Hero Cultivation

Chapter 134 - Joker

"Hey there Bavol," Julius said with a smile and a wave.

"Don't speak to me like we are friends! I'm here to kill you-" Bavol began to speak before Julius teleported away from where he was.

"What the-" Bavol said as before he could finish his sentence, Julius reappeared above him and punched Bavol's neck so that Bavol would face the ground.

"You're pretty strong," said Bavol as he got back up with his blood gushing out of his mouth.

"This fight is out of your league, I didn't train for 3 whole years just to be defeated by a self absorbed moron!" said Julius as he slowly walked towards Bavol and kicked him in the chest, effectively knocking him down permanently.

"Does anyone else wish to challenge me to see who's fit rule over this army?!" Julius looked around for a single person with the 9th and 10th division which were present and after some time, not a single person said anything as they had seen what Julius was capable of. It would be like a baby fighting a monster.

"We do!" said a group of people which looked to be an entire army as they marched towards Julius together. The group was much larger than the combined divisions which were already present.

"It's all of the remaining divisions, they've come to launch a combined attack at you!" said Vivi in a concerned tone as she began to watch towards Julius.

"It's okay, I'll protect you," said Julius as he turned to face Vivi which was slightly shorter than him.

"No Julius, you've done enough for me, let me show you why I'm the grandmaster," said Vivi as she stood in front of Julius and began to chant something.

"Move out of the way grandmaster. You've clearly been corrupted by that devil. We'll deal with you later, right now, he's out main target," said the man who was leading he army who was most likely the first division vice captain since Bavol was taken down since he chose to act in his own.

"You really thing you worthless trash are actually even the least bit as powerful as I?! Don't get so cocky just because you saw the strength difference between me and Julius and began to think that any of you could take me out. I'm still many worlds stronger than you all combined," said Vivi as she began to walk towards the vice captain of the first division.

The two stood off against each other as they stared each other down while they were only a single meter apart from each other. After waiting for some time, the vice captain of the first division moved his hand.

With only half a second passing since the vice captain of the first division moving her hand, Julius teleported into the air as he reappeared while floating beside the first division captain and Vivi.

"Hey there, there's no need to kill. He's probably pretty strong, we could use him in our side," said Julius with as gentle voice as he rested in feet in the ground while speaking to Vivi who's hand he had caught.

"What as you talking about?! I was about to kill her instead!" the vice captain argued in a hostile tone.

"Oh really? That might actually be true. If you're so sure of being as strong as her, I'll move at the speed which she was about to attack you. Your task will be to stop me from knocking out every single person in your army. If you fail, I'll kill you," said Julius in a joyful tone excerpt for the last sentence where his tone changed to be quite serious.

"Okay then,"





As if he was lightning itself, Julius began to speed through the crowds of people as he went at the fastest speed he could. Even though he had promised that he would try to keep it the same speed as Vivi's punch, Julius got carried away. To add on, it wasn't like anyone would know the difference.

"Where did he go?! I can't see him. Why can't I see him?!  Am I really going to die?! There's no way he could knock out all these people right?! He probably ran away, that's what he had to do because he was too scared to face me," said the vice captain to himself as he couldn't comprehend the concept of someone being so much faster than himself as he couldn't even see them move at all.

"Done!" said Julius as a joyful tone as he snapped his fingers. At the same time, just like a delayed effect all members of the army which had been brought that were comprised of captains, vice captains and guild masters all fell to the ground as they had been put in an unconscious state.

"You've got to be kidding me, there's no way someone like this should be alive. Why! Why is he so powerful!" the vice captain of the first division yelled out as the agony and helplessness became evident in his voice.

"You know what this means right!" Julius yelled out as he clenched his fists as he prepared to punch the vice captain of the first division with all his power which would probably destroy not only the body of the vice captain but also the island itself with ease.

"No! Please don't kill me! I don't want to die! Forgive me! Please let me live," said the vice captain as he fell on the ground from fear and still attempted to crawl away from Julius.

"It's too late now! Your fate has been sealed! You see all of your troops, I didn't simply knock them out! All of them are dead!" Julius yelled out as he saw tears come out of the vice captain's eyes.

"Just kidding, welcome to the team!" Julius said in an overjoyed tone as he placed his palm on the vice captains shoulders.

"B-But everyone is dead," said the vice captain as he still continued to cry while all of the soldiers began to stand up again.

"That was part of the joke too," said Julius as he let out an innocent smile.

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