Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Vol 2 Chapter 2: Fan Wai 02 Pit Ye Yi little devil, back to Kunlun! 1 more

"Wait for Yi! Yi is not full!" Xiao Yi'er, who was a little anxious, hurriedly put several pieces of big meat into a small mouth after finishing her words, and her little fat face was even more stuffed. It's round, he's not afraid to scald the freshly cooked meat and stuff it into his mouth.

Seeing Yun Zhixi couldn't bear to say, "Yi'er eats slowly, let parents go back first, and grandma will catch up later, okay?"

"Oh!" Xiao Yi'er replied vaguely, her big eyes narrowed slightly with joy, and when he swallowed the meat in his mouth, he also happily emphasized, "Grandma Xi is the best!"

"Then kiss grandma." Yun Zhixi smiled and leaned over to beg for a kiss.

Xiao Yi'er glanced at his moisturized face with Xi's milk powder, and wiped his squeaky mouth first, and then kissed him with a sip. This kind of differential treatment also made Rong Huang choke speechlessly.

"Hahaha..." Yun Zhixi happily returned to kiss the little guy, "Yi'er is super good! Great! Grandma loves Yi'er the most!"

"Hey~" Xiao Yi'er smiled and said with big eyes, "Grandpa Huang is second!"

Rong Huang:...

This little **** has great ambitions! No, he can't sit still.

However, before Rong Huang could fight back, Yun Zhixi kissed the head of his little grandson and said, "That's not true. Grandpa He Huang is Grandma Xi's favorite."

"Good." Xiao Yi'er can accept it after thinking about it. After all, Grandpa Huang, who Grandma Xi first met, would be hard to say if she met him first.

If Rong Huang knew that he had such ambitious ideas, he would definitely pick him up first, and then talk about other things, but Rong Huang didn't know, so he would have eaten a piece of meat gracefully and gracefully.


He knew that he was Xi'er's favorite.

He replaced himself with a good Rong Huang and ignored it. Yun Zhixi said, "Grandpa and Huang are both Grandma Xi's favorite." He directly and automatically abbreviated, "Grandpa Huang, is Grandma Xi's favorite."

Grandpa Cou Mei stubbornly believed that his Xi'er was just coaxing the child, but in fact, the words that he automatically abbreviated in his heart were his true words.

That's it, that's right.


and many more.

"Xi'er, want to take Yi'er to the Nine Realms?" Rong Huang felt that this was not in line with his expectations, so he immediately proposed, "Let Xiao Er and Xiao San take him there, no need to go."

"No! Yi wants Grandma Xi to take it." Little Devil Yi protested.

Rong Huang glanced at him, with warning in his eyes, but his tone was still very gentle, "I have grown up so old, do I need my parents to take it? Or go with my parents and grandpa now, little kid."

"Far boy! Yi is not." Rong Yi initiated a retort, and snatched all his grandfather's meat from his grandfather's bowl. This was revenge!

Rong Huang twitched the corners of his eyes again, feeling his brain hurt again, none of his cubs were as bearish as this grand cub! Not afraid of training.

"Hey!" Yun Zhixi said with a smile, "Okay, stop fighting, Huang Huang is with me, as well as my second and third children. We will all take Yi'er back together, Mo Mo, Qian Li, and grandpa in-law. Just go back with the Dragon Emperor first, so that's not good.

I've never been to the place where Mo Mo grew up, so I happened to have a look together this time. Anyway, it's okay. Just leave Mount Xumi to Di Sikou to watch. "

Rong Huang originally thought that after the daughter-in-law had drunk, she smiled like a peach blossom, really beautiful and charming, he liked it, but -

Why does he take the little **** after he finishes his meal and go back to what nine realms? Wouldn't it be okay to stay in the Sumi Temple and have a good night?


And the final direction of the matter is naturally still Rong Mo and Ye Qianli, as well as Ye Wuji and Long Di first. Rong Huang, the patriarch, will accompany his wife after Xiao Yi'er has eaten enough. Take a look at the ghostly nine realms.

Rong Huang couldn't eat anymore.

But Xiao Yi'er was very happy to eat! so happy!

Rong Huang deeply believes that this is definitely the result of his son's "defeat" in the past, after learning from the pain! The devil who came out to fight against him.

Oh, wait.

"..." Rong Huang glanced at him coolly, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly in the happy little leopard, making the happy little leopard suddenly feel a chill on his scalp.


"Grandma! Grandma, look at Yi's hair, can you tie it up? I think it's growing again." Xiao Yi'er felt that the hair that didn't grow after a night of sleep seemed to grow now! So happy, happier.

"Then grandma helped to tie a little tugging, the kind that is super nice." Yun Zhixi touched his grandson's soft hair, feeling that he could still challenge him.

"Okay!" Xiao Yi'er was super happy.

Rong Huang put down his chopsticks.


Realizing that Rongze and Ronglin were not in a good atmosphere, they ate meat silently, minimizing the sense of existence, so as not to be taken care of by their father as a punching bag.

When Rong Huang was choked and couldn't come quickly, Ye Qianli and his party had already left Xumi Mountain and headed for the Nine Realms of Heaven.

Their goal is very clear-go to Kunlun Realm first.

"His Royal Highness, can it go smoothly?" Ye Qianli felt a little bit of a homesickness, always worried if he went there and didn't see anyone, what would he do?

This is also Ye Wuji's psychology of the same style. They were very excited just now, just wanting to go back and have a look! But when they started, they were worried.

What if it doesn't go well?

just in case……

"No." Rong Mo said categorically. Since his black-hearted father dared to speak out, he wanted to be at least 90% sure.

However, what they didn't know was that in the Kunlun Mountains of the Nine Realms right now, a very subtle thing was happening—

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