Hero Cultivation

Chapter 133 - Bavol

"What's your name?" Julius asked the grandmaster as he ignored the question which she had asked in the first place.

"Vivian, my name is Vivian Jun," the grandmaster stated.

"Jun? That's the same name as my master, what a weird coincidence," said Julius.

"It's not a coincidence, Jun is my father and the seconds grandmaster," Vivian replied to Julius.

"WHAT?! Then why in the world are you trying to make your father's life a living hell?!" Julius asked loudly.

Once Julius asked his question, Vivian explained the entire story which she had told to Mr. Green. The story of how the grandmasters came to be along with the creation of the sky island. The tales of Jun and how he had 2 daughters. Even though she didn't know it, Vivian felt compelled to let out everything as if it was a burden which she had endured for far too long.

"I see so Mary is your half sister?" Julius asked to which the grandmaster replied with a nod.

"Since I've answered your questions, now it's your turn. Tell me Julius, why are you allowing me to live? It would make your life so much easier," said Vivian with a disappointment face as she clearly didn't want to be alive.

"The reason is simple. Before I had killed you for the last time, you were your own person. You had your own will and life to live. However now that you've been resurrected, none of that matters. From now on, your life along with everything you have belongs to me. Vivian, from this day forward, you belong to me," said Julius as helped Vivian stand up from the ground by placing his hand forward.

"HUH?!" Vivian along with everyone asked as they heard Julius' words.

"I meant that I said, your life's purpose is to serve me. There's no room for negotiation!" Julius announced.

"I guess that makes more sense. Even though he's almost 18 years old, he still has the mind of a 14 year old. Of course I'm the one to blame since I set him up with that dungeon that wouldn't allow him to understand the meaning behind certain sentences. I mean who would serious say 'you belong to me'?! What an airhead," said Vivian in her head as she stood up from the ground.

"So then what do you want me to do for you?" Vivian asked in a rather harsh tone.

"By the way, Vivian is too long, can I just call you Vivi instead?" Julius said in a nonchalant voice.

"What's up with this kid?! Doesn't he have the slightest bit of pride? Asking if he could address someone as powerful as me so casually!" Vivian said to herself.

"Y-Yes," Vivian replied before instantly regretting it.

"You moron! You were supposed to say no! How are you going to redeem yourself after this?!" Vivian asked herself in anger.

"Great, Vivi, I'll be taking over as the head of the meditation army. All these soldiers are now mine," said Julius with a kind smile as he turned to face Vivi who just nodded while being embarrassed that she was getting called by a nickname for the first time in her life.

The 10th and 9th division along with their captains and vice captains just stood there with a blank expression as they didn't understand how the two people who had been at each other's throats just a moment ago could be acting like they were friends.

The reason why Vivi was allowing Julius to speak to her so casually and agreed to everything he said was firstly because as he said, her life belonged to him so she didn't have any choice but to agree. However the reason why she was okay with how Julius treated her was because he actually treated her like an individual human. He didn't look at her as if all she was worth was her beauty or her status of being the grandmaster. He had been the first to even ask her about her name and also place a nickname upon her.

As for Julius, his reason for letting go of his blood lust was because his goal was accomplished. As such, he didn't need to put up a fierce wall anymore. He had managed to save Jun and managed to make it so that he would remember his student. As long as the goal was accomplished, Julius didn't have a need to torture others.

"Us become yours?! Who decided that?! I won't allow you to become the leader of my people! We were born to only serve the grandmaster and the grandmaster alone! You're nothing but an insect! An insect which I will squash right now!" a booming voice said as it threw a large spear right at Julius as it hoped to kill him but Julius ended up stopping it with just a finger as he stared back where the voice had come from before a single figure fell from the sky as it called back it's weapon into its arms. The figure held the spear around its shoulders while walking towards Julius.

"I don't care who you are but I'll only ever serve the grandmaster," the figure said as he totally believed that he would defeat Julius.

"Be careful, he's the 1st division captain, Bavol. His strength surpasses that of Jun however Jun would always win in a death battle because of his final secret art. If not for that, Bavol would be the strongest meditation cultivator only second to me," said Vivi.

"Wait Vivi, I have a question," said Julius.

"Hmm?" Vivi replied as she was curious as to what Julius wanted to know.

"Why didn't you use any secret arts on me? From the sound of it, you should be pretty strong," said Julius at which when she heard the question, Vivi looked at Julius with a slightly annoyed face.

"Because I need to say a chant before I can cast a secret art. I couldn't chant anything because you were chocking me so much and only allowed me to speak when it was my turn to reply for your comments," Vivi replied.

"Oh right, sorry about that," Julius said as he properly handed back the feather of eternity to Vivi.

"Please hold on to this, I have something to take care of," said Julius as he turned to face Bavol.

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