Hero Cultivation

Chapter 131 - Feather

After hearing what Mr. Green had to say, Julius just stood there as he watched the grandmaster laughed.

"We don't have much time left before Jun attacks us but you also have to know that she's the one who's been planning this entire war out. She sent you off to that dungeon. She set up the conflict between you and Wilson. She manipulated you and the ones who care about!" Mr. Green yelled out before falling on the ground as he couldn't speak anymore and needed to just breathe for a while.

"DIE!" Jun said as he began to release a light from behind him which looked to immobilize anyone it touched. Even so, Julius didn't care and began to walk towards the white light.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING JULIUS?! YOU'RE OUR ONLY HOPE!" Mr. Green yelled out in a desperate voice.

"You've got my back right?" Julius asked but not a single person knew who he was talking to. Most people who heard those words just assumed that he had gone crazy from getting cornered.

"Of course, partner," the voice of the white glowing figure replied in a joyful tone as he had finally accepted Julius.

"Damn it all! We're all gonna die here!" said Mr. Green but in that precise moment something happened.

"Sorry Jun, I hope you can forgive me for this," said Julius as he punched Jun with all his strength and knocked him out with a single punch which caused the white light to stop before disappearing. As for the grandmaster, she instantly stopped laughing.

"What the hell happened?! Why did the light stop?!" the grandmaster asked as he watched a single man walk towards her with his silky back hair moving back from the wind in his way. All in his eyes were darkness. It was Julius.

"No way! He shouldn't be able to move at all. No matter how powerful someone is, once they're hit with that attack, they shouldn't be able to move even an inch for a whole week!" said the grandmaster as she realized what Julius' intentions were to kill. As such, she took a step back as she was going to try to run away for her life, however the moment she took a single step, Julius practically teleported to her with his blood thirsty eyes looking into her soul.

Julius held the grandmaster with her neck as he lifted her in the air while she struggled to breathe.

"How dare you! I'll kill you!" Julius yelled out.

"You can't change-" before she could even finish her sentence, Julius punched her in the face with all his might which was more powerful than what he had done to Jun yet she was still awake.

"You-" the grandmaster began to speak again but it just made Julius more angry as he gripped on to her neck even tighter and began to continuously punch the grandmaster's face with no remorse.

"H-He's really going to kill her, Julius is going to kill the grandmaster master!" the members of the 9th division said in fear.

In that moment, as Julius continued to punch the grandmaster, someone or to be more specific, a group of people began to attack Julius by firing beams of light towards him then attacking him with ice, magma, lightening, and all sorts of other elements.

"Look it's the 2nd division! And that's 2nd division's captain, Ozel! He won't stand a chance against them!" the 9th division said as they believed that they were saved.

Once the 2nd division stopped floating in the air and landed on the ground, Ozel walked towards Julius and placed his shoulder on Julius.

"Let her go Julius, that's enough," said Ozel in a call voice.

"Huh?" Julius said as he didn't even look back at Ozel.

"Let her go or all be forced to kill you!" said Ozel as he gripped onto Julius' shoulder even harder.

"Who do you think you're speaking to?!" Julius said as he turned around to face Ozel with his eyes which were only thinking of murder. Julius' eyes were open wide as his pupil's had gotten to be just a single dot as they stared deep into Ozel's soul.

"Who the hell are you? Y-You're not Julius," said Ozel as he tried to move away in fear however Julius instantly back-hand slapped him in the face.

"KNEEL!" said Julius as the dark and sinister aura which caused everyone to lose their breath returned. Everyone from the 2nd division was forced to get on the ground as they struggled to breathe, even so, they all got on their knees as it was Julius' command. There was no way around it, even if they didn't want to, they all automatically did it as if it was second nature.

"You can't change anything Julius. Jun's memories are already corrupted. Soon he'll forget about you! All the times you spent together will mean nothing to him! You'll be forgotten about! You'll be nothing but a stranger to him!" the grandmaster yelled out.

"You! SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" Julius yelled out as punched the grandmaster's face off. He literally caused her face to disintegrate from just punching it. There was nothing left of her head and Julius just carried a headless body for a moment.

After few seconds, the grandmaster's head grew back good as new. It was like nothing had happened to her.

"How are you still alive?!" Julius asked her in an angry voice as he one again punched her and caused her head to disintegrate.

"It's the feather! She had a feather which allows her to never die! As long as he has it, you can't kill her!" Mr. Green yelled out as he wanted to help Julius as much as he possibly could.

"That's right. Do you get it now?! Every time you kill me, I'll be reborn. You can't defeat me, I will just regenerate good as new," said the grandmaster with an evil smile.

"Okay and? I don't care about that, as long as I can torture you more, it's all the same," said Julius with his fake blank eyes as he began to choke the grandmaster until she was no longer able to breathe.

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