Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Vol 2 Chapter 1: Fanwai 01 Xi Li recognizes each other, and the female emperor Li is born! 3 more

While eating, Yun Zhixi tried to feed the sleeping Rong Xiaosi some soup, soup, water, but this sleepy young boy didn't bother to drink it at all.

Yun Zhixi was immediately frustrated, and poked Mou Huang, "Are you sure Xiao Si is really fine?" He has been asleep for almost a year! It's been a year.

"I think there is a problem, right." Ye Wuji interjected with a burp, "I can't wake up even if I call, how could it be okay? Yi'er is awake."

"But brother, except for sleeping, everything else is normal!" Rong Ze said dissatisfied.

"Yes! Brother is okay!" Rong Lin was also a rare childish protest. He slept with his brother every night. His brother had nothing to do, but he just didn't wake up, and he didn't know why.

Rong Huang knew it, but he was also a little helpless. He could only say, "You can never wake up a person who doesn't want to wake up." Especially this is a cub who reincarnates in his sleep.

Probably because he was afraid that his father would take action, the cub set himself a reincarnation. If he forcibly wakes the cub, it will startle his nightmare, which may lead to some unfavorable consequences.

This cub, who has learned the disobedient Wanyu completely, knows to guard him.

If the three Rong Mo brothers knew about his inner drama, he would have to say, would we cubs guard against you, the black-hearted father, and you didn't do it yourself?


"I will send him back to Samsara to be an emperor. I will get up at Yin Shi, sleep at Zi Shi, tired more than a dog, and have no rest, so I have to be a diligent emperor." Rong Huang silently praised his decision.

Yun Zhixi:...

This is the first time she has met a father who can cheat her son, and this is the father of her baby, but she has to admit that maybe only in this way can her lazy son be cured.


Yun Zhixi sold the youngest son and said, "I must be a long-lived emperor, otherwise I feel distressed."

"Puff!" Ye Wuji said with a smile, "In-laws, are you afraid that it is to make him work hard for a few years to make him live longer? Hahahaha..." Ye Wuji, who was obviously a little drunk, let go. .

But Rong Huang disagreed and said, "My daughter-in-law is not such a person, my grandfather in-law thought about it."

"Yes!" Yun Zhixi firmly refused to admit that she and her family Huanghuang were embarrassed.

Ye Qianli, who was already laughing fast, suggested, "Then be Emperor Kangxi? Longevity and diligent administration."

"That won't work. He is willing to live a long life. This lazy son of mine will definitely not be willing. It must be the one who will die if he is not diligent in order to be suitable for him." Yun Zhixi said very well.

"Mother, would it be too good for you to say this to Xiaosi?" Ye Qianli felt a little sympathetic to her uncle.


"Who is Emperor Kangxi?" Rong Huang asked seriously.

Rong Mo also asked the same question, "Do you know both Niang and Li'er?"

The father and son were exactly the same. The expressions of "Which savage man are you talking about" were also amused. He ordered Ye Wuji, who had been drinking high, to make him burst into laughter, "Hahahahaha..." Funny.

"My grandpa is dirty!" Xiao Rongyi disliked his too rough grandpa, but he had already helped him wipe off the scum that was sprayed everywhere, with an unhappy look of helplessness.

Ye Wuji had to get together and kiss him! Of course it was rejected and pushed away.

"Are you letting your grandfather kiss! Or is it not too grandfather's great grandson?" Ye Wuji played the rogue rogue, and caused Rong Huang to look at him and said to his wife, "Yi He looks like his grandfather. "The rascal can still eat.

However, his daughter-in-law Zhixi ignored him at all, and she was still saying to her daughter-in-law, "The King of Hades wants people to die three times, and Ye Shen brings people back to life. It's you."

Ye Qianli was startled! It's not too surprising, but I was absolutely pleasantly surprised to pick up the wine glass.

"Hahahaha..." Yun Zhixi stood up! He hooked his daughter-in-law's shoulder, "It really is you! I can't even recognize it."

"Beitangge, the number one killer, it's you." Ye Qianli also recognized this mother-in-law's predecessor! Someone she had always wanted to meet, but had no chance to meet, but she didn't know that the other party was a woman.

In her previous life, she knew that someone had hired Beitangge's first assassin to kill her, but then that assassin not only threatened to stop killing her, but also killed all the assassins who took over her assassination mission.

This person, she thought! This is her mother-in-law.

"Fortunately meeting." Yun Zhixi smiled and clinked glasses with her daughter-in-law. She only felt that fate was really subtle. How could she have thought that she and the girl she admired not only passed through, but also had fate with her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

"Fortunately meeting." Ye Qianli also smiled, and she never expected that in her previous life, people she could not see would be met in this life, still as such a destined relative.

The world is big, time and space are very mysterious, and fate is even better!


Yun Zhixi put on the wine jar and said to her daughter-in-law, "This kind of fate, you have to drink three jars for whatever you say, to show gratitude!"

"Add pi to remove the decimal point." Ye Qianli said absolutely in agreement.


Rong Mo glanced at Rong Huang, and his eyes were all hints of drama: Daddy, do you understand? Why can't I understand what my daughter-in-law and mother-in-law say?

Rong Huang raised his eyebrows and his eyes responded: I still want to ask you, where did you find your daughter-in-law and why did you abduct my daughter-in-law? What I said, your mother didn't even hear it!

Rong Mo: So what should we do?

Rong Huang: Let them drink.

Rong Mo suddenly understood the meaning and turned around to take care of his son for dinner. Wouldn't it be better to be drunk? The little leopard will be hotter, so good.

"Father?" As for Xiao Yi'er, who was fed a bowl full of meat, he was a little surprised to see his father. The real father came back, and he was a little uncomfortable.

"Eat more, go back to Kunlun with your parents, and you won't have to eat." Rong Mo explained.

"Oh." Xiao Yi'er was a little depressed, but he also wanted to go back, and asked, "Is Grandpa Uncle here?"

"Yes, your uncle picked them up."

Xiao Rongyi missed his grandma because he was eating meat, but he knew that grandma could not come back, so he didn't ask, for fear that his mother would be very sad.

However, Rong Mo mentioned, "If it goes well, we can still get the breath of your grandma and grandfather when we go back this time. Turning around may make them reincarnate."

"Wrong, you go back, if it goes well, you can see them." Rong Huang said.

Ye Qianli froze, picked up a jar of wine, and looked at her father-in-law with brilliant eyes! So, she is not auditory hallucinations, right? Right!

"After the place was restored, I took away their breath, connected the two strands before, and threw into the source of reincarnation together, and applied the soul gathering rebirth technique, allowing them to live in accordance with the perfect recovery of the ten thousand realms." Rong Huang To put it lightly.

Rong Mo couldn't help asking, "Then daddy told me to go to the Nine Realms and the Vermilion Dynasty. What do you do?" Not that he is familiar with his father-in-law and his mother-in-law, so does he need him to help Dragon Emperor? !

"Seeing you being crooked by Qian Li every day is preventing her from waking up." Rong Huang said.

"Daddy..." Rong Mo wanted to say a "fake dad" of the same style as Yi'er! Really.

But Ye Qianli agreed and said, "If I hadn't vaguely heard your Highness say that you are leaving, I might really not wake up." When she fell asleep, she always felt that Prince Mei was by her side and talked to her gently. , Su De, she didn't want to wake up.

She was afraid that after waking up, she was already "in the sky", so she could only look at her father and her husband quietly, because she knew very well! When she and her Royal Highness fell, their health was very poor.

and so……

"I'm afraid that when I wake up, you will be gone, and Yi'er will not be there. I can only look at you from the sky." Ye Qianli admitted that she was timid, but she was actually really scared! Very scared.

Rong Huang, who was observant of the fire, poured himself a glass of wine and silently felt sorry for himself, who was well-intentioned. As the elder of the family, he was also broken.


"Hey!" Yun Zhixi had already come over and kissed him, "husband, you are awesome!"

Right now, Rong Huang felt that it was worth worrying about.


"Hey!" A certain Xiaoyi with a squeaky mouth, he also leaned forward and gave a kiss, "Grandpa Huang is great!"

"Get off." Rong Huang's temples ached faintly.

Yun Zhixi smiled and wiped his face clean, knowing that he had a cleanliness addiction and said, "My grandson, what do you dislike? Don't you dislike me?"

Can it be the same?

In Rong Huang's mind, it was different.

"His Royal Highness, let's go back and have a look now!" Ye Qianli couldn't wait to say, she really! I really want to see her empress mother and Yan Wang.

"Bring Grandpa!" Ye Wuji stood up even more thinking about it.

They all hope! Everything goes well, and they can see people as soon as they go back.

I hope...

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