Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1940: Really fragrant finale! 4 more

A peerless shadow of Jin Yi has taken shape in front of Ye Qianli. Although it still looks quite vague, it is gradually becoming clear! It is clear that Rongmo's unique frosty frost is exuded.



The roar of the four elephants surrounding the world is even more clear to the extreme! Let everyone understand that their owner is already on the scene.



A ray of light of time and space! The light of the future, also in this moment, kept gathering in front of Ye Qianli, giving Ye Qianli a feeling of brilliance flooding and letting her take the light of the world.

Rong Mo's outline and figure, under the gathering of such clear and luminous light, became more and more real! Revealed in front of his little leopard, his little leopard.

Xiao Yi'er, who had been "blocked" by his mother and forbidden him to get angry, also looked brighter and brighter, and his anger gradually turned into a happy cry, "Father!"

"Mother! My dad! My dad!" Xiao Yi'er pointed to the father of light in front of him, and there was already a tendency to smile. Although he was angry with his father for a long time, the little guy at this moment was still instinctively happy! very happy.

Ye Qianli was naturally happier. She held the child’s smashing hand because of excitement and joy, and subconsciously squeezed it very tightly. She squeezed the little guy’s fleshy Xiaobai hand to turn blue, and neither mother nor son Self-knowledge.

One didn't know that he was struggling hard, and the other didn't know that he was pinched and hurt. Both mother and son looked at the figure in front of them happily, waiting for him to completely return, they were about to pounce on!

And Rong Mo's form, let everyone know! He has indeed returned, and there is no such thing as a return.

However, everyone present at this moment did not know, nor did they notice that Xuan Si Kou beside Ye Qianli, she was already gathering momentum to activate the Xuan Ling Sword!

and so……

"Father!" Xiao Yier felt it! When his father came back intact, the moment he was about to pounce on Xuan Si Kou, who had already finished his momentum, she shot.

Almost everyone, including Di Sikou, didn't see it clearly at this moment! Xuan Sikou, who had hidden killing intent, was about to deliver a fatal blow to Ye Qianli who was close in front of her.

At this time, everyone's eyes and attention were focused on Rong Mo, making Xuan Si Kou think! This is the best time to strike.

As long as Ye Qianli died, no matter how unwilling the young master was, Xuan Sikou believed that the young lady would eventually be absorbed by Wanyu and become the spirit of restoring everything.


"Om!" A ray of fatal sense of crisis and innate ability to understand, made Xuan Si Kou instinctively take back all the murderous intent and power at the moment he shot it.

At the same moment!

"Father!" Xiao Yi'er has already plunged into his beautiful father's arms, and the same is done, and Ye Qianli, she and her child smashed, almost at the same time plunged into the arms of her Royal Highness .

So as soon as Rong Mo appeared, he received two leopards, big and small, one holding his narrow waist, one holding his neck, one buried in his chest, and one buried in his neck.

"His Royal Highness..." Ye Qianli is holding the real! Her beautiful prince only felt illusory, as if very unreal, but so real.

"I'm here." And Rong Mo's clear answer also made Ye Qianli's sense of reality stronger, and the sense of illusion faded away, not to mention that he had reached out and hugged him! His little leopard and little leopard.

With one palm clasping the little mother leopard and the other clasping the little leopard's Rong Mo, he could clearly perceive that his two leopards' dependence and attachment to him made him still worried! There was also an uneasy heart, and it was calmed and warmed all at once.

"Little Leopard." Rong Mo kissed the little leopard's hair in front of him, and his palm subconsciously increased his strength, holding the little leopard tighter and tighter!

No one knows what he has experienced in this life, only he himself knows that he has truly experienced her death, the disappearance of the little leopard, and the loss of the power of Blackheart, and! The mother's dementia, the three younger brothers were forced to change.

He has experienced everything that happened in Xuan Si Kou's prediction; he has also experienced those that were not foreseen, and he has experienced them all.

So for Rong Mo at this moment, the wife and children in his arms are lost and recovered! He couldn't help it, and kept whispering, "Little leopard, little leopard,..." his little leopard.

"How about me!" Xiao Yi'er, who was not called, protested very upset! Even if he could perceive it, his father hugged him very tightly, but he didn't call him! Unhappy.

And his fierce dissatisfaction and faint coquetry, heard in Rong Mo's ears, it was the sound of the sky, which made his heartstrings more and more hug this little one tighter, and also kissed the little guy’s leader, called Said: "Yi'er."

"Father!" Xiao Yi'er was satisfied and hugged his father tightly. His brows were slightly bent, and there was a satisfied smile in his big eyes, not to mention more satisfied.

Seeing his small appearance, Rong Mo kissed his forehead more distressedly, rubbed his very long hair, and whispered, "Yi'er has grown up."

"Yes! And hair!" Xiao Yi'er immediately touched her head visibly, her big eyes were almost narrowed into a line with a smile, "I'm going to get a bun! Very long!"

Such a well-behaved and cute son, his eyes darkened, and he could not accept the disappearance of the little leopard. This is the combination of him and the little leopard, the beginning, development and continuation of them, and the treasure of him and the little leopard. , How can it disappear?


Neither of his leopards can disappear.

No one wants to let them disappear! Even the Source Sequence of Ten Thousand Domains will not work.

Therefore, he suddenly raised his eyes to look at Xuan Sikou who was on the side. There was an extreme dark storm in his eyes, and he "seeed" very clearly! At the moment he appeared, Xuan Si Kou clearly wanted to kill his little leopard.

"Chen, see Young Master." Xuan Si Kou, who was shocked, knelt down and bowed, but his heart was pounding, and he only felt flustered.

At this moment, it is enough for Xuan Si Kou to understand! The moment she made her voice, the fatal crisis she felt and the impossibility of success were all due to the return of Rong Mo.

If she dared to start just now! Not only will she never succeed, she will also be killed instantly, without any accident. Even if she couldn't believe it, the young master in front of her already had it! As unfathomable as the king.

But in just a few months, is the young master so strong! ?


Even if she stopped.

Even if she restrained!

Even if she saw it clearly.

Rong Mo didn't intend to tolerate it. Just as she knelt down, she uttered the word "kill", and then! A scene that no one expected happened--

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