Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1941: Really fragrant finale! 5 more


A taboo swallow pattern glowing with different blue and dark light, just in a flash! Swallowed Xuan Si Kou's sea of ​​knowledge, and in an instant, it seemed that something had been touched, and a scene spread out.

That is Ye Qianli above the ten thousand domain! The scene of resurrecting the Northern Three Territories and restoring the Ten Thousand Territories was clear and clear, so that many of the gods Xumi and the powers of Ten Thousand Territories who saw this scene were taken aback.


"Xuan Si Kou lied?" Many of the Mount Xumi gods who were still staying in Wanyu City were stunned! I just feel that this scene is quite slapped because of what it shows! Obviously there is a big difference from what Xuan Si Kou said before.

After all, such a scene is clearly explaining! Ye Qianli is the savior of Wanyu, she will change everything and restore everything, okay! It is not that she has to sacrifice to restore everything.

These two forms express Ye Qianli's two different positions, one is as a passive sacrifice! One is as an active savior.


This made Yaoyuan couldn't help but say, "Xuan Si Kou was demonized by demonization?" Otherwise, why would she have the result of the real divination, almost the opposite?

"No, no, I..." Xuan Si Kou was so dazed to refute, she didn't even know! Why would her knowledge of the sea derive this scene to the world under the power of Rong Mo, but she wanted to refute it.

But the taboo swallowing lines that have been killed in the sea of ​​her knowledge are already at this moment! Killing her soul, the pain caused her to spit out a lot of blood while screaming.

Even so, she was still unwilling to forcibly endure the pain, and said, "Even if you kill the minister, the minister must take the responsibility of Xuan Si Kou, Xuan Si Mansion, to..."

"Heh." A voice that seemed faint and vague, and ridiculed, but at this moment! Gently scattered from the top of Xumi, Xuan Si Kou was preparing to make a generous declaration, and all froze in his mouth.

Because the supreme coercion emanating from this sound is already in the blink of an eye! Enveloping the entire Mount Xumi and even the Ten Thousand Territories, the instincts that gathered in front of Mount Xumi, and even all the gods of Mount Xume, "pushed" to their knees.

Immediately after--


Rong Huang, who was holding Yun Zhixi, appeared at ease in front of Rong Mo's three sons, and the father and son were finally ten years later! Met in reality.

The outlines of the father and son are almost carved out of a mold, and they are finally real! See you, the same grace, the same grace!

Bai Yi wins snow, Jin Yi Wushuang;

Leave the world off the dust, cool and elegant!

Father, father and son, there are no two graces.

The only Dragon Emperor who could look directly at them was simmering, and he had shown an aunt-like smile, and his heart was infinitely emotional: the king finally met the little master!

Wang this family! Finally reunited.

ten years! Ten years...

For today’s scene, Wang has spent ten years looking forward to it, and Wang Hao has been looking forward to it for ten years!

Perhaps for cultivators, for their existence at this level, ten years is just a flick of a finger, but for the king and the princess, as well as the little master, it is a slowly and long road to reunion.

For this scene, Wang crushed the soul and was almost swallowed by the origin of the dark forbidden united with the sky demon domain, and Mount Xumi was on the verge of collapse;

For this scene, the princess cried secretly for so many days and nights, but she had to be strong! Support each other with Wang, and wait for mutual encouragement;

For this scene, the little master started at the age of five! I am afraid that I will continue to work hard in the eagerness, continue to improve, and continue to find the way home.

ten years.

This is still ten years for the king and the princess, and for the little master, he has been looking forward to it for twenty years! Also worked hard for more than 20 years.

From a five-year-old child, he looked forward to adulthood, marriage, and childbirth. He hoped that only now did he finally meet his parents whose life could not be replaced.

No one knows how he grew up, even if it was Ye Qianli, she could not go back to the era when he had just arrived in the Suzaku dynasty, and grow up with him.

"Meow!" The only one who can't speak, but the one who has come out to brush his presence, is the clearest! That little little Momo, how did he grow from a little baby who loves to laugh and love to hurt others to a cold and lonely Prince Suzaku.

If there was no later Ye Qianli, and the little leopard born, little white cat would not know what would become of the little Momo when it grew up.

and so--

"Meow, meow!" Xiaobaimiao is actually the most excited witness! It was so excited, it was eager for this scene more than any bystander.

"Little Momo." Yun Zhixi's tears fell on the spot, this strong one! When Mount Xumi almost collapsed and Rong Mo almost flew away, her eyes were only red, and the woman who believed that he would not have an accident had already cried into tears.

This is her little Momo! Little Momo!

She was born unable to raise, unable to accompany, unable to take care of, unable to be a mother for him, Xiao Momo of everything she should and can do.

she was……

"..." Yun Zhixi leaned against Rong Huang's arms uncontrollably, crying.

Of course, Rong Huang could understand her feelings. He knew best that in order for the child in front of him who had grown up to be as tall as him, and not inferior to his child, how many tears did the little wife shed, and how many days and nights she was upset.

"Mother." Rong Mo also knew how painful his mother was. As early as the moment he had to decide to leave, he knew what the mother who loved him the most would endure.

And wait! Yun Zhixi, who had been in the fault for ten years, almost burst into tears with this "mother" cry, and she did indeed burst into tears, "Mo Mo."

Family! The scene where three generations of people hugged together in an instant, watching the crying Dragon Emperor, even those onlookers who don't know how everyone separated, they can clearly feel it on their knees! How difficult this reunion came.

As the elder Rong Huang, his eyes were red, and the hand he held on his son's shoulder was as wide as his! For a father, he also missed all the possibilities to accompany and teach his son.

That was a pity that could no longer be made up, and he could no longer make up for the missing, even if he was the king of ten thousand domains, he could not make up for these.

"Daddy." Holding his wife and children, while feeling the warmth of being hugged by his parents, the same makes a cold and introverted person like Rong Mo's eyes red.

"Yeah." Rong Huang let go and touched his son's head, he could still imagine it! As if it was yesterday, Xiao Momo's little bald head. In a blink of an eye, for ten years, his little son has a little grandson.

What makes Rong Huang even more proud! Even without his teaching, he and Xi'er's first child still grew up to be the most outstanding child in the world.

Such pride made him frivolous, patted his son on the shoulder, and said, "The stinky boy has grown up." It's not the little **** who could only be squeezed away by him when he seized his wife.


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