry Dye and the fighters he was giving him were caught. I don't know if you're saying you got caught."

Right. Well, will it?

"The TV station is noisy, but don't worry about it."


"Because you, they don't know who you are. The name of Colors, in fact, hardly seems to have been asked. You're a little out of shape."


Didn't they know, huh? Well, most people don't know I stopped the mulberry stain. The suit was almost broken and would have disappeared. It means he was an unidentified, one-day hero.

"Fine. It's not like I wanted to be famous."

"Sounds loud for the time being.... Everyone's fine. Nine times, Ren, nothing."

"Is the company okay?

"Your injury, but the doctor said it would take three months."

You're lying. Insurance or something, right? You're gonna be okay, right?

"Don't look like that. Because I won't be able to work again. Plus, with more new hires, Colors' work is fine."

New hire, you say?

"People you know."

"I didn't think so."

The president. I'm the one doing this, but there's no way out. Wait a minute.

"Maybe you're not fired or something, are you? Oh, I have two kids."

The president, looking out the window, turned around and smiled ill-willed.

"I don't know what to do."


"Just kidding. When I fire you, well, maybe when Colors crumbles. So heal your body slowly. Please."

The president approached slowly, took my hand, and held it gently.

"Aoi, I'm sorry. If I'd been firmer, you wouldn't have seen this."

In my hand, something warm tells me.

"... don't cry"

"Because...! If I, you, die...!

Not even close.

"Really, I'm glad you're safe... alive, give me"

Gusu, dizzy, the president was crying all the time. I thought she was like a normal girl.

"You're not going to die. I'm still going to be a hero."

The president nodded again and again as he leaked his whimper.

"You've shown me the ugly spot," the president said with a red eye.

Just answer "nothing". Even if you stick it in poorly, you'll just see this one hurt.

"Three months from now, rather than if your injury has healed."

That's not true.

"Suit. Look, the suit about what you got would have broken. So I'm looking out for something to replace. Um, what about your sword suit?

"What am I supposed to do?

Um, your sword, Tenma's. The suit of the man who saved this country.

"From Mulberry Dye, I don't know how it turned, but my suit was completely fixed and I'm back."

The suit?... Maybe it's Grandpa? But I didn't like your sword suit. I don't think I have the in-laws to do that.

"Originally you were supposed to wear it, so it's not weird and maybe it's not a natural flow"

Sure, maybe. But.

"... no, I'll stop"

"Maybe you think the load is heavy or something?

"No. I just don't want to wear mulberry-stained sweat."

"Well. Then that's what I'll leave you to do"

Do that.

The president exhaled and turned away from me.

"At that time," she opens her mouth and then tells her hesitantly.

"You came to help me? Or are you here to stop Mr. Mulberry Dye?

"Come on, I wonder"

I felt like I had to stop him. Well, I was more than willing to punch him first.

"Honestly, I've been thinking a lot. I just wasn't too worried about the president."

The president stared at me silently. But I don't have a heart or a hegemony in my eyes. It feels like it's stubborn.

"You're my boss. Above all, you are Swan Mio Zi. That's not the kind of balls that worries me."

"I'm a woman, a child."

"Yeah, hey, you did"

I can turn a grinning smile. He held his hand tightly and thoughtfully. Ouch. It hurts.

"Bastard, could I really fire you"

"He's in trouble. I'm a Colors hero. I'm not in the mood to try harder."

"... Shh, it's not a special victory. But hehe, that's fine, 'cause it's the bottom line."

"Is that the bottom end? Well, no. It suits me. Take it easy. Okay, I'm going to bed."

"Aoi?... Yep, rest. My, Everyone's, Hero."

For now, something like that. I've risked my life with one body before. For the time being, try to give me a big, quiet, slow break. Looks like I've been asleep for two days, but for some reason, my body's heavy, my eyelids. Consciousness melts. Oh. Right. It's like, that day, when I fell into the ocean, you know...

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