If you think about it carefully, maybe there really isn't.

"You are so brave."

Saint Roswader watched them speak, and Wu An raised his eyebrows in surprise. Who are they? This sentence is appropriate.

Fan Oka laughed out loud, he was really interesting.

I didn't expect him to be so interesting. Can't you see who is weak?

Are you still provoking him here, do you really not want to live?

"What are you laughing at?"

Saint Roswader spoke very dissatisfied, shouldn't they be panicking?

Why are you so calm now?

"Holy Roswader, do you understand or not?"

Nami didn't even want to speak anymore. He had so little IQ. She felt that talking to him would lower her IQ.

"Understand what? You have been discovered."

Saint Rozwald was triumphant, which meant that they could not escape.

"I was discovered, just discovered by you."

Tiger seemed to be telling tongue twisters again, his red hair flying in the wind, Nami saw this scene.

314Rodsward Saint’s Fantasy

Her heart moved uncontrollably. She always felt that Tiger today was different from usual, and she liked him very much.

No one else's voices entered her mind. In Nami's eyes, there was only Tiger.

Saint Roswader stared at them, feeling that they were not too afraid. He was a Celestial Dragon, and he was many times more noble than them.

He discovered why he didn't feel nervous at all.

"I discovered you, can you still run away?"

Saint Roswader scoffed and looked at them arrogantly, as if he was seeing a group of mentally retarded people. Don't they understand?

Aren't they afraid? After hiding it for so long, he was still discovered.

Saint Roswader was thinking about how he could catch them all in one fell swoop. Saint Roswader didn't realize that now he was alone, and the Wuan Pirates he discovered were all of them.

Saint Roswader has not discovered this yet.

What Tiger said was like a tongue twister. Saint Roswader frowned, as if he didn't understand what he was going to say. Aren't they afraid at this time?

Why is he still as arrogant as ever? Tiger frowned helplessly.

Looking at Saint Roswader's hood, I wanted to know what would happen if he took off his hood. Would he not be able to stand breathing the same air as them?

Tiger's bad taste kept flashing in his mind, and he wanted to know what would happen.

Wu An ignored him, hoping that he would figure it out. He didn't know how long it would take. These were the Celestial Dragons. They were proud and arrogant, but they would never see the truth of the matter clearly, and they would never understand that without the protection of the World Government, they could count for nothing. No, there is no way, the world government exists to protect waste like them.

This is an indisputable fact. Nami’s eyes are all on Tiger. She has no time to take into account what is happening around her. There is another person who is the same as her. This person

Even Jessica, her eyes followed Wu An, as if so many people could only see his presence and no one else could see it. She didn't know what was going on. In short, except for Wu An, no one else could see it. All ignored.

Hancock looked at Jessica's eyes and blessed them in his heart.

It would be best for them to have lovers and finally get married. Fortunately, nothing happened because of her. If it was really because of her, she would be the most regretful.

Fortunately, it was not because of her. Everyone else was watching the show. Fan Oka looked disdainful. In his eyes, Saint Roswader was not an ordinary idiot. How could he be so stupid? Here is He is alone, and there are so many of them. What they want to do to him is not the easiest thing.

Why hasn't he understood this yet? Saint Roswader still doesn't understand what their looks mean.

"Don't you think you're stupid?" Fan Oka said, without giving him any face. When Saint Roswader heard this, his eyes suddenly opened wide, as if he couldn't believe it. He said it, but he dared to say it.

"Do you know who I am?"

Saint Roswader looked at Van Oka and spoke.

"Isn't it the Celestial Dragon?"

Fan Oka no longer wants to say his name, not for any other reason, but because his name is too long and he is too lazy to say it.

Wu An and the others all know that Fan Oka's statement is just for laziness. But in the eyes of Saint Roswader, he doesn't dare to say his name at all. This is a kind of fear. He can only be said to be a Celestial Dragon. .

Holy Roswader snorted angrily. He thought he was so powerful. It wasn't that he didn't dare to call him by his name in person. He could only be described as a Celestial Dragon. What kind of ability did such a duplicitous person have? , it turns out that he is also afraid of him, and he is also a noble. There are many people who are not afraid of him, but I am afraid there are none.

Even Wu An would still be afraid when facing the Celestial Dragons. The trace of uneasiness in Saint Roswader's heart was gone now, and it was all in his mind.

They were afraid of his scene, and they would surely beg him to let them go, or let him pretend he didn't see it.

Saint Roswader snorted in his heart. In his opinion, this kind of thing was too normal. I don’t know how many people had said this in the past, and it wasn’t because he was a Celestial Dragon.

When Fan Oka saw him, his face with the bubble mask was all full of pride, and he wondered curiously, why was he so proud?

Why is he so proud? Fan Oka thought about it carefully, maybe it was because there was something wrong with his tone. He said "Dragon Man" because he thought that his name was too long-winded and he didn't bother to say it. In his opinion, it just became, Is he very afraid of him? Not even daring to say his name, Fan Oka felt powerless for the first time.

Is this a beautiful misunderstanding?

Saint Roswader is really too uneducated. Even now, he is still thinking that they might be afraid of him.

Wu Anmo held his chin in his hands and looked at Saint Roswader. His body was constantly circling. He might know what he meant.

This Roswader Saint is really interesting. Could it be that his identity as a Celestial Dragon is a protective umbrella?

Wu An was a little curious, why did he let those bodyguards leave?

Isn't it good to protect him? It's not as good as his son. Wherever he goes, he brings a group of people to protect him, for fear of being silenced.

Obviously his father didn't have this idea, and he didn't even realize that someone else would silence him, but he was still as arrogant as ever.

Don’t Saint Roswader understand? The identity of a Tianlong person is not a protective umbrella at all. Sometimes when people are cornered, they will take action against them, let alone other people.

After all, there are still a lot of desperate (Zhao Hao Zhao) people here who are willing to risk their lives. Some people just say they are afraid of the Tianlong people, but in fact they are not afraid at all.

Even if you want to go all out, kill them, and then be discovered, it doesn't matter.

After all, he has already given up everything and won't care.

He shook his head helplessly. It would be meaningless if he continued like this. Just watching Roswader Saint, lost in his own thoughts, was so interesting that he would not take others seriously.

'I can silence you so you won't tell anyone. "

Wu An didn't care about anything and directly shattered the illusion of Saint Roswader. He was still thinking about catching them all in one fell swoop. He didn't think this was too illusory. He might as well

He said that it would be more convincing to let the sun come out from the west.

Because this is impossible, why doesn’t Saint Roswader understand it?

315 Recognize the reality

When Saint Roswader heard the words "shut up", his expression changed with a smile. Is what he said true?

Saint Roswader kept retreating, as if he wanted to stay away from them. If this continued, it was really terrible. How could it be like this?

They have the guts to do this. Don’t they know who he is?

Why do you still do this? He doesn't understand. If they kill him, will the world government let them go?

"The world government will not let you go. You'd better think clearly."

Saint Roswader was still threatening them, and Van Oka sneered. What is the world government? It has been so long and it has not caught them, but now it can catch them?

Isn't this a joke? Fan Oka no longer wants to talk to him. He found that their conversations are never in the same state. They have talked so much, but Saint Roswader still doesn't understand what it means. As always, I live according to my own thoughts, and I still think that the Tianlong people are omnipotent, and if I offend them, the world politics

The government knows how to arrest them without any effort, and will not let them have a chance to survive. Unfortunately, this kind of method is outdated. There are many pirates now who are not afraid of the Tianlong people at all. They can risk their lives, even Generally speaking, they don't have the same fear as before737 towards the Tianlong people.

"If I kill you, will the World Government know who did this?"

Fan Oka said these words. Saint Roswader was wearing a hood and could clearly see that big drops of sweat kept falling. How dare they? Saint Roswader's lips were trembling. , felt that they could really do this, and were not joking with him. Thinking of this, Saint Roswader's body kept shaking, and he regretted letting the person who protected him leave. If he hadn't left, he wouldn't have done it now. Yes, I was threatened by them.

Saint Roswader, he wants to cry but has no tears. He did all these things. What can he do? After all, it is not his own fault. If he had not let them leave, the Wuan Pirates would not have threatened him. He was killed, and now he was left alone, fighting alone here, which was not a good feeling.

It’s not safe. What could such terrifying people as the Wuan Pirates do? They are not afraid of the World Government at all. Saint Roswader screamed in his heart that this was already a miscalculation.

He shouldn't be so impulsive. In their eyes, his previous actions were particularly ridiculous (badg).

Wu An, Fan Oka, Tiger, Xiao Ba, Robin, and Luo, Shabas.

Looking at his horrified expression, they knew that he already knew it. His face was full of excitement. From the initial elation, it turned into fear and fear. They had expected this result, and it was not surprising at all.

Saint Roswald looked around and found that there was no way out. He couldn't leave even if he wanted to.

"Do you understand?" Tiger continued to add fuel to the fire. Saint Roswader, who rarely revealed his identity as a Celestial Dragon, did not even refute a word. Saint Roswader could feel that, Something is passing quickly. Is he really finished this time?

Can no one save him anymore?

Saint Roswader, this time he realized what it means to be hopeless. At this time, he was very desperate, especially desperate.

No one could come to save him. Wu An stood there and took Roswader Saint to the tree hole without anyone immediately. He just admired his fearful side. This can be said to be Wu An's bad taste. He just liked to see how a person like Saint Roswader, who was proud of his identity as a Celestial Dragon, would accept this fact.

Let's talk about the people who were threatened by Saint Roswader to leave. The two of them were frightened and always felt that something bad would happen.

"Tell me, is he really going to be fine?"

One of them asked the other one, which showed that he was very timid and he was very scared. If something happened to him and the general blamed him, they couldn't bear it.

"What are you afraid of? It's not our fault that he doesn't want to protect himself. What's more, how can we be blamed for this kind of thing?"

Obviously, the person who answered was not as timid as him and thought that these were normal things and nothing to be afraid of.

"What if." He was still afraid that the general would blame him and deal with them all.

"be honest."

They can only answer like this, they can only tell the truth, otherwise how can they say it? Besides, can you blame them for this kind of thing?

They are also very innocent and confused.

"Then do you want to tell the general?"

If this kind of thing is delayed for a long time, what will happen to Saint Roswader? What will they do?

It's not the same as being silenced. They don't want to be silenced about this kind of thing, because they are as innocent as they want to be.

"Let's go." The other person sighed. How could you not tell the general if something like this happened? They are just small bodyguards and can't make any decisions. As long as they have more power than them, they will obey it, no matter what. No matter what, there is no right to resist at all.

Who told them to be just bodyguards? There was no other way. It was this fate. If you didn't accept it at this time, you had no choice but to accept it.

Kizaru and Akainu were not in any better mood.

After all, if Saint Roswader asks the Five Old Stars to continue sending people over, who knows who they will send?

Originally, the Wuan Pirates were deliberately released by the World Government, but now, they have become the World Government's biggest enemy. This matter cannot be justified.

They couldn't capture the Wu'an Pirates in a short period of time, which was a headache, and now Roswader Saint was still leaving alone.

Although there are two bodyguards following him, if something happens, those two bodyguards are of no use.

Kizaru and Akainu, the two of them looked at each other and saw the feeling of toothache. How could they be so unlucky to meet Saint Roswader and be entangled by him? They had to stay here forcefully. Not only were they in the way, Not to mention, he still caused trouble for them. This was not because he deliberately caused trouble.

Doflamingo didn't speak at the side. He was thinking about whether to tell them that matter. After all, it was quite important to them.

Doflamingo was a little confused and told them that it would be bad if they stumbled upon him.

But if he didn't tell him, how embarrassing it would be if they met later. Doflamingo was a little unsure for a moment.

I believe they had noticed it a long time ago. Doflamingo didn't know what they meant without waiting for him to speak.

316 Bodyguard’s Hesitation

Doflamingo always felt that what he was going to say had two meanings. One meaning was that they thought that he, Doflamingo, needed their protection before he told them the truth. However, that was not the case. In this way, he only said this because he might meet in the world government in the future. It is normal for them to misunderstand him. After all, he is the general of the world government, so it is inevitable that his eyes are higher than his head.

Doflamingo didn't let anyone see the hesitation in his heart.

He also has his own pride. Being able to survive in such a mixed place for so long, it is impossible not to have backup plans, even Kizaru and Akainu.

Come to him to cooperate, everyone gets what they need.

Do they think that by using the World Government as bait, he will agree to everything.

Without them, he can successfully enter the world government without relying on anyone.

Doflamingo was silent, and Kizaru and Akainu didn't find anything to talk about. They also had things that were worrying them, such as Saint Roswader this time, but they had no way to solve it. The Celestial Dragons were all A person's virtue is to favor his own clan members, not caring about anything else, and will look for them if anything goes wrong.

Kizaru sighed deeply in his heart. The world government seems to have always been like this. They will take the lead in any matter faced by the Celestial Dragons, and they will leave the rest of the mess to be cleaned up. What a terrible thing. .

They have to do it unconditionally, without any complaints, and they have to be very happy to carry it out, as if it is such a glorious thing.

No matter how much they complain about this matter in private, they cannot let anyone hear it, otherwise what awaits them will not be as simple as dismissal from office, but a matter of life and death.

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