Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1942: Really fragrant finale! 6 more

"Daddy doesn't smell!" Xiao Yi'er, who protects his father, immediately popped out of his arms in protest, "Yi's father doesn't smell, beautiful! Fragrant! Great."

Rong Huang put away his heart full of emotion, and poked the little guy in the face unceremoniously, "You are also a stinky guy, a stinky guy."

Xiao Yi'er slapped his hand vigorously and said, "Grandma Xi smells! Grandma doesn't want grandpa, grandpa smells bad."

"Puff." Yun Zhixi was amused when his mood stabilized a little, tears were like flowers, soft and beautiful, seeing Rong Mo have reached out to help his mother wipe away the tears, "mother."

"Hey!" Yun Zhixi replied heavily, as if she was about to return for the missing ten years, she also held her daughter-in-law's hand tightly, looked down at her daughter-in-law with feeling, and thanked them heavily. Said, "Li'er, thank you."

Thank you in my absence,

Accompany Momo, give him warmth, and give him love and home;

Thank you in my absence,

As the most important woman in life, give him the most flexible support and dedication;

Thank you in my absence,

With the birth of Xiao Yi'er, Mo Mo can feel the new continuation of life and blood;


Thank you so much, I was full of Yun Zhixi's heart, unable to say it for a while, but her eyes and movements clearly conveyed such gratitude.

Let Ye Qianli fully appreciate her regret, and the most sincere gratitude, this is also the moment! Ye Qianli truly realized how deep and deep her mother-in-law's love for her Highness was.

So the mother-in-law likes her so much and treats her so well, not only because of their similarities, but also because of the man they both care about.

"Mother." Ye Qianli squeezed this beautiful woman whose eyes were swollen from crying with her backhand, and she could truly appreciate how strong her love house and black love was.

"Hey!" The tears in Yun Zhixi's eyes really couldn't be restrained, they kept falling, as if they were endless, but these were not tears of sadness, but tears of joy.

She really! I'm so happy.

and so--

When she closed her tears and looked at Xuan Si Kou, the killing intent appeared in her eyes. This was the first time she had thoughts of killing Xuan Si Kou in her heart.

Because in Yun Zhixi's heart, all Mo Mo who hurt her, or those who tried to hurt Mo Mo's beloved ones, are unforgivable! And Xuan Si Kou just guilty of her taboo.

Of course, I also violated Rong Huang's taboo again, seeing his wife in the belly as early as possible! When the injury was definitely caused by the Xuan Ling Sword, he convicted Xuan Si Kou of death, but his wife would not kill him.

Until now...

"Return." With one palm, he took the mysterious spirit sword held by Xuan Si Kou back to Rong Huang, and he had already ruled, "Xumi Mountain generation Xuan Si Kou deceived the world and committed the death penalty."

"No!" Xuan Sikou, who was so painful and soaked in sweat, didn't care about capital punishment! She only cares about the Xuanling Sword, because it contains the remnant soul of Xuan Chaozi.

But the Xuan Ling Sword was never hers, it was just a legendary artifact that assisted the master of Xuan Si Mansion, and like the Void Law Enforcement Bag, it was the best soldier of Mount Xumi.

But as the first generation Xuan Si Kou, she has been in charge of the Xuan Ling Sword for too many years! The tacit understanding and induction between her and the Xuanling Sword had made her regard it as a part of her strength, not to mention that there was Xuan Chaozi in the Xuanling Sword today.


"Peel." With a thought, Rong Huang stripped of the connection between Xuan Si Kou and Xuan Ling Sword, and the latter had already "ommed" in his palm.

"No! King, please..." Xuan Si Kou's tears fell on the spot, and she could clearly perceive that she and Xuan Ling Sword had lost touch, and she and Xuan Chaozi had just been established. The seemingly non-sensitivity was also cut off.

Rong Huang, who was able to take back the profound spirit sword, couldn't give the sword that hurt his beloved to Xuan Si Kou. He didn't even want to keep the sword and threw it to Xiao Yi'er.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi'er looked dumbfounded.

"Your meal." Rong Huang explained.

Xiao Yi'er's eyes widened!

"Om!" Xuan Ling Sword wailed, super witty! Chao Xiao Yi'er cast an intention of surrender, as if saying, "Little master, little master, please let it go, please don't eat."

Xiao Yier:...

His least favorite! It is a very honest meal that surrenders automatically without any malice at all. Does he eat or not? So angry!

What's more, Yun Zhixi at this meeting also squeezed Mou Huang's hand, "Huang Huang..." Although she no longer wanted Xuan Si Kou to live, the sword was so innocent, let alone such a good sword.

Rong Huang didn't look at her, he only looked at Xingba.

And the criminal tyrant who was cast a glance at his soul! He quickly went out and said, "The minister obeys his orders."

"No! King, please look at the minister's past hard work. Let the Xuan Ling Sword accompany the minister again, it will be the last time to send the minister, please." Xuan Si Kou begged bitterly.

She was obviously not afraid of capital punishment or something, all she wanted was the profound spirit sword! Xuanling sword.


"Is this young man in the eyes of Er Waiting very good?" Rong Huang didn't look at Xuan Si Kou, and only indifferently transmitted the sound throughout the whole world, letting all the gods of Mount Xumi who heard his voice! Even those who are not familiar with his ten thousand domains have a feeling of being finished.

this moment!


All the gods of Xumi, including Dragon Emperor, felt it all! The anger from Rong Huang made them tremble, especially the veteran who has chased Rong Huang for the longest time! Can understand better.

Because of the king at this moment, he calls himself "the son"! This is his oldest self-proclaim, and it is also his self-proclaimed before the creation of Wanyu, "Master Yuan".

He was born in Siwon! Before being born in Chaos, he was the teacher of the gods, the wiser of the ancestor of Pangu, and the beginning of the development of the world.

He is "Master Yuan", the master of all gods!


Criminal trembling immediately! He quickly locked Xuan Si Kou, he knew that the king was dissatisfied that he didn't take the person to the execution immediately, so that there was room for nonsense.

But this is not over yet...

"After returning to Mount Xumi, this son said, you should treat my wife like me." Rong Huang's words were so indifferent to the extreme that all the gods of Mount Xumi were stunned, and they seemed to have fallen into the ice. cave.

"Of course, when Xuan Sikou hurt her, where did you wait?" Rong Huang asked again! Although he is in retreat, he has a general understanding of everything that is happening outside, but he has no time to take care of his detailed development.

Otherwise, he "is" aware of it! Xuan Si Kou's rebellion, the Xuan Ling Sword almost killed Yun Zhixi, he "come out" instead of coming out when Yun Zhixi was about to collapse.

He can perceive it! The most critical and deadly development. After he appeared, he could also learn that Xuan Sikou had been used by the remaining fighting aura on the scene, but--

he does not know! When Xuan Si Kou was taken advantage of, he almost killed his beloved wife so fatally, but all the priests of Mount Sumeru knew about it.

The results of it?

"The minister is guilty!"

"The minister is guilty!"

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