Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Vol 2 Chapter 20: Fanwai 09: Awakening to destroy Siwon's fierceness! 2 more

Rong Huang, who had walked out of the Northern Palace, knew what his daughter-in-law was worried about, so he said aloud, and as soon as his voice came out, even if he hadn't done anything, everyone present felt like a superior person had come.

"Mother." Xiao Rongyi also fell to his mother's side this time, and was a little frightened by herself, holding his mother's small long legs.

Afterwards, Rong Mo, who walked out, leaned over to pick up the little guy, and patted a little guy on the soft back, letting him settle down and said, "It's okay."

"Father." Xiao Rongyi hugged his father and asked, "Yi is too powerful?"

The little guy who obviously didn't have this kind of consciousness before, he just thought, he was great! But he didn't want to kill anyone and the house except the bad guys today.

"Yes, that's great. In the future, I have to learn more about how to manage my strength freely." Rong Mo also said seriously, and stretched out his hand to hold the hand of the person next to him, telling her not to worry.

As for the others, they are actually still immersed in the shock that Xiao Yi'er hammered the king to death, even if this is an ordinary domain king, but he was blown by the little guy with such a hammer, it is also the phenomenon that Ye Promise was stunned.

All right, his daughter and son-in-law are too good, and the children born are naturally extraordinary.


Ye Batian felt a little pain in his head, thinking back, did he offend his little grandson? Such a fierce grandson, he also has such a little burden.

"In the future, these more powerful villains will still be handed over to your parents, or your grandparents, uncles and other others to deal with. You are still young, so you won't engage them, understand?" Ye Qianli still said the little guy.

In any case, she still hopes that she and her Highness Yi'er will not be **** for the time being, so he will not be bloody. He is still so young, and the road to practice will be long in the future. Why should he be **** so early?

And at this point, Yun Zhixi agreed with Ye Qianli and said, "Yes, you should leave it to an adult to beat someone to death, and Yi'er will be responsible for eating and drinking, playing with your grandpa Huang."

Rong Huang:......||

What is this nonsense?

"Good." Xiao Yi'er nodded obediently, but he still said, "The lord must be fast, otherwise Yi will not be able to help it."

This is actually the point! The little guy's temper is too anxious, even if Rong Huang deliberately grinds him, Rong Mo used to guide him, but Xiao Yi'er, who has a hot nature, can hardly be rounded.

Especially, a new power is already awakening in his body, that is a super power that can create and destroy the world! It is also the foundation of Siwon's divine body.

Siyuan and Siyuan are both the source of creation, and they can also be the source of destruction. It depends on the mentality of the one who controls it, and Xiao Yi'er.

He is different from Rong Huang. The latter is a bit "boring" all his life. He has always been doing things on his own, and no one else can do him, so he is not so hostile.

Xiao Yi'er was different. He was "provoked" when he was a child, and he experienced a lot when he was still in the womb, and in the follow-up, he experienced a lot with his parents.

To a large extent, these experiences made his power tend to "destruction", "violence" and other aspects, which is not very good for the little guy.

But these experiences, to a large extent, awakened the little guy! It was already different from his grandfather's power, allowing him to be very young with high explosive and combat power, far above Rong Mo, Rong Xi, Rong Ze and Rong Lin of the same age.

and so……

Rong Huang said in a final word, "Okay, I won't let you worry about it in the future."

Everyone at the scene nodded and secretly decided that if there is something wrong in the future, they will deal with it cleanly and plainly for the first time.

It's just that, I can't blame the adults for not taking a decisive action today. The main reason is that the king of Syria, who didn't know which horn came from, was not regarded by the adults at all.

This is the same as when an elephant sees an ant, it doesn't have the urge to crush the ant. On the contrary, it feels that the ant will "jump", which is a bit funny.

But after this incident, everyone felt that for the sake of Xiao Yi'er, we should hurry and get rid of these sloppy ants, so -

The Xu Mijun who had arrived had been silent, and had "swept away" all the "ants" who had come with the King of Syria, including Emperor Qionghai.

When the masses of the people in Beiliang City reacted, they didn't know how Qionghaidi and others disappeared, and where they disappeared.

And Rong Huang of this meeting, he also said to Ye Wuji, "If there is nothing wrong with Grandpa in-law, then we shall return to Mount Xumi together, or will you stay for two more days?"

"Let's go back together first, and when Mo Mo and Qian Li are sent away, I will come back to marry my son." Ye Wuji said.

"Father!" Ye Batian wanted to say, even though we are shameless in front of our daughter-in-law, can we still be shameful in front of others? Where is it to say so.

However, the empress on the side asked, "Why, you don't want to be known?"

"Nothing! I just want to say, of course we have to go to Mount Xumi together to send Li'er and his son-in-law together, do you think there is a big brother, and the whole family will go." Ye Batian explained urgently.

Hearing Yun Zhixi immediately agreed and said, "Then let's go back together! Then I will go back to my natal family, whether you want to go with me to my natal family, or come back to prepare for the wedding, how about it?"

"Very good, very good." The two families hit it off and set off together. The silly Wangchen Xiao and others who received the order from the Empress said that they must arrange the ceremony of marrying the husband.

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