Hero Cultivation

Chapter 140 - True Happiness

"Wait actually?! I thought you were just toying with me back then. Better yet, I thought you were joking about even having feelings for anyone. Plus why would we go to your kingdom now? You said that the woman of your dreams was the daughter of one of the great kings or queens, they won't be in the kingdom until the date of your birth. That's why they even have my house surrounded . They're waiting for you to come back and they're probably thinking that I kidnapped you," said Jun.

"Oh and where did you get that ring?" Jun asked as he stared at the ring in Julius' finger which was secretly a large storage where he kept everything he own except for the dagger which Zo had given to him which he kept inside his pockets for emergency use.

"Oh I just got this as a gift from a friend of mine before I entered the dungeon," said Julius casually so that Jun wouldn't know that he was given a treasure from the heavens.

"You might want to put that away. If the woman you like sees that, she'll assume that you're engaged or worst, married to another person," said Jun as he gave Julius a word of advice which Julius listened and took the ring off and placed it in his pocket before walking off with Jun. While the two were walking towards the end of the island, Vivi had taken control of the army and began to reorganize things and continue the preparations for the upcoming war. Once Jun and Julius had reached the end of the island, Julius called upon his ruby dragon.

<<Secret Art: Ruby Dragon>>

Once the red dragon had been summoned, the two got on it and began to head towards the kingdom which Henry ruled over as that was where the woman which Julius liked was in.

"So Jun, when we're you planning to tell me that you were a grandmaster huh?! What's the deal with keeping so many secrets?" Julius asked right after the ruby dragon began flight.

"Oh so Vivian told you about that," Jun said with a regretful voice.

"I didn't have a choice in the matter, my father, the previous grandmaster forced the duty upon me and I couldn't refuse. In fact, he was rather harsh with me as well which was why I had tried to introduce the concept in a calmer way to Vivian so that she wouldn't hate the concept of it but it seems like I failed," said Jun.

"No don't worry, you didn't fail. Vivian is a wonderful young lady," said Julius as he tried to reassure Jun.

"You know that she's over 200 years old right?" Jun asked with a straight face.

"Wait what?! She doesn't seem to be 200 years old. I mean her body would make sense because of the feather but mentally, she doesn't seem like a 200 year old person. I guess this world had many surprises. Anyway, we're nearing the kingdom as we speak," said Julius with a smile as his dragon was moving at very fast speed which Jun didn't know that his student was capable of since he didn't realize that Julius' tolerance had increased as well.

"Wow! This brings back memories," Julius said as he looked down at the large kingdom from the sky as he looked down at all the small people going through with their daily tasks. Julius chose to ignore the dark districts though as he didn't want to ruin his mood plus he would take care of that problem soon enough.

"Oh right, Jun, place an illusion on both of us so we don't get recognized," Julius said with a smile as he was too excited to meet Liz.

"Okay, okay, just don't jump off from excitement," said Jun as he began to say a chant.

<<Secret Art: Appearance Illusion>>

Once the secret art was completed, Julius and Jun decided to leap off the dragon as they found a near by alleyway where they could land without causing a commotion. After they had jumped though, they realized that their mission wouldn't be possible as Julius fell face first into the ground while Jun landed without a problem. Even though their landing causing quite a lot of attention, Jun continued laughing at Julius as he couldn't help but laugh at Julius who was so exited that he face planted into solid concrete.

"Haha so funny. Let's get going now," said Julius as he walked out of the alleyway with a lot of people staring at him with concern and also with a confused face as he seemed familiar. That was because Jun had made it so that Julius would look like an older version of the 14 year old Julius if he had taken care of himself as the real Julius was trapped in a dungeon for 3 years so there would be a clear different but his father would recognize him as his son.

Right after the two walked out of the alleyway with Jun laughing at Julius, a small girl ran into Julius which looked to be only a toddler. Once she had ran into Julius, the girl fell back and began to cry. With concern in his eyes, Julius quickly picked up the girl and began to slowly move her back and forth so that she would stop her crying.

"Amy! Amy, where did you go!" a familiar voice said as it shouted for someone called Amy.

"What a commotion. I guess some people in this kingdom don't have any manners, I mean who yells in broad daylight," Julius thought to himself.

"Please someone help me find my daughter," the same voice said in a desperate tone.

"Oh I guess they're looking for their daughter. That would make sense then, it's probably this girl, I should hand her over," Julius thought to himself as he began to walk in the direction of where the voice was coming from.

Just as the sight of her daughter, the woman quickly took her daughter out of Julius' hands without even paying attention to Julius.

"Oh thank you so much, I don't know what I would've done without my daughter," said the woman in front of Julius who was the mother of Amy. Amy being the girl which Julius ran into.


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