Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Vol 2 Chapter 21: The Second End: Six Races View New Wanyu! 1 more

Mount Xumi.

It was under the pilgrimage of all the people of Wanyu. It disappeared from Wanyu, and returned to Xumi realm.

"Send to the King of Ten Thousand Domains——"

"Respectfully send Young Master Rong, Goddess Ye!"

"Respectfully send Mount Xumi——"


One after another, spontaneous and tidy greetings have been coming up one after another from all regions, full of respect, gratitude, and yearning.

In the past six months or so, Mount Xumi has resided in Wanyu. In addition to waiting for the awakening of Rong Mo, Ye Qianli and Xiao Yi'er in the Lord, Mount Xumi has also included the Beginning Divine Realm of each region and included it in Mount Xumi. in.

For example, the little old man, the Taiyi high priest of the Taiyi **** tribe, and the newly promoted Zhu Yunwen of the Shuzu, and the Phoenix ancestor of the Feng tribe.

The big demon puppets under Ye Qianli's control, as well as the pure-blood big demon puppets, were also incorporated into the Xu Mi army, becoming an independent demon puppet army, directly under the control of Ye Qianli.

In addition, Taiyi Gods, Fengs, Dragons, Lengs, Jis, Zhus, and Zhitianguan have all been obtained. In the future, as long as there are figures of the beginning **** level, they can be called into the Mount Xume.

This undoubtedly shuffled the original ten thousand domain super clans pattern into a six clans one-view pattern, in which the Taiyi **** clan and other six big clans were also honored as the six big Sumi **** clan.

The other super clans and the original demon realm forces are not without the qualifications to enter Mount Sumeru, but they have to pass strict examination and testing, unlike the six major Sumeru gods, who have direct access to the mountain.

Even so, it is enough to excite the major clans! Longing for it.

Of course……

Among them, there are also groups that are not very convinced. For example, the Qi clan that hardly played any role this time, the Qilin clan that was supposed to be the king of kings, has become inferior to the most tragic Shuang clan among the top 20 super clans. The Qi Clan is indeed very bleak.

Qi Tiandao is naturally very upset! Staring at the dissipating Mount Xumi, but did not dare to show any resentment on his face. It was not until Mount Xumi completely dissipated that he lowered his face and said, "Sooner or later, Mount Xumi will be open to my Qi family forever. The door."




Upon hearing this, the Qi clan’s direct line raised their arms and shouted in excitement! They firmly believe that this day will not be too far, because their young king is already in the pinnacle state of the domain king.

It has only been a few years since they came out of the Tiandao Hunting Ground, and their king has already been obtained! Such outstanding talents and abilities are enough to lead them to a more glorious future!

Even if the Qi clan suffered heavy losses when it was broken in the Demon Realm, the younger generation was basically saved, so the Qi clan has reason to be so confident.


The Ji family never expected that they would become one of the Sumi gods, but Ji Pengfei retired from the position of Patriarch with a lot of self-knowledge, and let Ji Fengtian, who had entered Mount Xumi, take over.

Ji Pengfei knew very well that the Ji family had this honor because of Ji Wushuang's dedication, and also because of Ji Fengtian's few fair words. Ji Wushuang is no longer there, so the most suitable person to lead the Ji family is naturally Ji Fengtian.

As Ji Fengtian, who has been to Mount Xumi and has advanced to become a domain king, he also deservedly inherited the position of Patriarch.

Ji Fengtian is very clear about the responsibilities on his shoulders, and he also knows very well that his father no longer has the ability to lead Ji forward correctly.

Therefore, it is better to face the difficulties than to be humble! He wants to lead Ji to the future that his elder sister hopes to see, and become the number one Protoss in the Ten Thousand Realms.


As for Zhu's.

Because Zhu Yunwen has entered Sumi, the position of the Zhu family's head finally fell into the hands of Zhu Xiaowen, so that he who originally wanted to join the Zhufeng family can only return to the family and assume the responsibility of the head of the family.

Feng Ruoxi would not marry into the Zhu family, because the position of the golden phoenix has changed from the next phoenix lord of the Feng clan to the **** of Mount Xume, so the next phoenix lord has been changed to Feng Ruoxi.

The two returned to their families and became the next helms of the Zhu family and the Feng family. After all, they had forgotten each other and settled down.


In addition, the new high priest of the Taiyi Protoss was taken over by Tai Yihong, but the king of the Taiyi Kingdom was always their goddess-Ye Qianli.

Even if she went to Mount Xumi, in the eyes of the Taiyi people, no one can replace it, and no one can take the place, and! They all know that their Taiyi clan will never reappear a goddess.

The last generation goddess of the Taiyi tribe-Ye Qianli, she will also be the eternal goddess of the Taiyi tribe.

This is not only the wish of the Taiyi tribe, but also the future of the high priest, the little old man, the Taiyi tribe! Has been successfully completed, originated from Siyuan's mission.

The high priest, the little old man himself, was also appointed as one of the Xuan Si Mansion's helm, Xuan Si Kou, and Zhu Yunwen was Zuo Sima.

Rong Huang personally forged a Taiyi magic scepter for the high priest little old man, which was more powerful than the previous Taiyi magic scepter! More extraordinary and more spiritual.


And knowing the sky.

Successor to the innocence of the master of Zhitianguan, he was awarded the talent of Zhitian by Rong Huang, and the Guantian of Zhitian has reappeared in its original position, and it is still the land of legends in the world.

The disciples of the Zhitian Temple, standing in front of the brand-new Zhitian Temple, chanting sutras and watching the departure of Mount Xumi, the Sanskrit sound continues to the sky, and the surroundings are widely heard.

After Mount Xumi completely disappeared for a long time, Er Dao said sadly, "Brother, I don't know if I can see the younger brother in my lifetime."

"Don't you have a lifetime, you can't compete for energy and advance to become the beginning god?" Wudao asked.

"Big Brother, can you not make it difficult for Junior Brother?" Er Dao became even more melancholy.


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