Hero Cultivation

Chapter 135 - Vivi

"Don't scare me like that!" the vice captain yelled at Julius.

"Anyway, forgive me for acting like such a coward. I should have accepted my death with honour from the start. Please end my life here. It'll be the right way for me to go," said the vice captain of the first division.

"What are you talking about? You're on my team now. I didn't let you live just so I could kill you. I wanted you on my side and now that you've been defeated, you're going to be forced to join me," Julius replied in a casual tone.

"But why?! I tried to kill you! I led a whole armed all for the purpose of ending your life yet you're choosing to let me go, why would you do something so foolish?!" the vice captain asked.

"I can answer that for you," said Vivi as she interrupted Julius before he could answer.

"Vice captain of the first division, Erwan, the answer to your question is very simple and I'll explain it to you right now. Julius never intended to kill you from the start. That was why he stopped me from killing you. Of course since I'm much faster than you, even though I'm nothing compared to Julius, I'm still able to move my hands as a speed which you can't perceive. I fully intended I kill you in that moment and I would've done exactly that if not for Julius stepping in and saving you," the grandmaster explained.

"I still don't get it though, why would he go through so much trouble to convince me to join him instead of just killing me," vice captain of the first division, Erwan asked in a confused voice.

"Frankly, I would've done that. However I don't know if it was pure luck or the knowledge he has but he made the right call. If he had chosen to rule over us using fear, there would most likely be a revolt. Instead, he wants everyone to genuinely love him," Vivi explained.

"But instead that dangerous? People can love someone and still hurt them," Erwan replied.

"You still don't get it, do you? Julius' type of love is different. He doesn't make you love him because you feel some sort of way about him or because he showed you kindness. You're supposed to love Julius because amongst everyone, he stands as king. He is truly the only person worthy of being called the supreme one," Vivi explained.

"Stop that Vivi, you're making me blush," said Julius in a childish tone.

"But seriously, will everyone else be okay with me taking the lead?!" Julius asked as he yelled towards the army of people who had just woken up from Julius knocking them out. Hearing his words, all of them were extremely frightened as they didn't want to face him in an actual battle so they stayed silent.

"Since there's no one arguing, I'll assume that you're fine with me being your new leader. Now that that's done-" Julius began to speak before once again getting cut off.

"HOLD IT!" a a familiar voice yelled out as a figure began to walk towards Julius in an exhausted manner.

"Who dares to defy Julius?!" Vivi asked as she looked at the figure who she didn't even know due to his insignificance.

"Hey Vivi, let me take him as well. I have some unfinished business with him," said Julius in a serious tone as he began to walk towards the figure.

"What do you want Igor?! I already know that you're the only person who chooses not to follow me. I don't care though, you can go on your own separate journey, I won't force someone like you to join me. You'll just most lucky start a rebellion," said Julius as he clearly wanted Igor gone.

"Well that's too bad since I don't think I can let you walk away from here scot-free. You'll be only living this place and headed for the afterlife," said Igor in a voice  which want arrogant at all, instead, it sounded more sad and regretful.

"Come on, you've seen what Julius is capable of. He easily knocked down most of our collective army in just a few seconds. What do you think a no body like you can accomplish?" Vivi asked Igor.

"Thank you grandmaster. At first I was hesitant about going through with this. I believed that I had a shot with you if I kept trying. I believed that I would eventually make you mine. I trained day in and day out but I was never able to catch up to the strength of my own captains let alone the other divisions. It truly was hell but I pushed on every single day because I dreamt about a day where I would be with you. After 3 whole years of getting no where, I had started to lose hope but even so, I continued to push. However, now that I know that you don't even know my name, I finally have courage," said Igor with a smile.

"I really appreciate it. Without you, I would have never realized how helpless and weak I was. I would continue living out my days as a slave that just had a large fantasy is his head. For the truth which I have just learned, I thank you, Vivian," said Igor with a sad smile as he pulled out a scroll from his pocket and began to eat it.

"What is he doing? Is he that hungry?" Julius asked in a casual tone.

"No you moron! This is far more dangerous than a regular secret art. Only a few should know this but there aren't actual only 2 ways to learn a secret art. There are 3. The first is the chanting method which is the safest option. The second is the one which allows you to consume the secret art which also allows the scroll to be reused. However there is a 3rd which no one other than me and Jun should know about. That one being the reverse consumption method.. Instead of you consuming the scroll, the monster inside of it consumes you," Vivi explained.

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