Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Vol 2 Chapter 3: Fanwai 03 team to give away heads, liquidation! 2 more

Because Sergeant Xumi has posted notices in various domains saying that people from the Nine Realms Celestial Realm region can return to the territories after being authenticated.

Therefore, the people of the Nine Realms who were previously "extradited" to various domains have basically returned to their homeland, but Granny Liao and Feng Lihuan have never returned.

Of course, Liao Zongming couldn't accept these few passes, so he, Gong Liuyun, and Hong Xiaodao had been looking for them separately. They all wanted to gather their old friends together, and then they would return to Mount Xumi to wake up Ye Qianli.

From their knowledge of Ye Qianli, they all know that she is a lover. If they can hear all the familiar voices of the past, they might be able to wake up because of this, but it is unknown.

Although they all knew that to Ye Qianli, Rong Mo, Xiao Yi'er, and Grandpa Ye were the most important, if they couldn't wake her up, it would be more difficult for the others.


What if?

After all, the Vermillion Bird Dynasty was the place where she grew up, and the Kunlun Realm was where she and her mother lived. If the people here can get together, maybe it would be more able to touch her?

In short, after Rong Mo woke up, he prayed for another month, but Liao Zongming, who did not see Ye Qianli waking up, proposed to go back to the nine realms first, gather the people and try again.

Who ever thought...

The two important figures, Granny Liao and Feng Lihuan, have never come back without telling them, and they couldn't find any news. It is also difficult for the three of Liao Zongming to die.

"No matter this time! I must find the grandma." No matter what mentality he starts from, Liao Zongming wants to find his grandma as soon as possible.

"Don't worry, since the news is coming from Xu Mijun, there will be no mistakes. We will definitely be able to find someone, maybe with the mother-in-law, the so-called young man is Teacher Feng." Red Xiaodao comforted. .

"Your aunt hasn't found it yet." Liao Zongming felt that they seemed to be a little bit moldy, and none of their relatives had been found, but the "enemies" had found a basket.

For example, Liao Jingyan who should have died a long time ago, such as Fox Ji, such as Princess Qionghai, is really annoying! None of these people wanted to talk to them, but they all came back in the end.

But the people who should come back have not yet returned. I really hope that these people will not come back...

"Maybe they are all together, it's unknown." Red Xiaodao could only comfort himself so much.

"It must be so, you go, there is me here." Gong Liuyun also knew that the two were actually very anxious, so he let them go together, and he stayed and sat down.

After all, as soon as the notice is posted, it is the fastest! People gathered from all domains, there are also many powerful people who come here especially.

So even if there is a team of Xu Mijun guarding here, Gong Liuyun and the three are still a little relieved, so the three usually don't go out together, and one person will always be left to sit in the town.

After all, the ten thousand domains are vast. In addition to the main ten thousand domains, there are many more, such as the border areas of the Nine Realm Heaven Realm. Who knows if there will be any unkillable brain damage, come here to find fault.


Just as Liao Zongming and Hong Xiaodao walked on their front feet, there were really indeterminate brain damage! Arriving in the Nine Realm Heaven Realm region, this person can still be regarded as an "acquaintance", and is intended for the unseen in the border region.

She is Zhao Qingqing!

Zhao's side branch, bloodline and identity are far inferior to Zhao Ji, but the talent is the best among the Zhao family's side branches, so she can be selected into the Tiandao hunting ground.

Today, she brought the subordinates of the Zhao clan's side branch, and took advantage of the way to go to the Kunlun Realm while doing the Zhao clan affairs, and as soon as she arrived in the Kunlun Realm, she ran into the nine-eyed demon ape-Zan.

"Brother Demon Ape, too?" Zhao Qingqing didn't expect that in such a mountainous place, she could meet people who were fairly familiar. She thought she would only see a group of ants and weak chickens.

The rugged quib man, who was incarnation of the nine-eyed demon ape, snorted when he heard the words, "I really thought that this place would be worth seeing, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that."

"The same feeling." Zhao Qingqing did not expect that the area where Ye Qianli grew up was such a small area on the edge, not to mention that there were no good training resources, and it was simply barren than the worst small place in Zhao's jurisdiction.

Therefore, Zhao Qingqing believes more firmly, "Ye Qianli's achievements today depend on meeting Young Master Rong, who took her out of this place, so that she can have follow-ups. To put it bluntly, It depends on men.

I, Zhao Qingqing, don’t like this kind of little white flower that is dependent on a man in her life. She can’t even pretend, so that Young Master Rong will be so desperate for her that he can't leave without waking up, tusk! Good means. "

"It's not that you don't like it, you are jealous." The Nine-Eyed Demon Ape said with insight into everything, "If you can be so fascinated by Young Master Rong, you must be very happy."

"You..." Zhao Qingqing's face was slightly blue.

"You don't need to refute it to me, I don't care." The Nine-Eyed Demon Ape stood up with a mocking smile, and was about to leave this place which was meaningless.

Zhao Qingqing was angry, "You stop!"

Of course, the nine-eyed demon ape who didn't stand still, he continued to walk forward, so angry that Zhao Qingqing's evil fire rushed into his forehead, and screamed at the nine-eyed demon ape! I completely forgot, what Xu Mijun explicitly banned——

Do not use the domain owner, and the notice of power above the domain owner, will blow up on the spot! Kunlun City was ruled by the Kunlun Realm.

"Hmm--" The sharp sound wave of the snake is still in a blink of an eye! Many of the original famous screamers were about to explode and die on the spot, but fortunately—

"East Emperor Bell! Sacrifice." The East Emperor Bell that Gong Liuyun presented in an emergency, at any rate, resolved this wave of crisis in time.



The long and distant Donghuang bells quickly smoothed out! The people of Kunlun who were so shocked that they almost burst apart, but some innocent civilians who were too close to Zhao Qingqing were killed on the spot because of their injuries.



The Xu Mijun, who came one after another, aimed the spearhead at Zhao Qingqing and Jiuyuan Demon Eye, and the leader of the small team even coldly ordered, "Catch it away."

"Dare you guys!" Zhao Qingqing said angrily, "This lady is a child of the Zhao family, even if you are the Xu Mijun, you can't just grab it."

"You violated the prohibition here. This is a capital crime." Gong Liuyun said in a chilly voice, "Look at how many people you killed."

"This can only blame them for being too weak. What are you doing with this lady? Besides, if you wait to catch this lady, this lady will definitely not catch it, I'm afraid it will hurt more ants, which might harm the entire Kunlun Realm. It will collapse." Zhao Qingqing still dared to say threateningly.

Hearing this, the eyes of the Nine-Eyed Demon Ape flashed, but he did not leave, and stood aside watching the play without saying much. Although he didn't want to provoke Mount Xumi, he wanted to see Zhao Qingqing die.

No matter how uncomfortable Ye Qianli's encounter is, the nine-eyed demon ape hasn't gotten enough of his brains to provoke Mt. Xumi directly. That's a long life.

Zhao Qingqing didn't dare originally, but she knew very well that there was no turning back when she started work. If she was captured by Xu Mijun, I was afraid that there would be no chance of surviving.

From this point of view, Zhao Qingqing is also considered "smart", knowing that being captured by Xu Mijun, there is no way for her to survive, so -

"To talk about a deal, you swear a **** oath and never report today's matter to your report. Once the matter is exposed, you will also testify and explain for this young lady, otherwise..." Zhao Qingqing laughed mockingly, and then said——

"Before you arrest me or kill me, I will call Kunlun to bury me!" Zhao Qingqing knows that these people are very precious to this ruined place and will never give up.

Hearing Gong Liuyun sneered, "Do you think your voice can really be faster than my Donghuang Bell?"

"You can try." Zhao Qingqing smiled provocatively. "Although you have inherited the Eastern Emperor Taiyi's inheritance, it is a pity that you are not the domain king. If you are already the domain king, I am really afraid of you."

Gong Liuyun, he is indeed the only peak domain master among the three younger brothers who has not yet advanced to become a domain king, but he undoubtedly possesses the combat power of a domain king.

and so--


Donghuangzhong was just in the middle of Zhao Qingqing's words, and he joined her with Zhao's several people, and they all covered it. The latter had no time to dodge! Let alone escaped.

It's too late! It was very fast then--

Almost at the moment when the Eastern Emperor Bell was about to cover Zhao Qingqing and the others, the Nine-Eyed Demon Ape moved his nine-eyed real power and stared at the Eastern Emperor Bell, causing the latter to lag for a moment.

Compared to Zhao Qingqing, the battle power of the domain king, the Nine-Eyed Demon Ape, is much stronger! And what he wanted was obviously to make things worse.

After all, the momentary delay of the East Emperor Bell was enough for Zhao Qingqing to flash out of the lock of the East Emperor Bell, and screamed towards the so-called "Ye Sacred Mountain"-Kunlun Mountain, "If you want to catch me, Zhao Qingqing, let's bury me— —"

Once such a sharp sound of the snake broke out! Gong Liuyun's face changed, but before he urged Donghuang Zhong to turn offense into defense, it was above the sky! Just "swish" but dropped a huge dragon's whisker.


There's no after that.

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