No matter who he is or what his position is, as long as he dares to move Luo Feiqi, he must pay a price.

"Mr. Yun, it's not my crow's mouth, that guy's famous beauty lover. Your little girl friend was taken away by him, tut! It's hard to say Gru looks like a good play, although not explained, but everything has been in silence.

He Xinyu turned to look at the head of the mercenary group behind him, "that abtom, you are sure the team will pay him! I'm going to get people back! "

The leader turned his mouth. "No, the three of us have been checking and balancing each other. If you let me fight abtom, it's almost as if we were both defeated. I won't take this job! Who do you want to go to? "

He Xinyu's eyes turned to Gru, and Gru waved his hand in a hurry. "I only look for people in the desert, and I won't take them! You two, you'd better ask for other talents

Cloud Qian Mo's eyes flash a sharp light, can't drag on. The longer it takes, the more dangerous it will be.

"Tom, I'll take two of you to the market, and I'll pay you two times as much as you pay me."

Gru and the other head of the mercenary looked at each other, and they were moved, not to mention ten times the salary. As long as they won, abtom's territory was theirs, and the deadlock of the tripartite confrontation was broken. This is a good thing to be desired.

"I'll give you the same commission! I'll give it to you when it's done Seeing their faces still hesitated, he Xinyu suddenly raised his voice.

Gru and the head of the mercenary looked at each other with joy in their eyes and said in the same voice, "deal

Yun Qianmo cast a heavy look at he Xinyu and turned to get on the car. Now it's urgent to rescue Luo Feiqi. As for these things, he doesn't want to worry about them again!

"Mr. Yun! Do you have any place in the car? Take my people with you Director York rushed to stop Yun Qianmo.

"Director York, if there is a place in that car, you can get on it. Hurry up. Don't waste time!" Yun Qian Mo didn't speak, so he immediately answered for him.


Finally, everyone got into the car and ran after Tom abreast.

I don't know if abtom is too confident in his own power, or he thinks that rofeich can't make any waves, even her eyes have not been blindfolded all the way.

After driving out of the desert, the car drove straight to the city. Looking at the several mercenaries around her, Luo Feiqi could not help thinking that it was really chaotic. Even such illegal mercenaries were so blatant that they still lived in the city.

"Feifei little beauty, I haven't seen you for so long. Do you miss me?" When abtom turned back, he just ran into rofeich's eyes. Then he put on a dirty smile.

"What do you want me for?" Luo Feiqi rolled his eyes and ignored this question.

Abtom looked surprised. "Isn't that obvious enough? I want to pursue you

Luo Feiqi looks at the rope on his body in silence. The way of pursuing is really unique.

"Haha, I'm afraid you'll hurt yourself. When I get home, I'll untie it for you. As long as you're obedient, all my things are yours!" Tom Abramovich, seeing what's going on at the bottom of his heart, explains.

Luo Feiqi takes a deep breath, feeling that he has no way to communicate with this person. He turns to ignore him.

After a long drive, the car stopped in front of a dilapidated building on the edge of the city. Rofiqi secretly surveyed the landscape along the way, trying to find out the opportunity to escape.

However, there is a desolation everywhere, and there are also guards set up by the mercenary regiment on the road. They are very strict and have no chance to escape.

Luo Feiqi sighed a little disappointed, and was pushed into the building by Tom Abramovich. Compared with the appearance of the broken money outside, the inside is totally two worlds.

The dark red velvet curtains, leather furniture, and tea sets on the table are all covered with dark golden lines. If you ignore the rope on your hand, Luo Feiqi almost thinks that she is in that five-star hotel.

"Feifei is cute. It's not bad here. I'll be home to you and me. Do you like it?" Said Tom Abramovich, coming up to him and extending his hand. "It doesn't matter if you don't like it. I can change it all as you like!"

Luo Feiqi is alert to shrink backward, but not as fast as abtom. He grabs the wrist, but he does not have any other action. Instead, he unties the rope for him.

"Don't be nervous, I won't do anything, I love you so much, how can I be willing to hurt you?" Abtom pretended to be gentle, but still could not cover up the evil spirit in his eyes.

"I'm hungry!" As soon as the rope was untied, rofeich quickly took a step back and opened the distance between her and abtom. As she moved her wrist, which was slightly sore from the long binding, she said to him.

Now that he has come to this place, it is useless for him to fight against him. Instead, he may infuriate abtom. It is better to show a little obedience. Maybe he can relax his vigilance and find a chance to leave.When I woke up, I only ate a dry cake. When I came here, I was tired all the way.

"Just a moment, please." For rofeich to take the initiative to put forward the request, abtom seems very happy, turn around to order his men.

Before long, luofeiqi was taken to a restaurant like place. On the long marble table top, there were all kinds of exquisite food. To her surprise, she saw several kinds of Chinese cuisine.

"I don't know if you are used to our delicious food. I specially prepared food from your country for you. Please!" Abtom made a gesture of invitation and then opened the chair for rofeich.

Luo Feiqi is not polite to him. He takes up the tableware and starts to eat. Abtom sits opposite her and looks at her with a faint smile on his face. Luofeiqi doesn't care and eats himself.

When he first met Tom Abramovich thought he was a gentleman, but he was a wolf in a gentleman's skin.

"Are you full?" Abtom asked with a smile.

Luo Feiqi looks at him without expression, nods, don't know what he is selling again.

"Come to a place with me." Abtom got up and motioned to rofeich to follow.

They enter a room. Before rofeich can react, abtom closes the door.

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