Hero Cultivation

Chapter 141 - Grim Reaper

"Liz? Is that really her? Why does she have a child? It must be someone else's right? Why did she call it her daughter? I've only been gone for four years, there's no way she could have changed so much in such a short amount of time right?" Julius asked himself as he tried to stop tears from escaping from eyes but he failed. No matter how powerful he was physically, seeing what was in front of him was too much to bear.

"Oh my, is that really you prince Julius?! You've grown so much that I didn't even recognize you. What are you doing here, you should be at the castle. Your father has been worried sick about you," said Liz as she finally recognized Julius.

"Like he would ever care about me, he's a worthless piece of trash which never bothered to say anything to me my entire life. When was he going to tell me about the fact that he had set up a fake father for me so that he wouldn't have to worry about raising a child," Julius said to himself as he continued to cry.

"Come on Julius, why are you crying? Are you surprised to see me after so long? It makes me happy that you remember me," said Liz with a smile on her face while Julius continued to stay silent.

"It hurts. Why does my heart hurt. It feels worse that getting actually stabbed. Why is this so painful?" Julius continued to ask himself as he continued to cry from his heart being shattered.

"Come on Julius, it's not like you to cry in public, control yourself. You're just seeing an old friend," said Jun as he wiped the tears off of Julius' blank face.

"Let's get going now," said Jun as he began to help Julius walked by grabbing the prince by the wrist and taking him towards the castle inside the kingdom.

As the two began to walk towards the castle, Julius saw a person which he recognized to be the right hand man of the captain and the vice captain of the royal guards. The vice captain walked up to Liz with an angry face and before she could say anything, he slapped her on the face before dragging her away by force. Even though people were there, they did nothing because of the status he had.

"J-Jun, he slapped her," said Julius as he wanted to help Liz out.

"Come on Julius, you wouldn't want to start problems before the time is right. That would ruin the war planning," said Jun with a smile as Jun began to walk on his own. Seeing as Julius had managed to calm himself even a little bit, Jun let out a sigh.

"So that's the girl you liked? How unfortunate. It's truly a shame that you came back so late. If we had returned when you turned 15 instead of 18, maybe we could have stopped this," Jun said with a compassionate voice.

"Of course there is always the option of asking your father to split them up which he probably could but won't. He most likely plans to win this war then force you to marry one of the the daughters of the great kings so that you could take over 2 kingdoms later on and hold political influence for the time being. I'm sorry Julius, there's not much I can do," Jun apologized.

"On the bright side though, you can look forward to Rosie. You remember her, right? She's one of your 5 subjects, I'm pretty sure she's waiting for you," Jun said as he tried to cheer Julius up.

"It's fine Jun, there's no reason for you to try so hard. I'm a grown man. I can face my problems on my own. I'll be fine said Julius as he brought his arm up to his eyes and wiped the last tears off his face as he began to walk towards the castle's entrance which was heavily guarded.

"Who goes there!" one of the guards yelled as they watched Julius quickly stomp towards them.

"Stop right there!" the guard yelled at Julius and when he didn't stop, the guard began to charge at Julius with the blade pointed at Julius.

Without even a glance, Julius grabbed the blade before squeezing it until it bent then kicked the guard so hard that he passed out right there.

"Don't get cocky just because you beat one of us!" the rest of the guards yelled out as they all simultaneously charged towards Julius.

"Kneel!" Julius yelled back as the dark and sinister aura began to envelop all of them and forced them to kneel just as Julius commanded. Once they were under control, Julius walked past them and entered the castle to which his fake father who was the previous captain of the royal guards was already standing there.

"Julius! Is that really you?! My son! I've missed you so much. Where have you been? And look at you, you've grown to be such a strong and fine gentleman," said Julius' fake father as he faked his personality just as he was commanded by the real Henry.

"What's your name?" Julius asked in a cold tone as he stared deep into his fake father's eyes which made him very nervous.

"C-Come on, don't tell me you forgot your old man's name just after 4 years? It's Henry of course," said Julius' fake father.

"What's your real name?" Julius asked as he vanished for a moment before reappearing beside the fake Henry and pointed the dagger which Zo gave him at the fake Henry's neck. Once Julius had asked his question, bloodlust oozed out of Julius' body as the dark and sinister aura began to spread all throughout the castle.

Anyone and everyone who felt its presence instantly had the urge to puke from fear. All of them felt the presence of death breathing beside their necks. As if they said a single word, they would instantly get killed. Of course Jun was shielded from this as Julius had no intention of harming him.

"I-It's Roger, my name is Roger," the fake Henry answered as he almost died from just Julius' presence alone.

It was like Julius had become a completely different person.

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