Akainu has a rather irritable personality. He wanted to curse many times, but it was a pity that Kizaru stopped him. If Doflamingo hadn't been here, he wouldn't have known how many times he had cursed - Roswad Holy.

They and Doflamingo were just cooperating, not a life-and-death friendship. There were some things that they couldn't talk about casually. If the other party got caught, it would be bad.

In short, they have their own thoughts, and it is not pure cooperation. Everyone has their own purpose. In fact, it is normal to be spontaneous. If there is no purpose, is it still called cooperation?

It is best for both parties to benefit from each other. This kind of cooperation is what they want, without infringing on the interests of the other party.

This is the most important thing. Kizaru felt vaguely uneasy in his heart, but this uneasiness kept appearing in his heart. He always felt that something was going to happen, but he couldn't tell the details.

"Is it okay for them to protect Saint Roswader?"

Kizaru spoke worriedly, Akainu touched the back of his head, wondering why he said that.

He nodded in confusion, there must be no problem, those two bodyguards were chosen by him personally.

"Those two are very powerful, and ordinary people have no chance to get close to Saint Roswader, unless..."

Akainu said well before, but when the conversation changed, his brows furrowed, as if he was a little hesitant.

Kizaru was a little anxious when he saw him like this.

"Is there something really happened to Saint Roswader?"

If something happens to him, they will not be able to escape the blame, and Wu Laoxing will definitely make trouble for them.

"That's not necessarily the case."

Akainu was frightened by the thoughts that flashed through his mind.

He said to himself, that thought was just a momentary thought of what might happen.

"Nothing is certain."

Kizaru was a little anxious and wanted to know what Akainu had discovered. Don't tell him. Something would really happen to Saint Roswader. Something would happen to him. It would be more important than the capture of the Wuan Pirates. It would not be an ordinary matter. It can be solved.

"I mean, there is no problem with the bodyguards assigned to Holy Roswader, but it is unknown whether he will let those bodyguards leave."

Akainu hesitated to finish the sentence, maybe not.

"Saint Roswader is not that stupid. Why do you want to let them leave if you can protect him? Isn't this causing trouble for yourself?" He should not be so stupid that he insists on causing trouble for himself.

"What if." Kizaru said with a headache. He was not afraid of ten thousand, just what if. If he wanted to do this, wouldn't it be just him?


Akainu didn't know what he was feeling. He was so angry that if someone asked him to protect him, he shouldn't let those two bodyguards leave. No normal person would do that. What's more, he still cherishes his life so much. How could he do it? Something like this happened.

?0Please give me flowers.....

"It's better to go out and take a look."

Next to him, Doflamingo, who had been silent all this time, said, no one can guarantee whether this kind of thing will happen.

It's best if it doesn't happen. If it does happen, it's still too late for them to go out and look for it now, otherwise it will be too late.

Upon hearing this, Kizaru nodded, agreeing very much with what he said. No one would be afraid of something like this.

They left Doflamingo's residence and went to find Saint Roswader.

They didn't know which direction Saint Roswader would go.

They could only start searching nearby. On the other side, the two bodyguards arrived at Doflamingo's residence and found that they were not here. They suddenly felt panicked. At this time. Where would they go if they weren't here.

How would they report the incident involving Saint Roswald?

Doesn't this push them towards death? The two bodyguards were running around in a hurry. For a moment, they didn't know where to look for them.

"What if we look for them and miss them?"

This is what they are worried about. If the message is delayed, it means that if the message is not delivered in time, they will still blame him and can only wait here?

If they don't come back and something happens to Saint Roswader, will they still have a way to survive?

"Then let's go back? Go and guard Saint Rozwald nearby?"

One of them suggested that this method is also a method.

"What if something happens to him and we can't save him?"

The two bodyguards were very torn in their hearts. After much deliberation, they decided to wait for them here. If they couldn't be saved, it would not be worthwhile for Saint Roswader to get himself involved.

The best way is for them to wait here until General Kizaru and the others come back, so that they can save Saint Roswader together.

There is another possibility that nothing will happen to Saint Roswader. Although it is a bit complicated here, he should ensure his own safety. Besides, he is still a Celestial Dragon, and many people are afraid of Celestial Dragons.

After much thought, they all felt that the possibility of something happening was very slim.

317 No matter what the conditions are

Just stay here.

In fact, they really thought wrong. Something happened to Saint Roswader, but what he met was not someone else, and no one else had the courage to take action against him. What he met was the Wuan Pirates, and he was not afraid of anything. Those who are not afraid of the earth, the Celestial Dragons, will naturally not take him seriously. Even the representatives of the highest authority in the world do not feel anything.

Saint Roswader's sweat kept falling, and it could be seen that he was very scared, not just ordinary.

He wanted to know what the Wuan Pirates wanted from him. As long as he had it, he could give it to them. As long as he was not allowed to die, it was just such a small request.

As long as he is not allowed to die, he can do anything. But he cannot say this sentence to make them speak and ask him for something.

Saint Roswader, deep down in his heart, the "740" is still holding on to a bit of luck. This kind of luck is that the Wuan Pirates may want him to withdraw their wanted list.


He didn't realize it himself. He was still as conceited as ever. Wu An hugged his shoulders and admired him so much, thinking that maybe he hadn't recognized the facts clearly yet.

"You are in danger now. Your bodyguards have left as you wished."

Fan Oka likes to tell the truth, not that he doesn't take anyone seriously. Now, he is the only one here.

Will you still keep your eyes on the top of your head as usual?

Saint Roswader's face turned pale. He didn't know how many times he was frightened.

"I know." Saint Roswader tried hard to be tougher and show less fear, at least not to let them see it.

"You are welcome to be our guest."

Xiaoba said this sentence seriously, and when he said that welcome, his gesture was very "respectful", as if he was really welcoming. Wu An raised his eyebrows, but he didn't realize that this Xiaoba really likes to put on other people's wounds. Stab.

Saint Roswader understood. His intention was to imprison him as a guest. What happened then was not up to them.

I have to say that Saint Roswader was smarter this time. This is exactly what Wu An meant.

"If you have any conditions, just make them."

Once Rosewald Saint opened his mouth, he still couldn't change his arrogance.

"If you are still so conceited, I don't mind asking you to change your attitude."

Fan Oka stared at him seriously, as if he would change his mind immediately, but in fact Fan Oka was just scaring him.

Saint Roswader could not help but shrink the back of his head. When he asked him to change his ways, he must have used violence. He would not ask him to change his ways without any reason.

Saint Roswader was extremely regretful at this time. He didn't know what happened just now and why he had to let them leave. If they had not left, maybe he wouldn't be threatened by them at this moment.

There's no point in regretting, they've already left and will never come back now.

Couldn't they protect him secretly?

This made Saint Roswader very angry. Robin looked at him with interest and could guess what he was thinking. Then he shook his head mockingly. How long has it been since this happened? He is still blaming others. He will always blame others. I won’t look for reasons from myself.

All said and done, the urinary behavior of the Tianlong people is like this, without exception. They always feel that they are right and cannot make mistakes. In their view, nobility is more important than anything else. As long as they are nobility, everything they do makes sense. , there is no need for them to pay for mistakes or anything like that. The one who pays for them is naturally the world government. Thinking about this world, it is really a source of sorrow.

They were deceived so hard by the World Government. The World Government announced to the whole world that there is no such thing as justice, fairness, and absolute justice. But behind these words, there is incomprehensible filth.

When Robin thought of this, he thought that the truth that had disappeared for a hundred years would come to the surface sooner or later, and they would see that this is the so-called fairness, the so-called justice, I am embarrassed to mention justice, these two Words?

These two words are insulting. When Robin saw Saint Roswader in front of him, he wanted to beat him up. It was really hateful.

Saint Roswader watched for a long time, but no one answered him, and he felt a little anxious. What do they want? As long as he speaks out, he will definitely satisfy them, as long as they can let him go.

Saint Roswader felt that his request was not too much, so he let him go and gave them what they wanted. What a fair deal.

"I do have a request, Lord Saint Roswader, can you satisfy it.0"

Whether Saint Roswader can hear Wu An's naked sarcasm depends on his IQ.

When Saint Roswader heard this, he thought it was funny. Why did he say that? Wu An, as the devil of hell, still called him "sir". This shows. He is still afraid of him and the Tianlong people.

The possibility of letting him go is very high.

It seemed that Wu An had come to his senses. Fan Oka looked at Roswader Saint, whose expression suddenly changed, and he looked at him strangely. What did the captain say to make him change so much?

Wu An knew it well and almost laughed out loud. The Tianlong people are really interesting. Are they all so interesting?

He was mocking him, could you not hear it?

However, with his IQ, it is really possible that he cannot hear it, and this is normal.

Nami's eyes finally shifted away from Tiger. It was so interesting. Saint Roswader was so stupid that he couldn't be saved.

"What request?" Saint Roswader said triumphantly. As long as there is a request, it means that there is a high chance that he will leave, not without a chance.

"Sweet fruit."

Wu An slowly said these four words, but Saint Roswader was shocked. He looked at him in disbelief. He actually wanted sweet fruit?

How...how...did he know?


Saint Roswader couldn't believe it. Why did he know that the sweet fruit was with him?

Who told him? If he knew, they would be killed.

When Hancock heard these words, his heart was filled with warmth. It turned out that the captain still wanted her to get the sweet fruit. It was no surprise to others. After all, the captain had wanted to get the sweet fruit for a long time.

Jessica didn't feel any discomfort either. It was nothing to her. Hancock was their comrade and having the fruit was indispensable. There was no need to be jealous.

"Surprised?" Wu An asked knowingly. Looking at him, you could tell how surprised he was.

Saint Roswader nodded honestly. He was indeed surprised. He wanted to know how Wu An knew about this matter. Except for Kizaru, Akainu, and Doflamingo, no one knew about this matter. .

318 The sinister Wu An

There are very few people who know that Tiantian Fruit is with him. How come Wu An knows it so clearly is not at all realistic.

"I know it's not weird at all."

Wu An spoke disdainfully, and Saint Roswader became curious, how did he know.

"You let traffickers arrest young girls in their prime."

On Wu An's face, it was clearly written, "Why are you so stupid?" Saint Roswader opened his eyes wide, saying that it was because of him that Wu An knew about the sweet fruit.

This was a bit unacceptable to him. He felt that what he did was still hidden, so how could it be leaked out?

He didn't do well enough, he admitted it, but now, how to escape from danger?

Saint Roswader looked around at the crew members of the Wuan Pirates. He had no way out, and he longed in his heart for those two bodyguards to come back and protect him. Saint Roswader had never had such a desire for bodyguards. .

If they come back now, they can still save him. If it's a little later, I don't know what the Wu'an Pirates will do to him.

"To give or not to give?"

Wu An asked him patiently if he would give him sweet fruit.

"If I give it to you, can you let me go?"

Saint Roswader became smarter this time and gave them the sweet fruit. If they still refused to let him go, it would be over.

"It's not impossible to let you go."

Wu An deliberately hung him up, and Saint Roswade was sweating profusely. He wanted to know how he could leave.

"Hand over the sweet fruit."

Wu An didn't let him talk nonsense and directly handed over the sweet fruit, which was better than anything else.

"I gave it to you and you won't let me leave, so what?"

Saint Roswader's IQ was online, so Wu An and the others were surprised. It was really not easy when he still had some online IQ.

"What's wrong with not letting you go?"

Fan Oka didn't bother to talk nonsense with him and just took action. Unlike the captain, he could still be so calm when dealing with the Celestial Dragons. He really couldn't stand it.

Saint Roswader was horrified. He looked at Van Oka and walked towards him step by step. He was so scared that he didn't know what to do.

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