Hero Cultivation

Chapter 139 - Bye

"I know. I've known that you discovered the existence of Mary a long time ago. I knew that you were the one who sent her away from me. You were the one who tried to change me into a horrible person. Yet, I did exactly as you hoped. I knew that you tried to me make me kill my own student. All this time, I've known that it was you," said Jun with a sad smile.

"Then why didn't you stop me?! Stop lying to yourself! There's no way that you would know about the illusion I placed on you!" Vivian yelled out.

"I did it all for you Vivian. By the time Mary had been born, I realized my mistakes. I realized that instead of treating you just as a host for the title of grandmaster, I should've treated you like my daughter. All the hell you made me go through, I endured it all so that I could feel better about myself. I didn't want to live in regret for the rest of my life. It was the only way I could think of to make up for everything I made you go through. Having a daughter which I could raise just because I loved her made he realize how horrible of a father I truly was to you. In the end, I couldn't bring myself to face you. Instead I waited until you called upon me and did as you told me," said Jun.

"Wait if you knew all that, are you saying that you would be willing to kill Julius for me?" Vivian asked.

"Don't get me wrong, there are many things I would do for you but that isn't one of them. Julius isn't just my student anymore, he's my family. I would never kill him just like I would never kill you," Jun explained.

"You're lying! Why did you use your heaven tier secret art then?!" Vivian asked in a panicked voice to which Jun simply smiled.

"Julius is no longer someone I can complete with. It doesn't matter who he's facing, Julius will always win. He had transcended the level of strength that anyone in this world has. I used the secret art just to show you how strong Julius was. He wasn't even affected by my secret art. To be honest with you, I don't think he even needs anyone here. He could go fight the war on his own and still win. Even though we were all his enemies today, Julius continued to hold back his so he wouldn't kill us. The only person he had killed was Igor I believe. He only did that because he posed a threat to the lives of other people. It was a necessary decision. Plus he had turned into a monster. Julius would never kill a human, I know that to be a fact," said Jun.

"Hey there, don't go praising me too much, you don't know when all of that will get to my head," said Julius as he walked up behind Jun which had startled the old man.

"Don't scare me like that!" Jun yelled as he hit Julius on the head.

"Ow! There's no need to be so aggressive. Anyway you guys are taking too long to talk. Anyway, Vivi I want you to stay here and lead over the 10 divisions for the time being. Let's all meet up at the location where the war is going to take place on the day of the war. I'll bring along my army. For now though, I'll be taking Jun with me and going back to the 10th continent to get my army ready," said Julius with a smile as he grabbed Jun by the shoulder.

"Uh, ok," said Vivi with a gentle smile which was a complete turn from her facial expressions which she was making while she spoke to Jun.

"But I'm not done talking to her," Jun struggled as he was being pulled away by Julius.

"I don't really care, you're coming with me. We have a war to take care of," said Julius as he didn't Jun to get away from him.

"Bye bye Vivi, and like I promised, you can deal with Mary as you wish when the war starts," said Julius as he waved a final goodbye to the grandmaster.

"What did you do to my daughter? Did you hypnotize her or something?! Why is she treating you so well and she's treating her own father like garbage?" Jun demanded to know as he saw Vivi wave back to Julius with an embarrassed facial expression.

"Maybe because I didn't make her only purpose in life to be a grandmaster then abandon her to have another daughter and treat her better. After that, instead of apologizing, I didn't stay silent for years as she continued to suffer," Julius said with an annoyed tone.

"Oh so you're not an airhead after all. I  misjudged you. Anyway, stop taking cheap shots at me! I apologized for my mistakes!" Jun argued.

"Did you really though? You just gave her an explanation. How about actually apologizing for once," Julius said in a serious voice which wasn't angry, it was just disappointed in Jun.

"You're right, thank you Julius," Jun replied.

"VIVIAN, I'M SORRY!" Jun yelled at the top of his lungs that even everyone in the army could hear his words. Even though Vivian still didn't forgive Jun, she simply nodded as at least he had made the first step which was more than enough for the time being.

"Anyway, now that I've taken care of that, are you finally ready to meet everyone from your army for the first time in over 3 years?" Jun asked as he hoped Julius would be excited.

"Huh? That was just a lie. I still have over a month until the war. We're going to go back to my father's kingdom first. I was too close to losing you today. So we're going to fulfill the promise I made to you so long ago.. Im going to show you the woman of my dreams," said Julius with a gentle smile as he couldn't help but feel excited to finally see Liz again.

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