Hero Cultivation

Chapter 104 - Unsheathe

"Julius, meet Steven," said Ozel as a buff tall man who had a lot of scars across his arms walked into the room white wearing a tang top and light blue shorts.

"Steven, meet Julius," said Ozel as he pointed towards the small kid in the bed.

"This is a joke right?" the both of them said as they looked at Ozel.

"What's wrong, you don't like each other already?" Ozel asked them.

"No it's just weird that you would introduce a small kid to someone who looks like they've been to every war to ever exist," said Julius.

"Come on, he's not that scary," said Ozel as he looked up and down at Steven.

"Never mind, you were right," said Ozel with a shameful tone.

"What do you mean?! I'm not that scary, I've barely changed since the last time I was here," Steven argued.

"Go ahead and look in the mirror," said Ozel.

"You know what?! I will! And I'll return here to tell you the exact same thing.

"I'm sorry, you were right," said Steven in a sad tone as he returned from the bathroom in the 4th floor once he looked at the mirror.

"It's not that bad, it's just unexpected. Anyway, nice to meet you Steven," said Julius as Steven walked towards Julius to shake his hands.

"Nice to meet you too," said Steven with a firm handshake that was returned by Julius.

"Wow, you're pretty strong. Maybe one day you'll be as strong as me," said Steven in a sarcastically arrogant tone.

"Speaking about being stronger, how would you two say go a friendly fight? Jun's prized pupil versus mine," Ozel asked in a tone which made it seem that he was confident that Steven would win. Hearing the way that Ozel spoke, Jun gave Julius a look which told him that he better accept the duel.

"That's fine by me," said Julius as he stood up from his bed. For a moment, Julius felt weak and as if he was going to fall down as he hadn't full recovered from his interaction with the double monster core blade however he wasn't going to let that be known as he needed to master the use of his blade.

"Okay then, how about now?" Steven asked.

"Sorry but I want to do something first before our battle. How about we do it one week from today?" Julius asked.

"I don't mind, plus it'll give me more time to see what I'm capable of in this world. To add on, we can also invite spectators," said Steven which Ozel also agreed to with a confident smile.

"Well you two seem confident. I hope you can keep that same attitude when the battle starts," said Julius as he picked up the black sheathed blade and began to walk down stairs to get a new mission. As he was doing that, Julius remembered to ask Cece for the pouch of gold he had brought in the previous day and she gave it to him as she had been holding on to it for him until he woke up.

Once that had been done, Julius went to the one of the two boards to pick out a mission which he just picked a random one a whim since he didn't plan on doing it anyway before showing it to Cece and leaving the guild for the time being.

"Come on Jun, admit it. Steven is gonna wipe the floor with Julius. No matter how talented a person is, there's no way it could compare to 10 years of constant battle. He might even be able to take on king Henry, the current strongest man in the world," said Ozel.

"I don't know about that, we haven't even see the best that Steven can do. Maybe he could show us right now and then I'll see how he matches up against Henry," said Jun.

"Oh right? I forgot you were also the teacher of the 9 rulers of the great kingdoms as well which allows you to address them casually. Anyway, I would like the showcase to wait until the battle and we'll all see what Steven is really capable of against a prodigy such as Julius," said Ozel.

"Suit yourself but don't blame me if your prizes ace ends up getting a few bones broken," said Jun in a passive aggressive tone.

"This should be a good place to start my training," said Julius as he began to breathe heavily as he started to inhale and exhale. Once he had managed to calm himself down, Julius slowly unsheathed his sword which was okay as it opened. He didn't feel anything wrong until the sheathe fully came off which caused Julius to calm down.

As Julius opened his eyes, he realized that he was in an empty space which recognized to be the same as where the glowing white figure usually spent his time. However before Julius could speak to the figure, something happened.

"Wake up!" said the voice of the glowing white figure which caused Julius to pass out in the empty realm and wake up in the real world.

"I guess he really did wake me up just as he said," said Julius as he got up from the dry grass to see that his blade had already sheathed itself once again.

"This is going to take a long time, I can already tell," said Julius as he unsheathed the blade once again only to pass out and wake up once more.

Julius repeated the process of passing out before waking up once again many times per day until a break through happened.

For once, right after Julius unsheathed his blade, instead of passing out, he got on his knees from feeling weak and sick which meant that he was feeling weak. However, after a short while, Julius passed out as it became unbearable to wield the blade.

Just as he expected, after Julius passed out, he woke up once again only to try the same procedure once again.. No matter how many times he failed, Julius kept trying as he wasn't simply wanting power or was in need of it… Julius was hungry for power and nothing was going to stop him from getting it.

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