Hero Cultivation

Chapter 106 - Dual


*Crack* *Crack* *Crack*

*Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack*

"The fight isn't over you idiot," said Julius as he broke out of the ice jail he had been placed in. Seeing that Julius had managed to free himself, Steven rushed at Julius before prepared to punch the prince. However, Julius himself would prepare a counter fist to block the punch which Steven was about to throw.

For a moment, the two were at a stale mate before Steven pushed Julius back by adding more power to his fist.

"It doesn't matter how talented everyone says you are, I'm still the ace of this guild and no one will take that away from me!" Steven yelled out as he let all of his pent up anger out on Julius by bombarding the kid with an endless barrage of punches.

"I told you Jun, Steven will wipe the floor with Julius," said Ozel as he watched the bloodied Julius get up from the ground.

"Maybe he's taking this a bit far," said Ozel before calling out to Steven.

"Stop the match! It's over, Steven has won!" Ozel yelled out to which Steven turned around his his blood thirsty eyes before yelling back.

"This match is only over when only one of us is left standing! This is a death match!" Steven yelled back at them which made Ozel stand up and prepare to cast a secret art go stop the ace of his guild who had clearly gone insane.

"Guild master Ozel, please just trust me," said Julius as he wiped the blood off of his face.

"You know Steven, I've always suspected that there was something wrong with you. I was reassured by guild master Ozel but now I can see that I was right…" Julius began to speak.

"I was hoping to save this for another day but…" Julius said as he prepared to unsheathe his blade however he remembered something.

"How could I forget! It's been so long since I've used that state but it should still be available for me," said Julius to himself before closing both his eyes. Once he opened them once again, one of Julius' eyes were glowing white as a white blade with a glowing blue engraving in the middle appeared in his hand.

<<Secret Art: Sky Splitter>>

Without even wasting a moment, Julius who half of his body was taken over by the glowing white figure swung his blade from being pointed at the cleaning towards the ground as a large burst of energy was let out of it as it headed for Steven.

"Ha! You call this an attack, watch as I block this pathetic attack on yours!" said Steven as he attempted to catch the bust of energy with his bare hands. Unfortunately for him, that was were his arrogance came to an end as the bust of energy caused him to pass out as it left half a large cut in Steven's body from the top of his forehead all the way down to his stomach.

"Wow he actually did it, he beat that monster," said Ozel as he began to slowly clap before it turned to a proper applause that was followed by the crowd as well.

However it wouldn't be that simple as Steven got up front the ground even though he was clearly past his limits.

"You know what, I have a better idea for you. This is no longer a simple fight, I'll make sure to subjugate you with my power," said Julius as he allowed the glowing white blade

To disappear which also made the white glow in his eyes disappear as well.

Once Julius had let go of the power boost which he received from the glowing white figure, he picked up the blade sheathed blade on the ground before finally unsheathing it.

"What is he thinking?! He'll pass out if he does that!" Jun yelled out in an angry tone but was surprised to find that Julius was standing as if nothing had been wrong.

"It's time!"

<<Special Trait: Lightning>>

<<Special Trait: Explosion>>

<<Dual Special Trait: Exploding Lightning>>

Just as he had done the previous day, Julius caused a burst of lighting to occur however, instead of it coming from the sky onto the blade, the blade was the one producing it just like the previous night however it had happened so quickly that Julius thought that it came from the sky which was also why there wasn't any rain after that event.

Nevertheless, after the burst of lighting was released from the blade, the lightning changed its shape as it turned and twisted around the exhausted Steven before finally exploding, in turn finally finishing the wild beast off.

After doing so, Julius himself passed out just as the explosion also forced Steven to pass out as smoke came out of his mouth. Seeing that, both Jun and Ozel rushed to help Julius  and take him to a place to rest. Steven was not seen as a concern for them anymore as he was seen as nothing but a wild beast due to the way he had acted.

"Did I pass out again?" Julius asked as he woke in the the same bed that he had after he passed out once he used the sheathed blade for the first time.

"Yes you did. But don't worry, you won the battle. As for Steven, he will be kicked out of the guild for his actions. No matter how powerful someone is, we don't tolerate that type of behaviour in our guild," said Ozel.

"I'm sorry, that all happened because of me," said Julius.

"No it's not your fault. People who act like that don't belong here," said Ozel.

"Wait a minute. It would be a waste for someone so powerful to just go wandering around or even worse, for him to end up in another guild. I think I have a place where he could stay," said Julius to himself as he got a rather sinister thought in his head.

"You'll be a part of my army soon enough… Steven."

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