Hero Cultivation

Chapter 138 - Coffin

After Vivian and Julius had their talk, the two of them began to walk back towards all the divisions who were waiting for their next instructions. Of course Julius who was trained from a very young age to lead people, he had a speech prepared on the spot.

"Listen up everyone! I know that many of you still have many questions which you wish to ask about how things are going to run now that I'm the new leader of this army and if we'll be going to war. The truth is that we will still be facing against our enemy. However what you might not know is that you're not alone I'm the war. Along with me joining, an army of my own will join you on the battle field. So don't fear anyone or anything as I'll always be looking out for your backs. The goal of this war is to have zero casualties!" Julius yelled out to the army in front of him. Even though they were about to kill him a few moments ago, all of them couldn't help but give up on their previous goal of defeating Julius. Instead, they felt compelled to follow him which meant that all his training was paying off as everyone in the army cheered for Julius. It didn't matter if they were a captain, vice captain, a guild master or even a soldier which was created by Jun. All of them cheered Julius on.

At that same moment, Jun woke up from his unconscious state as he could hear a lot of shouting.

"What's all this noise?" Jun said as he got up from the ground. The moment he did that, everyone around him began to move back as they didn't want to get paralyzed again. The power which Jun held was enough to cause people nightmares.

"Oh hi there Julius, how have you been?" Jun asked casually as he began to walk towards Julius who was having his speech but was interrupted as everyone had went silent when Jun woke up from his slumber.

"Is he okay?" Julius asked Vivi which nodded in agreement.

"I already deactivated the illusion on his brain and even took the liberty of erasing everything he had done during your fight out of his memory while you were speaking," Vivi replied which Julius looked back at her with a slight nod to signify his gratitudes

"What happened to me? The last thing I remember is saying goodbye to you and next I wake up to you giving a speech while I'm knocked out. You could've at least brought me somewhere safer. I mean where what would you do if I got stomped to death," said Jun as he finally reached where Julius was speaking.

"Uh, welcome back to I the team," said Julius with an awkward tone as he didn't know what he should do or how much of his memory Jun had retained.

"What do you mean welcome to the team? I've been in your team since the first day you met me. Are you sure you haven't lost your mind?" Jun asked.

"Anyway what happened while I was out?" Jun asked casually while everyone just watched with a confused face as they were convinced that Jun had a dual personality.

"To put it simply, I fought these guys and won. Now I've become their leader and we're going to go attack the battling cultivators," Julius replied.

"How long was I even out for so that all of this would happen without me knowing?!" Jun asked with a surprised face.

"Only about a couple minutes. I was the one who actually knocked you out too," Julius simply replied.

"What?! Why?! I could've helped you in the battle. Don't tell me that you've already starting thinking that I'm a set back to you. You've gotten a bit too over confident over the past few years. Maybe it's about time I show you my real power," said Jun as he spotted Vivian behind Julius.

"Actually never mind, I have something important to take care of. You can go on with your speech," said Jun as he began to go towards Vivian who was the current grandmaster.

"Hey Vivian, would it be okay for us to go somewhere and have a talk for a bit?" Jun asked.

"Why would I ever do that?! After all these years you never cared to speak to me. Why should I give you the chance to speak to me now just because you feel like it?!" Vivian replied with a harsh scowl.

"Vivi, please go with him," Julius interrupted her to which after hearing his words, Vivian did as Julius told her.

While Jun and Vivian walked off to have their talk, Julius continued with his speech which had been interrupted by Jun waking up from his slumber.

"I'm sorry Vivian. I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry I wasn't a father. I'm sorry I only pretended to care about you so that you could take over as grandmaster. I'm sorry I couldn't even be the one to teach you and instead set up a clone. I'm a horrible person let alone a father figure," Jun began to speak.

"Okay and?! I've already know that for years! Do you just expect all those years of hell to go away with a simple apology?! Even if your clone treated me well and made me think of you as a good person, how long did you think it would last?! You know Jun, I was the one who was so close to killing you. I found out about your other daughter Mary! I made her leave you! I made your life miserable just like you made mine! I put you in an illusion so you could kill your own student! I did it all, I wanted to make sure that you paid more than double for the pain you caused me! You're so lucky that Julius was your student. If not for him, you would've been in a coffin right now!" Vivian yelled at Jun as she confessed to everything.

"I know."

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