Hero Cultivation

Chapter 105 - Elements

"How long has it been since I started this training?" Julius asked as he once again passed out from exhaustion.

"Today is your 6th day. It seems like your limit for now is 3 minutes of uninterrupted sword wielding. It would've been better if you could at least keep up for 10 minutes but I guess the preparation time given to you was too short. Just head back to the guild for now. It's already night time, your battle takes place tomorrow morning," the white figure advised as Julius was forced to wake up in the real world.

"No, not yet. I can't go back in this sorry state, I have at least grow stronger even if it's by a bit," said Julius as he unsheathed his blade quickly before pointing it at the sky in anger. In that moment, the blade told Julius something which would be a valuable to him in the near future. As such, Julius tried it out the moment he received the instructions.

"This might end up draining me of all my energy but if it works, it'll be worth it!" said Julius out loud.

<<Special Trait: Lightning>>

<<Special Trait: Explosion>>

<<Dual Special Trait: Exploding Lightning>>

Just as Julius activated both of the monster cores on the blade, lightning emerged from the sky and made contact with the very tip of the slave in Julius' hand before the line of lighting itself began to explode rapidly like a chain affect all in the same area which the lighting was in.

"So cool!" Julius yelled out with an overjoyed expression before he exhausted himself and passed out once again.

Down at the kingdom which the battling barbarians guild was, people began to talk after hearing the lightning which was followed by the explosions since the mountain which Julius had snuck off to wasn't that far away from the guild building.

"That was odd, is it about to rain?" said Stevan before going outside to see that there was not even a hint of rain.

"Nope, it's not raining. How weird, anyway, it's not like that matters. Tomorrow is my battle with Julius. I'm looking forward to defeating the one who you said brought 'dark day' to shame all on his own," said Stevan with excitement on his face before heading  back to the front desk to drink with Jun and Ozel.

"Wake up already, if you don't, you'll be late for the fight and you might even lose by forfeit," the white figure's voice said.

"What… OH I ALMOST FORGOT!" Julius yelled as he woke up from his slumber before grabbing the blade sheathed blade and running back towards the kingdom to face off against Steven.

"Look who finally made it," said Steven as he greeted Julius at the front of the guild building.

"I made it back just like I said," said Julius as he gasped for breath.

"That's fine, it wasn't like we were going to do anything anyway. Without further ado, let's head down to the basement of the guild building," said Stevan as he began to walk towards the stair case of the guild building.

"Oh that's right, I always wondered what the downstairs of the place looked like," Julius said as he followed Stevan along with Ozel and Jun.

"It'll be a surprise. But don't worry, my of the other guild members are already down there waiting to see the fight," said Steven which just confused Julius.

"Okay I guess," said Julius as he followed the tall buff man.

After walked down the stairs for what felt like at least 10 whole minutes, they made it to their location as a single door was waiting at the end of all the stairs. Once Steven opened the door, everything became clear.

A large grey stone constructed colosseum like building was revealed until the stairs with over a hundred people watching in the side lines that Julius himself recognized to be part of the guild while hundreds more were also present which were invited to watch the fight. Those being the normal civilians.

"Sorry Julius but I guess I'll have to defeat you in front of all these people, no hard feelings?" Steven asked to which Julius simply nodded in agreement.

At this point Steven had grown to be more confident and reached out to seem more arrogant than anything. Even so, Julius knew what he had to do so he stayed quiet when it was possible as he along with Steven took their sides and the rest of the people went in the sidelines to watch from afar.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the battling barbarians' colosseum. Today, you will have the privilege of watching the two strongest members of the guild battle. To my right, Steven who had spent over 10 whole years in an endless dungeon and had finally returned. Today, he'll be able to show what 10 years of constant battle looks like. To my left, Julius who was personally trained by the same man who guided the current rulers of the great kingdoms and managed to humiliate the 'dark day' guild all my himself. Please give our two fighters a round of applause," said the commentator as he introduced the two fighters with a yell that was strong enough for all the people to hear him.





<<Special Trait: Water>>

<<Special Trait: Ice>>

<<Special Trait: Ground>>

<<Special Trait: Grass>>

From Steven's mouth came out water at such a high pressure that it put a fire hydrant to shame. Next the ground became covered with ice at it stuck to Julius's feet before covering the prince's entire body. After that, the ground began to crack everywhere as it broke all the ice that had just been created barely leaving Julius safe. Lastly, from the crack in the ground popped out large plants which wrapped around Julius which was still in the ice like a cocoon.

"How is he doing that? He doesn't have a monster core infused weapon! You're probably asking yourselves that right about now. The reason I'm able to do this is because I ate monster cores for fun!" said Steven as he revealed his sharp teeth as he grinned like a villain before laughing.


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