But unexpectedly, a person came to find fault. Originally, she wanted to come out and help her out. But seeing her glib appearance, she stopped and watched how she abused the dregs. Sure enough, she would never let herself suffer, and a few words made that woman almost run away.

After the matter was solved, she was actually struggling with the price of a skirt. She thought she would turn to him for help when she had something to do as usual. But he didn't expect that this time he waited for so long, but his mobile phone didn't ring. Finally, seeing her face tangled, she had to ask the manager to come forward and sell it to her at a discount.

Looking at her happy and tangled appearance, his depressed mood somehow improved.

"Yun Qianmo, why are you here?" When Yun Qianmo was immersed in his own thoughts, a familiar voice came from his ear, which made him feel a little flustered. Subconsciously, he wanted to step back.

Luo Feiqi looks at Xiang Yun Qian Mo doubtfully. At first, she thought she was wrong, so she called out subconsciously. As a result, when she saw the man looking up at her, her heart trembled inexplicably, knowing that she had not read the wrong person.

Immersed in getting her cheap, she has forgotten the unhappiness of the previous few hours. She went to Yun Qianmo and saw that he didn't reply. She reached out and poked him habitually, "what are you doing?"

"Oh no, I-I heard that tomorrow is the opening ceremony and I want to buy you a new skirt." Yun Qianmo quickly suppressed his own embarrassment and panic, and put on a flustered face.

He was afraid that rofeich would see something, and immediately changed the subject, "what are you doing here?"

"Me I'll talk to you later. " At the thought of buying such a good skirt with 100 yuan, her face was full of smiles. She wanted to share it with Yun Qianmo, but when she thought of her other things, she wanted to talk to him later.

Luo Feiqi directly turns to look at the manager, on the face thief Xi Xi Xi, "manager ah."

"What's the matter, miss?" The manager knew that the woman in front of her had a lot to do with Yun Qianmo, and she didn't dare to neglect her for a moment. In addition, she was good-looking and had a good attitude, which made people's liking for her increased instantly.

Although she has a mean in her eyes!

"Well, don't you have a discount today? I just want to ask, besides my dress, are there any other skirts on sale? I want to buy more at once. "

After all, good luck doesn't happen all the time!

"This -" the manager glanced at Yun Qian Mo with a puzzled look on his face. Before he could convey his doubts to him, Yun Qianmo cast a look at him. He probably understood that he was following her.

"Yes, yes, yes. You can choose any skirt you want." The manager immediately took back his sight and turned to Luo Feiqi. The smile on his face was more brilliant. He seemed to think of something. Then he said, "today, the whole venue is 0.1% off."

"Wow! Really? " Although it is a question sentence, but luofeiqi began to walk around looking for his favorite clothes.

At one breath, Luo Feiqi directly bought ten dresses that he liked, and also brought yunqianmo two suits, but the total amount was less than 2000 yuan.

Luo Feiqi is satisfied and leaves with Yun Qianmo.

In the car, Luo Feiqi opened his mouth to talk to Yun Qianmo: "I tell you, I really stepped on the dog excrement luck today. Have you heard of the X clothing store? Their brand is one of the top five famous brands in China! I just looked at it before, and I couldn't bear to buy it. But I didn't expect to be so lucky today. When they were on sale, I bought a 10000 yuan dress for 100 yuan! "

Rofeich was so excited that she was about to jump.

Yun Qianmo's eyebrows and eyes float with a smile. The lines on his face are softer than before, but he doesn't open his mouth. He has been listening to Luo Feiqi in his ear.

"I went back and bought a lot of clothes at one time. I don't have any clothes to wear. And I've bought you two suits, and I think you'll look great in them

Luo feiqihao and Yun Qianmo share their happiness at the moment.

There was a smile on his face.

Yun Qianmo's gentle voice sounded from his ear: "even I have welfare."

"Of course, I won't forget you little brother." Luo Feiqi's mind at this time is all occupied by those beautiful skirts, at this time seems to forget the embarrassment of the morning.

And someone subconsciously pretends to be amnesia.

When Luo Feiqi is excited, there is a "grunt" sound from his stomach in embarrassment.

It's only now that she realizes she hasn't eaten all day.

Luo Feiqi looks at Xiang Yunqian Mo with a slight embarrassment. "Today --"

suddenly, she thinks of the morning things in her mind. A mania slowly climbs into her heart. She suddenly does not know how to face the person in front of her.

"If you are hungry, go and eat." Yun Qianmo deliberately ignored the tangled look on her face and spoke lightly.

"It's more than ten o'clock now, I'd better --" go back to wash and sleep.

Before he finished speaking, he was restrained by the eyes of Yun Qianmo.

Luo Feiqi swallows saliva, Leng Leng ground looks at him."If you are hungry, you have to eat! What's more, I've been hungry all day. " There is a trace of oppression and bewitchment in Yun Qianmo's tone, which makes people unable to refuse him.

The pleasant voice came into Luo Feiqi's ears. Her brain was blank for a moment. She couldn't hear what Yun Qianmo said, and nodded stupidly.

In the twinkling of an eye, Yun Qianmo's car stops in front of a private restaurant.

Yun Qianmo takes Luo Feiqi in and orders the boss to be the same as before. Then he sits opposite luofeiqi and looks at her in a daze.

Be cloud Qian Mo see a bit embarrassed, Luo Feiqi this just mouth slightly pull: "that, I go to the bathroom."

Haven't seen cloud Qian Mo what reply, Luo Feiqi just like to run away to go to the bathroom quickly.

Luo Feiqi took cold water in her hand and patted her face several times, reluctantly calming down her restless heart.

When she thought of things in the morning, her heart always missed half a beat, especially when she saw the smile of Yun Qianmo's mouth, her heart felt warm inexplicably.

She now seems to have a kind of mood for Yun Qianmo that is not just between friends. Before she can figure out what it is, she sees a beautiful woman standing on her side with a sad look on her face: "Miss, can you help me to have a look, my mobile phone seems to be stuck, and I don't know why it doesn't move."

"Oh, yes, but I don't really understand cell phones." Luo Feiqi felt that the woman in front of her seemed a little strange, but when she saw the sadness on her face, she immediately threw the doubt in happiness and reached for her mobile phone.

However, a few seconds, the mobile phone returned to normal, luofeiqi mouth slightly raised: "nothing, just clean up the transport and storage, you have a look."

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