Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1978: Reunion on Mount Xume! [Fan Wai] 2 more

And at this meeting where the young couple were talking about their mutual affection, Rong Huang had already carried his annoying grandson and walked to Xumi Garden, and asked him to chop meat and wash vegetables with Rong Ze and Rong Lin, then he left his hands and went back to the room. Rest first.

"What is the hidden worry you just mentioned?" Yun Zhixi asked this after closing the door. She was not worried about the problem of rebuilding, but she was worried about the hidden worry.

She wasn't as big-hearted as Ye Wuji thought. She just didn't want to finally get a soothing atmosphere, and became serious again. After all, everyone can wake up, which is already a very happy thing.

Rong Huang knew that he couldn't hide it, "They will age and die." And compared to ordinary mortals, they will age faster because they have too much internal friction.

But the good point is that both of them ate two resurrection fruits, and with the power of Mount Xume, this kind of aging will not occur in a short time.

Rong Huang said these words to his wife in detail. He didn't hide anything. He didn't want to kneel on durian anymore. The main reason was that he could not go back to the room to sleep after kneeling, so he had to sleep in the room by himself.

The feeling of lonely sleeplessness is too miserable.

Rong Huang refused...

"Then, do you have a way to restore this matter?" Yun Zhixi asked with a frown. After all, what she said before was the truth, so she knew it was difficult, or even hopeless.

"Okay." Rong Huang couldn't see his little wife frowning and worrying. He already pointed out a strong and smooth voice, and said calmly, "At that time, I will give them a chance. Just luck, don’t worry about it, besides..."

"What?" When Yun Zhixi heard that there was a turning point, he lifted it up with a breath of relief just now! I held it nervously, the man's hand in front of me.

But she didn't notice that a certain man who was still holding long eyelashes, with a light flashing in her eyes, she subconsciously leaned closer to the past and asked, "What else?"

Rong Huang only then focused his eyes on the beautiful daughter-in-law who came over and smiled lightly: "Furthermore, the two minor cultivation bases are scattered, and although they will age, it is exactly what you want for your granddaughter. You can urge them to have a second child."

If Rong Mo heard these words, he must vomit three liters of blood...

There is this kind of father who digs holes for him all the time! He didn't know how he lived until now, maybe, maybe because he left him, he could grow up "safely".

But Yun Zhixi was already overjoyed! A pair of lazy eyes lit up, like a gem that can brighten blind eyes under the light, "Really? Granddaughter?"

God knows! She wanted a soft, cute and beautiful girl, how long did she think about it! It's a pity... She has no chance to give birth, and she completely gave up.

After all, this guy said that he had no lover in his previous life, so he was destined to have no daughter, so what can she do? She can only give up, but—

"Mo Mo had a lover in his previous life?" Yun Zhixi felt like, if it was, then that would be too wrong for Qian Li, then her good wife, mostly the girl Ye that she admired very much in her previous life!

So, Mo Mo can't say anything to the little girl! Not in the previous life, otherwise her old mother would definitely break Mo Mo's leg first.

And when Rong Huang was asked so, he said irresponsibly, "Probably there is." Isn't it necessary to give his wife an expectation? She wants a girl doll so much.

As for whether his son will be pitted, what does it matter to him?

So Yun Zhixi fell into deep thought and didn't even see. Her Jia Huanghuang had already taken her into his arms, but his plan was cold before he succeeded.

"Master!" Xiao Yi'er had already come to pat the door and shouted, "Grandpa Huang, come out to barbecue!"

Rong Huang:...

This is the little devil his son gave him?

Yun Zhixi smiled and kissed his handsome face, and urged him to go and said, "Go, Yi'er wakes up for you, you can't lose him."

Rong Huang twitched his eyes, and could only get up and kiss his wife by the way, and said, "I don't know who this little thing looks like." So greedy.

"Isn't it you?" Yun Zhixi asked rhetorically.

"Naturally it can't be." Rong Huang replied decisively.

However, Yun Zhixi heard it from it, hiding his guilty conscience as if he was lacking in Qi.

But the little one is already impatient! With a "pop", he knocked on the door again and said, "Grandpa Huang! Don't bully my beautiful grandma, come out to barbecue!"

"Puff." Yun Zhixi suddenly smiled and opened the door.

Rong Huang came out with a black face, picked up a certain little girl, and said, "Daughter-in-law is used to hurt, how is it bullying? Can you speak, owe you a beating."

"How does it hurt?"

"I won't tell you."


Xiao Rong couldn't beat his grandfather Huang with anger, and it made a "ping-pong" sound, but his hand hurts even more! Grandpa Huang is made of stone, embarrassing.

Yun Zhixi smiled and looked at him. The slender figure who took away the little dear grandson as a burden was filled with laughter in his eyes. The two grandpa and grandson obviously had better feelings with each other.



"Yeshen is awake!"

"The Ye Goddess is awake!"


Such news caused an uproar as soon as it was introduced into the Kingdom of Taiyi God! Many people cried with joy, some were crying and worshipping the gods, and some were so excited that they hugged tightly with their little friends and old friends.

Ye God!

She woke up.

She finally woke up.

"Great!" Leng Shisan's eyes were wet, and he could finally go back to rebuild Leng's family with confidence, otherwise he was really unintentional and would not be able to rebuild Leng's family.

In Leng Shisan's view, in the ten thousand realms without Ye Qianli, the Leng clan is not worthy of prosperity, because their Leng clan is all "reborn" because of Ye Qianli.

Although the dead are dead, the living should be strong.

But Ye Qianli didn't pass away, she just fell asleep, fell asleep in order to repair the world. And they all know that prayer is useful to her!

So if they Leng at this time, only care about reconstruction, regardless of her life and death, is it still conscience? What is the difference between being demonized.

Now, she finally woke up, and their Lengs could also go back.

"Brother! Great! Brother, Goddess Ye is all right, she's okay." Leng Shiqi also cried with joy, and she really admired and worshiped Goddess Ye!

In this world, there is nothing more beautiful than her! A stronger woman, she is a model woman in all domains, the supreme goddess of the five races.


Leng Shiqi will never forget that warm purple dress, how she stood above the ten thousand realms and saved them all with the utmost gentleness! All creatures.

Ye Shen.

"Ye Shen!"

"Ye Shen!..." Waves of crying and shouting, full of the gratitude, care and distress of all living beings to Ye Qianli.

Yes it is.

Just distressed.

Anyone who has witnessed Ye Qianli's sacrifice will be heartfelt to her as long as they are conscientious.

That was just a pretty girl with flesh and blood, love and affection, but at the most critical moment of Wanyu, she gave up all her little love and moved towards righteousness.

She is not voluntary!

If possible, she is willing to be with her lover and son forever.

But she still sacrificed.

Such a beautiful woman with flesh and blood is even more moving.

To know……

When you have nothing, it may be nothing to live, and it is not too difficult to be generous;

The real difficulty is Ye Qianli's kind of difficulty——

She has a family, a loved one, a close relative, a high cultivation base, a beautiful person, and a noble status. She is a winner in life, standing in the highest position of the five races.


For Wanyu.

She left them all.

Some people may say that if she doesn't give up, she will have nothing.

But the really weak people!

At such a moment, even if you know the consequences of being unable to give up, that you have nothing, you may not have the courage to give up.

and so--

"She is the bravest and most powerful woman I have ever seen." Leng Shisan said with certainty, so he knew from the beginning that he was not worthy of her and did not dare to dream.

Even if Ye Qianli's cultivation base was lower than his at that time, but she was blooming all over her body! Dazzling brilliance, that is a beautiful woman who has dazzled beauty from personality to character.


Mount Xumi is her best destination.

Leng Shisan was full of blessings.

At the same time.

Ye Qianli, who was blessed by him, was cooking the hot pot at the hot pot full of steam.

"Mother! This is the most delicious." Xiao Yi'er was also generous, and gave him his favorite meatballs to his beautiful mother, her purple eyes were very bright.

"Where's your father?" Rong Mo flexed his slender fingers slightly, and lightly buckled the desktop in front of him, indicating that the little guy should respect him too.


"Fake dad! Don't give it." Xiao Rongyi bit down the meatballs in his bowl, remembering deeply! When he sleeps, his father wants to eat meat for him.

Anything can be replaced! Eating meat is definitely not good.


Fake dad!

And fake grandpa!

I want to ask him to eat grass!



Xiao Rongyi, who kept his notebooks while eating meat, also made a group of people laugh.

At the table, there was the beautiful sleeping man-Rong Xi who was still asleep.


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