Here is Blue Justice!

You better quit being a hero.

"Wait, you bastard, you're not running away because I'm gonna bust you!


I was chasing fighters from some organization at full speed. Apparently, he was drunk from daytime onwards, and in the convenience store he rumbled and intimidated the clerk, forcing him to give me cigarettes and booze. He's a dickhead. Be gentler with the store clerk.

You have booze in you, but you have a solid foothold of fighters desperately running ahead of me. The bastard ignores the signal, is about to collide with the car, and is even running around poking passers-by.

Does chasing straight just increase the extra damage? That's what I decided. I went into the sidewalk and decided to go ahead on top of people's walls and through the narrow, painful place between the building and the building.

Shortcuts and lurk in the shadows, checking for combatants running around and jumping out. I set up an ambush, but I'm avoided. But I cornered him in the alley. There's a golden net ahead of him, and he's dead.

The combatant looked up at the tall gold net and was trying to grate, but he noticed me approaching and desperately tried to climb. I grabbed the combatant's foot, pulled him down and took the mount. As soon as I saw a two-shot punch in my stomach because of the tingling, I shut up.

"Okay, okay, that's fine."

Do you want to contact the president for now? Hand this mess over somewhere and the job is done.

The minute I took out my phone and tried to call the president while I caught the combatant's root with my right hand, I got a call. Not from the president. Who is this?

"Aye, hello" I'll just get out.

"You're Blue Justice, hero of Colors"

It wasn't very familiar, it was a woman's voice. But I remember that way of talking.

"You, from the administration...?

"Yes, this is Iris Airway Blue, Administrator of the External Crustacean Clothing Administration."

Was it Iris after all?

"That's a long title. So, what? Oh, no, just fine. I just caught a fighter. What am I supposed to do?

'Really? Thank you for your hard work. So, what is your current location? I'll send a cop over there. "

"Oh, please. Until then, can we hold this guy down?

That's when I saw the street from the alley. I also saw a mother with children and a strange one bump into each other. Despite the fact that she has been hit on the shoulder, the mother is trying to shelter her child and keeping her head peppered down.

"Blue Justice? Do you hear me? There's a place I'd like you to head next. '

The odd one is a man. He is a young man in a tank top, dyed his hair in a flashy color, how he feels. He was distracted by the fact that he was apologized for or something against his flat-headed mother. I guess passers-by don't like being involved either, they can't help that mother.

I got up the fighter who was still groaning and punched him a little harder. He hit his back against the gold net, and the guy fell down with a glare.

"Bad. Just give me a minute. I'll just clean up one at a time."

"Yes? Um, what?"

When I got out of the alley and plugged it into the street, I saw a certain characteristic of the young man in the matter.

"It's a tattooed man. I have a worm tattoo from my right shoulder to my arm. Are you in your twenties? Shorter hair, gold in color. He'll call you all over town."

'... is the man a combatant?

"No, I'm not wearing a suit."

'Ugh, okay. Don't change your priorities'

Iris gave me an address. I also added that the Phantom was rampant there.

I've only been watching a tattooed man for a little while from there, but I decide he doesn't seem willing to do violence to his mother or anyone nearby.

"Okay. I'm going that way now.... Hey, is that it?

Iris did not reply immediately. Apparently, she's talking to someone on the phone, too. Again, I glanced at the tattooed man.

"Don't bully your old man"

"... ah? Oh, you little..."

"No, don't stop."

"Oh, my God! Oh, my God!

A mother's child, entangled in an asshole, was kicking a tattooed man in the leg. The mother holds her child in her arms and shrinks to the spot.

"Stop. Eh, stop!


A tattooed man pulled the child out of his mother's hand and gave in. That's how I hit the kid in the cheek with the back of my hand.

As soon as possible, there's a cry of children all over the area. Then there's the voice of the mother crying quietly.

'Thank you for waiting. Now, go to the next scene immediately'

"That's not going to happen anymore. I'm hanging up."

"Ah... Blue Justice. Please head to another site. It's a short distance from there...... '

What the hell is this guy missing?

"I beat the kid up."

'I don't know what's going on here. But you're not a fighter, are you? Phantoms still have people.'

"Hey, hey. Hey! You're right in front of me!? You bastard who beat the shit out of me! Ignore him and go to another crime scene!?


"You want me to miss it!? What do you think, oh!?

There was no response. Slightly later,

"Are you going to defy me?

Iris uttered a magic word to me.

"Heroes are human too. It's not the Almighty God. You can't save everything. If you're not prepared to trump one of them, you better quit being a hero. Have you forgotten? You know what you're in control of. '

I brought up the credentials. You fucking asshole.

"... you"

"Quickly. Choose. '

I'm the hero?

You're saying they're gonna take away your credentials?

Because of this, I thought I'd come this far. Even the injury is healed, and this is how he's out on the scene?

"Justice Aoi. Stay away from it and head to the next scene. That's the last one. This is your last warning. '

The tattooed man was trying to cross the signal. From here, I was trying to escape.

'You'll find out someday too. The way the administration does it. "

"I do what I think is right. Whether that's a hero or not."

"Can't you be a hero without a suit?


Oh, well.

I guess so.

"... you're not"

It's not like that. You're not freaking out.

"Blue Justice? Do you hear me? Um, here!

It's not the suit that matters to a hero. Of course, it's not a qualification or a certificate that someone else handed down. Idiot or me.

"Blue Justified! Reply!

"Try to manage it"

I walk out. I can't wait, I run out.

"Blue Justice!"

"That's my name! You guys know what we are!

There's blood on my head. I'm angry right now. Against the irrational ones. Most importantly, against myself, who was out of my mind. I'm about to squeeze my phone out of momentum. This stuff is getting in the way. I threw him away in the distance.

I lay my hands on the head of the kid who's still crying and I'll blow the ground. Flashing signal. Hurry up and cross. The back of the tattooed man got into my eyes. Grab him hard on the shoulder and force him to turn around.

"Ah? What is it, man?

"You hit me in the back by surprise."

"... Oh, come on"

I do it my way. Put up my justice. In this city! I've decided to be a hero!

The air is cold. That's right. It looks like this is the basement of the administration.

What you see is a wall of beatings. Iron plaid. No windows. Even if it is, you won't see it outside. Beyond the iron lattice is a hallway. Outside. But I can't go there.

Because I'm in a cage right now.

"How are you feeling, Justice Aoi"

Talking from across the iron lattice is Iris, who has both sides cemented with SP.

"... Yes"

"It's not a yes. I'm asking how you feel about disobeying the instructions of the administration."

I felt great when I hit the tattoo guy. But it wasn't good afterwards. You can go to another crime scene and work with other heroes until you do something about the Phantom. I was caught trying to get back to Colors. That's how he was brought to the administration, where he could afford to go into a place like this one.

"For once, I'm a hero too... what the hell is this place? You can get out, can't you? Hey, hey, hey, didn't you just ignore what you just said? See?"

"This is the administration's dormant room."

It's the dormant room, huh? No, it's nothing like a detention center!

"It's an embassy building, and this is what you're preparing? I don't know if I can use it..."

"Curiosity killed the cat. Curiosity says it kills cats. If you want to be a hero, don't be a cat."

"Can I be a dog? Yours."

Iris didn't say anything. Just staring down at me. Those eyes look as though they despise me or pity me.

"Um, what happens to me?"

"I'll manage it for you. thoroughly."

Iris made an extraordinary smile.

"Now, reflect slowly here today"

"Eh, hey! Seriously, seriously!?

I grab an iron lattice and use my entire body to shake it up.

"Give me a break! Just kidding, please. Ugh! Please! What did I do?

"Maybe you didn't do anything."


Iris, with his back turned, takes the others and walks away from me. Their footsteps sounded strange, but they won't hear it any time soon either.

I was left alone. I sat on the spot and nodded. Sleep with the broom and roll to the edge of the room. When I left my body on a thick wall, I could see my back getting cold.

... My phone was turned on and thrown away then, and the gloves were taken away. Are the presidents and rens worried about me by now? Somebody help... - No, you can't. There's nothing I can do about being put in here, but I have to do something about it alone.

For one thing, I decided to do a lot of research on this room. Knock on the wall for nothing. The dull sound returned. Wow, looks thick. I don't think I can break a wall, an iron lattice, or a glove.

When it comes to what is in a room about six tatami, a toilet surrounded by walls in the corner. They have a washroom... but maybe there's no rice or water? You want me to drink this sink faucet? Whatever it takes is too bad.

Blankets and duvets were placed on the tatami. When I touched that, it felt cheap. I look up at the ceiling, but it just has a small light on it. I was hoping for a vent or something, but I don't think so.

There is a plate on the front of the iron lattice. Just high enough to see my head from the hallway side if I sit down. At the right end there were enough doors for dogs and cats to get in and out, like. Isn't this the one who puts meals in and out of the house?

"No, it's a perfect detention facility, this."

You treat me like a criminal.

But the more I think about it, the more I feel like this place is awesome. I don't know what that means in the first place, but it's a strange story that they're renting an embassy. There's even a facility for locking someone up.

Wait, wait, wait.

No, I was wondering from the beginning. I understand the purpose of the Authority. Destroy evil. To do this, we pawn our heroes and move them efficiently and rationally. Well, I get it. But what I don't know is how I found out about the bad guys in the organization.

The president said. He said the administration doesn't have a lot of people. Besides, it's like they're renting a house. The scale is not that great. At least the Iris who came to this city.

But the instructions were accurate. Instead of the Phantom, he was moving the Champions so that not even one combatant could escape. But how was I supposed to get the information on the evil organization? Maybe the administration has some kind of information network. Maybe we have something we can't even imagine.

I hate Iris and the administration to death right now. That's why I suspected it on my own, maybe I was just feeling stinky. But what's all this chest crap? It's pretty cold in there, so it would help if you turned on the heating.

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