Abtom's evil smile at York director, a tick of the index finger will press the trigger. Luo Feiqi hastens to step forward, fiercely pulls the York director to own behind.

"Wait, I'll go with you! But I have a condition, you are not allowed to hurt any one of them, and leave them two cars. "

Abtom raises eyebrows and looks at rofeich with interest. She dares to come out and block the gun with courage.

"Yes, deal!" Abtom turned and yelled to his men. Then someone ran up and threw two car keys. Rofeich raised his hand to catch it.

"Feifei, you can't go!" Yoffick's tight sleeves.

"Sister Feifei, you can't go. They are not good people when they see it. Don't go!" Yingzi is also flustered. She comes up and drags Luo Feiqi with tears in her eyes.

"It's OK. I'll be fine. If you have a car, you can leave the desert. Can you help me then?" Luo Feiqi rubs yingzi's head soft voice.

Naturally, she didn't want to leave with abtom, but there was no way for her to do so. She could not watch her companion get hurt.

"But, but..." Yingzi stammered and couldn't speak, so anxious that her tears fell down.

"Feifei, honey, stop dawdling, OK? It's time for us to go! " Abtom was not interested in seeing which part of the farewell play they played, urged impatiently.

Luo Feiqi gave him a cold glance, turned to them, gently raised a smile, patted yingzi's hand, "I'm leaving, director York, be careful on your own way!"

Luofeiqi followed abtom to get on the leading SUV and drove to the distance in the dust.

"What can I do?" Director York has a dignified face. The man is not a nobody at first. Judging from his and her staff's dress, it should be a famous mercenary group here.

Feifei was taken away by them, but it was dangerous.

"Director, don't think so much. Since we have a car, we might as well leave here first." A worker suddenly said.

"Yes, leave quickly. Even if you want to save people, you have to go out and talk about it. What can I do here?"

"Yes! Don't you go? No, I'll go first, director. I want this car

Since one of them started to speak, other staff began to echo. Luo Feiqi has been taken away. Now that he is struggling, it will not help. For them, it is more important for them to leave the desert quickly.

York director pursed his lips, tightly nestled the car key that Luo Feiqi had given himself before he left. He swept through the crowd like a torch. Luo Feiqi bought everyone's safety and the car with his own eyes. They forgot all these in a twinkling of an eye.

But director York couldn't say the blame. After all, he took these people into the desert, and only he was responsible for their safety. Now in the life-threatening situation, everyone is selfish, only think of themselves, it is human nature.

"The two cars can't hold all of us. Some people must stay and wait for them to go out and come back for help." Director York counted the number of people, turned his eyes to the two SUVs, and silently calculated that at most 14 people could leave here.

"I will not stay, I will leave!"

"I don't want to stay. What if the people who go out don't come back?"

"Why are you so gloomy in your heart?"

"You're not gloomy. You stay. I'm going to leave anyway."

"Director York, I can drive, let me go, so I can come back and bring other people!"

When the meeting is over, everyone can leave for a while.

"Stop it!" The director of York was more and more confused by their arguments. He couldn't help shouting. The dispute stopped suddenly and everyone's eyes turned to director York.

All of a sudden, there was a roar of cars in the distance, and everyone was shocked. They were afraid that the gang just turned around and came back to kill people.

Under the intense gaze of the group, the two motorcades almost stopped in front of them at the same time, and the last mercenary jumped out of the car. However, their attention was not focused on director York and others. Instead, they looked at each other with their hands on their waists and their swords stretched out.

"It's you Yun Qianmo gets out of the car and coldly looks at he Xinyu, who comes out of the other party's crowd, with a strong tone.

He Xinyu takes a look at him. His gentle face is also serious at this time. However, he doesn't talk to Yun Qianmo, but comes directly to director York.

"And Feifei?" He Xinyu's eyes swept around the crowd, but he didn't see Luo Feiqi.

Yun Qianmo also quickly walked over, his face changed, "director York, where is Feifei?"

Director York looks at Yun Qianmo in embarrassment, with guilt in his eyes. Before he came, he also promised Yun Qianmo that he would take Feifei back safely. Unexpectedly, things turned out to be like this."Mr. Yun, I'm sorry. It's all my fault. Feifei was just taken away by a group of mercenaries. The first day we came here..." Director York told Yun Qianmo all the causes and consequences of the incident, just bent down and bowed.

After listening to director York's words, he Xinyu and Yun Qianmo are both serious. Yun Qianmo clenches his fist, but he is angry, but he doesn't know how to start his anger. His eyes are full of strong killing intention.

"Those are the two cars they left behind. I heard the leader of the mercenary Corps say his name is..." Director York points to two cross-country lanes and suddenly gets stuck. The names of Africans are really too tongue twisty, and they are so nervous that they can't hear them clearly.

"His name is abtom!" Then the director's voice came out.

"Yes, yes, that's the name!" Director York nodded.

Yun Qian Mo turned his eyes to Gru, with a sense of danger, "do you know who he is?"

Gru shrugged, and his smile was strange. "Of course, Mr. Yun, remember I said there were two other groups in the desert? One group is them. " Gru used his chin to signal the mercenaries standing behind he Xinyu.

"The other group, of course, is abtom, the three of us, but our enemies, especially Tom Abramovich, did not steal my business. Do you know me?"

Cloud Qian Mo coldly looked at the arrogant Glu smile, did not speak, the eyes are full of anger.

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