Here is Blue Justice!

Grand from the front.

I don't have such delicate nerves that I can't sleep when my pillow changes. But I couldn't sleep in this situation on a boulder. The next time it happens, I don't know what I'm gonna do. Super scary.

The room and hallway are dark because the lights are out, and when you're in the dark, all you can think about is a lot of things.

"... ahhhhhh"

It's hard to recognize that even your voice belongs to you. The sound emitted is sucked into the darkness and disappears. Am I going to die like this? Can you only be a dog in the administration and sound like one?

I didn't like that.

I couldn't sleep, but my eyelids got a little heavier, and it became difficult to stay conscious.

Sitting blurry on the tatami, something seemed to be rumbling in the dark. Is it a hallucination? But even if it is, it's distracting.

The tatami in front of me moved and jumped. Slightly after, the shadow shows up all the time.

"... Lord Aoi"

Oh, not just hallucinations, but even hallucinations.

"Lord Aoi, are you all right?

Shoulder shaken. Isn't that an illusion?

When I stared, there was an idaten round face dressed in a hero suit. He looks at me worried.

"You... where have you been?!?

Ever since the administration arrived, there's been a cloud cover. How much trouble do you think we're in?

"Be quiet. There were a lot of things. But now as soon as I come to rescue Lord Aoi"

"You didn't quit Colors, did you?

"Of course it is. Where I am, it's the only place there."

"Okay. In the meantime, I'm glad you're okay. Just call the president, idiot."

"It's not nice."

Well, yeah, well.

Am I going to help? I feel like I'm totally out of jail, but I'm not arrested for anything, and I'm bored to be standing still here.

"The president asked you to come?

The idaten circle then shakes its neck to the side. So, who did?

Thinking about it, from where Idaten Maru came out, another one appeared all over again.

It's been a long time, Aoi.


"Lord Aoi, be quiet!

It was the tall man who appeared. It's bad for the heart because it suddenly comes out.... No, this guy. Didn't he say it's been a long time or something?

When I finally look at it, it looks familiar to a long coat, to a silver long hair that looks familiar to me... I do...

"Mr. Edo?

"Oh, I didn't expect to see you again in this way."

It's Edo. Definitely. But why are you here? And with Idaten Maru.

"... idatenmaru, what do you mean, this"

Idaten Maru meditates his eyes, creating a face that seems difficult. I tried to interrogate him, but Mr. Edo opened his mouth in her place.

"It's a fight, Aoi. Things are going on, Idaten Maru and I are working together temporarily."

Heroes and evil organizations fighting together? I don't see the situation very well. But I can trust these two.

"Now there's a hero administration in this city. They're troublesome people who will efficiently destroy the evil organization. Of course it may be thankful to heroes and citizens, but we are in trouble. And most importantly, it's not the administration that's in trouble."

"Aside from the Authority, anything?

"Spinengevebe. It refers to a spider's nest in German, but there is an organization with that name. It's an evil organization that would have rooted for a long time in this city."

Never heard of it.

"That spider's nest is selling other tissues. Judicial transactions… are different, but similar. That's how we get ourselves missed."

Oh, well. Is that what you mean? By reason. Is that what happened when the guys at the administration had information?

"I mean, the administration is working with evil organizations."

"That's what's going to happen. Now, I guess the spider's nest is just missed."

Well, from Edo and the others, a nest of spiders wouldn't be depressing. We don't know when we're going to be offered to the administration. Leaving it is tantamount to suicide.

"But how did you know the spider's nest was stuck with the administration?

"Spider nest combatants have a common trait. I caught the fighter a few days ago under certain circumstances."

Well, I thought about the son of a bitch I punched today.

"... features, maybe tattoo? Something like a bug."

"Oh, yeah. Spider tattoo. That is the testimony of the members of the Spider's Nest."

Maybe the one I hit was a member of the spider's nest, too.

"We also made sure that the combatant had just come out of the 'hole' and let him throw up in the wash. I'm a wooden combatant and I didn't tell you a big deal, but if it's a spider's nest, it can't even sell every soul to the administration."

"Mr. Edo knows the spider's nest, right?"

"I've been grasping them for a long time. The leader of the spider's nest is a woman named Arachnito. Rumor has it, he doesn't show up in public, but he's good at moving people... and when he's up to something, he's not sure, but he's sure."

But isn't that weak enough?

"I said 'hole' earlier, but it's about this"

That said, Mr. Edo points to the hole where they came out.

"This... Digging?

"No, they were digging. We're just using it. Do you remember an organization called Ugolomochi?

Around? Ah. Uh. Uh, uh. Those moles. No, there were some of those guys.

"The Ugolomochi are devastated, but their remaining underground passage is alive and well. I was in the process of investigating that I might be able to use it for something, but I found it interesting. We didn't know that the route had changed or was no longer available."

"In addition to Mr. Edo and the others, there are people who use this hole."

By the way, are you saying that it was a member of the spider's nest you were using?

"Though I didn't think the underground passage led to a place like this. I wouldn't have come this far without Idaten Maru's request."

"But it still sounds settled"

There was an underground route leading to the administration, which was used by members of the spider's nest. Administration and the Spider's Nest. I guess the two have some kind of contact.

... No, I told Iris on the phone about the one I hit today. 'I have a tattoo'. Iris then did not respond immediately. I was talking to someone. Suppose that someone knew about the spider's nest...

"In other words, it was Kunzeit who noticed the spider's nest and the administration. He's sensitive to things like that."

"It's also my Mel friend"

Idatenmaru, who has never spoken before, has shown his cell phone as if he was only a little good at it. I slap an asshole in the head and shut up.

"Ah, the Four Heavenly Kings of the Evil Organization and Mel. Ah? If your president finds out...!

"Oh, even Lord Aoi was a combatant, wasn't he? I know. Esmerald is in and out of Lord Aoi's house."

"Bye, idiot"

I blocked Idaten Maru's mouth. Edo should know that Master Esmeraldo is coming to my house. They'll kill you.

I looked out for Mr. Edo. He sighs out as if he had no choice.

"... even if you know. Master Esmerald, there is only hope. Of course, Aoi believes you're not going to do anything."

Mr. Edo's eyes lit up. I nodded over and over like a broken toy.

At that time, I felt a shake. This place is underground. Is something going on up there even in the noise? I can also hear faint things like people's voices.

Surprised, Mr. Edo checked his watch and nodded small.

"Has it started?... Aoi. Our purpose is Arachnito, the leader of the spider's nest. But I don't know where he is. Perhaps we are at the end of the underground passage of Ugolomochi, but there are too many routes. I can't take any more time."

So. That's what Mr. Edo says and stands up.

"I'm going to make a scene here to get him out of the nest. A cautious one, but superimposed if you show me some movement. It would be a stone and two birds if the administration could hit it too. I'm here to help you."

"... yeah, just leave it like that"

I stood up imitating Mr. Edo, too. Yeah, I'll just take a little distance.

"I just can't help you. The administration may be buying information from the Spider's Nest, but it's not about anything being the enemy of a hero. I mean, you're not the enemy of justice."

"Well, what do you want me to do?

"If you're going to crush them in the administration, just stop it."

Mr. Edo got his hands inside his coat. Idathenmaru, who was beside me, showed me his sleigh to patrol, but he lined up beside me. Son of a bitch, I was wondering what I'd do if I betrayed you.

"Two on one. Bad minutes, Mr. Edo."

"Huh. Have you lost your memory through the tissue, Aoi?"

Mr. Edo's arm moves. At that moment, he was already gripping his fortune and letting him touch the outside air. I always saw Mr. Edo's knife,

"Who do you think I am? It's Keitaro Edo, Esmerald's right arm."

The iron lattice had been cut into pieces and the cage had been destroyed.

When me and Idatenmaru are taken aback, Mr. Edo leaves the hallway through the cut part of himself and begins to look around.

"Not to mention the administration. They're not wearing suits. It goes against my aesthetics to deal head-on with people other than heroes. Besides, what Lady Esmerald wants is your recapture.... Oh, and you said two on one? You're not."


Idatenmaru reacted before I noticed. Fighters appeared out of the hole behind them.

Mr. Edo grinned.

"Two against thirteen. Bad minutes, Aoi."

Twelve combatants all showed up. They were in perfect alignment when they said it was a small room, waiting for Mr. Edo's instructions without wasting his breath.

The suits of the aligned combatants contain numbers. One to twelve, what a well, nostalgic design.

"With numbers. You guys too!

Among them, the numbered one opens its mouth.

"Esmerald Squad, we have everyone with numbers!

"Oh, everyone."

There are thirteen of us with the numbers. When I was wondering, the numbered best took out the combatant's mask.

"... what is this"

As I looked at the mask seriously, the people with the numbers pointed fun at me.

"You can't make a decent excuse if they see your face when you run away, can you? Uh, Aoi. I know you're gonna be a hero, too, but put it on."

I was forced to grab my mask. But I'm already...

"Mind your own business!

"I don't know, you're a hero, but you're a hero."

"Aoi is Aoi. Sometimes it's good! Huh?"

When I was lost, Idaten Maru put his hand on my shoulder.

"For Lord Aoi, masks and suits do not set out his own beliefs. Lord Aoi's justice should not be like being tied up and imprisoned by someone"

"... well. Well, then."

I haven't worn a numbered mask in a long time. It smelled a little sweaty.

"Aoi. As Lady Esmerald may have said, you're welcome to replace the saddle."

"I don't feel like a bat anymore. It was too late to realize it, but it suits me."

"Phew, that's it. Then let's go. Clear the way!

Response, and everyone spoke out in a prestigious voice.

Leading the numbered troops, we run through the building of the administration (almost like an embassy, to say the least). Along the way, I also came across a person from the Authority, but he didn't get his hands on it and barely broke through it in a way that I would ignore.

When I broke down the door and went up to the ground, it was dark outside that I could see through the window.

Right. Night.

I remember when I worked as a fighter. My chest made a little noise, but I weighed myself quickly.

"Whoa! Which way are you running from?

"It is decided. Grand from the front."


Going outside through a hall-like place, there was intense fighting in front of the embassy. The gate is destroyed and recessed in the fence.

"Ooh, ooh! Where is it, Arachnito?


It's Groshra. He's running around with all his Phantoms. The atmosphere was surrounded by rushed heroes and security people trying to seize him, but nobody was going to get close.

Mr. Edo stops once and shows himself outside the embassy at the tip of the knife.

"It also has the purpose of dispersing the chaser, but it stands out even if it is solidified. Let's split up here."

"Okay. Which way, Edo and the others?

"It is decided. I have a hero in front of me."

Well, you know, the next time we meet, we're enemies, and the ones with the numbers, they lift up their hands and head towards the heroes with ease.

"Um, Mr. Edo. There is..."

The moment I tried to bow my head, Mr. Edo stopped me from doing so.

"Where are the heroes who thank the humans of the evil organization?... There's no next time, Blue Justice"

Mr. Edo held his gains in both hands and kicked them to the ground.

Excuse me. But you don't mind bowing your head in your heart, do you? Thanks, guys. I was about to forget something important again.

"Aoi, let's go from behind."

"Oh, okay"

The back of the building was poorly guarded. I try to climb the fence with the help of Idaten Maru.

"Aoi! Aoi, justice!

But they found it. Besides, it's the worst one I can think of.

I take off the combatant's mask and look down at him. Iris Airway Blue.

Iris was alone. I don't even have a weapon. It would be easy to get away from this guy.

"Do you know what you've done? I can't believe I took the bad guy's hand and ran away from the back. You don't just have to qualify as a hero."

"... you guys are doing it right back there, aren't you? A spider's nest does a lot with tissue. I forgot. You guys are not heroes. It's only about managing heroes."

"What are you talking about? Besides, how can there be a name for a spider's nest here?"

"Don't give me the shirashiba! I'm sorry, but I don't trust you guys anymore. It's my justice. Let me do whatever I want."

Iris rounded his eyes and held his own body to conceal the tremor.

"Please explain. What about the spider's nest and us?"

"You look like you don't know anything."

"I don't know what you're talking about"

I see.

"I'll follow you. I will chase you to the end of hell. Never think you can get away with it."

"Don't run away from me."

I almost told you, I saw the heroes coming this way.

"First off. Idaten Maru, let's go."

But Idaten Maru didn't move off the spot.

"... Lord Aoi, hurry up. I'll stop this place."

"Idiot, what are you talking about!?

"Quickly! I'm telling you!

Idatenmaru turns his back on me. I guess this guy doesn't even remember feeling guilty about not showing up before.

"Cut it up where it's appropriate. You're not the only one. If the Colors get caught in the eye, I'm not just gonna smash him to death. If you don't want to kill me, come back safe."

"Deliberate Awareness"

"It's a promise!

"Aoi! Make sure the Authority gets you!

I got over the fence and landed on the sidewalk. Iris came after me, but I didn't turn around anymore.

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