Hero Cultivation

Chapter 132 - Acceptance

"Keep going Julius, attack me as much as you want or can! In the end, you'll never truly be able to defeat me! I'll never die!" said the grandmaster with pride.

"Like I said, I'm fine with that, I'll just continuously torture you until the last thing you'll want is to stay alive," said Julius in a dark tone and he continued to suffocate the grandmaster while punching her.

"Do you have no pride? Beating a woman to this level is unheard of! You're a disgrace to your family and loves ones! Didn't anyone teach you that you shouldn't hit women?" the grandmaster asked with her bloodied face.

"I don't care who or what you are. You chose to hurt the person who I call family, and now, you'll pay for everything you did to him!" Julius yelled as he placed his right palm on top of the grandmaster's head why he held her up with his left palm on her neck. Once his right palm was on the grandmaster's head, Julius began to crush it with all his might until it eventually couldn't take anymore and broke apart before once again regenerating.

"Why are you doing this?!" the grandmaster asked in an exhausted tone.

"Because I know your weakness! You said that you couldn't die, not that you couldn't feel pain! So since you're so smart, how about you figure out a way for you to get out of this situation, after all, you are the intelligent grandmaster," Julius mocked the grandmaster as he began to beat her with his bare fists.

"Do as you like but I'll never accept defeat, no matter many times you kill me, I'll still get revived. No matter the injures I gain and the pain I feel, I know I'll just be reborn so I have nothing to fear," the grandmaster replied.

"Oh is that so? Where's the feather you use to make yourself live forever?" Julius asked in a nonchalant tone which made the grandmaster laugh as him as if Julius was insane.

"Like I would ever tell you were it is! It'll always remain with me and I'll never die!" the grandmaster replied.

"Oh really? That's good then, I was just making sure that you wouldn't die on my when the fun is just getting started," said Julius as he twisted the grandmaster's left arm to the point where he joints got dislocated. In that moment, the grandmaster yelled out in agony like never before. However a few moments later, she would stop as time basically reversed on her body and brought her arm back to how it was before Julius dislocated it.

"Y-You see, I'm pretty fine," said the grandmaster as he tried to stop the small tears from coming out of her eyes while she continued to breathe in heavily from the previous impact of her hand being dislocated.

"I do see what you mean. I'm so happy for you! I'm glad that you survived because I'm going to do that again but worse," said Julius as he dropped the grandmaster on the ground and grabbed a hold of her right forearm. Once he held her right forearm with both his palms, Julius simply smiled before snapping her bone as if it was a stick. However, before the grandmaster could even feel the pain, Julius moved towards her right forearm and did the same thing he did to the right one.

For a solid minute, all the could be heard through the entire sky island were the screams of the grandmaster as she helplessly rolled around on the ground from the pain which Julius was inflicting onto her.

"Get up!" Julius said in a menacing tone as she saw that the grandmaster's arms were beginning to heal.

"What type of monster are you?!" the grandmaster asked as she couldn't bear the pain anymore. It was just too much for her.

"I said get up!" Julius yelled at her as he picked her up by her face and slammed her into the ground as he shattered her skull and killed her.

"I'm done! Take the feather! I don't want to live anymore!" the grandmaster yelled out as she pulled out the feather of eternity from her chest once he had recovered and handed it to Julius.

"Just end this right now! That's what you want right?! You want to kill me so do it!" the grandmaster yelled out as she began to lose her mind.

"But mark my words, your precious master will never remember you, no matter how hard you try," said the grandmaster as she placed the feather forward towards Julius so he could expect it.

"Oh my, are you giving up so soon? Sorry to tell you but it won't be that easy," said Julius with a gentle smile as he calmly took the feather from the grandmaster's hands.

"RETURN JUN BACK TO HOW HE USED TO BE!" Julius demanded as he slapped the feather onto the grandmaster's face so that she couldn't die and began to repeatedly punch her until she began to lose consciousness.

"So… this is what I get for all my actions. I guess I'm being punished by the heavens for living out such a life. I guess I deserve it," said the grandmaster as she fell to her knees from being beaten so much.

"You know Julius, I was lying, I can't replace anyone memories. A secret art like that would probably kill me. I just used illusions the entire time so that you would lose hope but in the end, I was the one who lost hope… I give up," said the grandmaster with tears in her eyes.

"So please just do me a favour and kill me. I don't want to live anymore," said the grandmaster. Julius stared back at her with a cold face and punched her face so hard that her skull went off her body as well.

"Why am I still alive?!" the grandmaster asked as she thought that she had let go of the feather but when she looked at her shoulder, she realized that Julius had placed the feather there which would mean that she wouldn't die.

"But why?" the grandmaster asked.

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