"Oh, yes, miss, thank you." The woman did not look carefully, after saying thanks, she took the mobile phone to pass by the side of Luo Feiqi's body and went to the side.

By such an interruption, Luo Feiqi's mind also returned to normal, no longer entangled in that matter, now two people together pretend to be stupid is the best way, still good friends.

Luo Feiqi returned to the private room. Shortly after sitting down, there was a burst of crying. After a look at Yun Qianmo, the two immediately understood the meaning in each other's eyes and chose not to meddle in other's business and continue to eat.

But not long after, the door of the private room was knocked. The boss apologized to Yun Qianmo, and then turned to Luo Feiqi: "Miss, someone said you stole her mobile phone. Although we believe you are not such a person, can you please come out and clarify it, or else she has been so noisy, we can't do business."

Luo Feiqi collected eyebrows for a while, and took the lead in opening his mouth before asking questions from Yun Qianmo: "I'll go and have a look first."

Luo Feiqi comes to the front desk with the boss, Yun Qianmo is not at ease also follows behind.

Luo Feiqi looks at the person in front of the front desk and knows that it is the one who met in the bathroom just now.

"Hello, miss." Luo Feiqi politely said hello.

"That's her. She stole my cell phone. I just met her in the bathroom, and when I came out, my cell phone disappeared. " The woman and a strong looking man around her said that her beautiful face looked at with a snobbish taste.

"You woman, what's wrong with you? You have to steal other people's things! Come on, or I'll see you at the police station. "

The stout man has a rough voice and rude movements.

Luo Feiqi's eyes flashed a little doubt, eyebrows tightly twisted together, she didn't understand how she was kind enough to help her with her mobile phone. Instead, she framed herself, but now it seems that she is ready to cheat.

"How can you be sure she stole your cell phone?" Yun Qianmo said gently.

"Just give me a call." A man immediately dials a phone and throws a rude word to him.

Sure enough, the voice came out of rofeich's bag.

A touch of pride flashed on the woman's face, which seemed to be a must.

"Maybe you put it in? It is not always said on the Internet that there are swindlers on the bus who put their mobile phones into other people's bags and falsely claimed that they had stolen them, and then they should pay compensation. " Before Luo Feiqi opened his mouth, the people next to him took the lead in fighting against injustice.

"Yes, take it to the police station and check your fingerprints. Besides, that girl is so beautiful that she is not a thief. "

"Yes, yes. Look at the man next to her. He is very handsome and has a good demeanor. His monthly income is not low."

One after another, the voices of discussion came from my ears.

Luo Feiqi's eyebrow slightly picks, the corner of the mouth raises a mischievous smile, gives Yun Qianmo a stable look.


several people came to the police station. After Yun Qianmo and the police explained the situation, the police came over with nylon gloves and mobile phones to test.

"Did I tell you to check your mobile phone fingerprints?" Luo Feiqi slowly stood up, looking at the woman's eyes as if looking at a garbage as disgusting.

Originally, I wanted to give them time to let them stop, but I didn't expect to force her to do it!

"What can I do without checking the mobile phone?" Women in contact with Luo Feiqi's line of sight, in the heart inexplicably surprised, clearly is they want to win, why see that look in their eyes will feel guilty?

"Comrade police, this man must be ready to escape. A woman with such a pretentious appearance should be locked up for ten days and a half months. The man around her is not good at all." The rude man said angrily.

I'm afraid there will be something wrong with this delay.

"Check my bag!" Luo Feiqi slightly pulled the corner of his mouth, took out his bag, looked at the policeman, "my bag is completely closed, if you want to put things in, you must lift the lid, can you trouble the police comrade to help me to see if there are other people's fingerprints on the bag."

A flash of shock flashed in the woman's eyes. She reached out and pulled at the corner of the man's coat and handed her a look. The man immediately understood. The two feet were slightly outward, ready to run away at any time.

The police Comrade came out with his bag and opened his mouth to several people: "there are your fingerprints and this woman's fingerprints."

The woman's legs softened for a moment. At that time, she was temporarily inspired to see that the woman looked so good-looking. Her clothes looked good, and the price should not be low, so she wanted to blackmail her, so she didn't make sufficient preparations.

She thought that most people would not want to check the fingerprints of bags, so she planned to take a risk, but now!

"Ah - what? That's afraid? " Luo Feiqi said that the woman's face five flavor Chen miscellaneous expression income under the eye, the skin smile flesh does not smile to look at her.

"I, I admit my mistake -" knowing that I couldn't escape this time, he knelt down in front of Luo Feiqi and Yun Qianmo, crying and asking them to forgive themselves.

Luofeiqi has never been a virgin, will not be bullied, but also to repay good for evil, she advocates that people do not offend me, I do not criminals! If you attack me, fight back a hundred times!If I hadn't met her today, and she happened to take this bag out again, I would have been cheated by her if I were other people. I would have to eat Coptis in silence, and I can't tell.

The woman has been holding on to Luo Feiqi's skirt, praying for her to let go. The police looked at Xiang yunqianmo and Luo Feiqi in some embarrassment. For a while, they didn't know what they were going to do with it.

"Do what you have to do." Cloud Qian Mo a cold eye shot past, command way.

Luo Feiqi nodded and then left with Yun Qianmo.

At this time, her stomach has been hungry, Yun Qianmo will send her downstairs, two people said goodbye and then left.

After taking a bath, Luo Feiqi threw herself on the bed. Her eyelids were tired and began to fight. Soon she fell asleep.

When Luo Feiqi opens her eyes again, she looks at the time. It's already ten o'clock!

She was startled and her pupils enlarged instantly. If she didn't feel hungry, she would miss the opening ceremony!

She quickly took a bath, picked a dress she bought yesterday, and put on light make-up. Although she was in a hurry, she could have overtaken those famous stars without dressing up!

Luo Feiqi had lunch, it was already 12 o'clock, and he wanted to go ahead of time. He didn't want to have any problems at that time.


Shengshi group.

Yun Qianmo put down the document in his hand and called out at will to the door, "what emergency documents are there? Now give it to me. I have something to go out later."

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