Hero Cultivation

Chapter 142 - Knight

"It's so nice to meet you Roger. My name is Julius," Julius replied with a passive aggressive smile.

"So you about it right? Have you turned your back on us and joined the enemy?" Roger asked Julius as he reached into his pockets, preparing pro pull something out of it. Julius wouldn't know it yet but the thing Roger was reaching for was the monster core that was supposed to be bestowed upon Julius if he allied himself with the great kingdoms. If Julius instead were to became the enemy, Roger had the authority to quick equip the monster core and use it to defeat Julius.

"No of course not. I was never your ally from the start," Julius replied with a sinister smile.

"That's it-" Roger began to speak as he had heard enough, it was time for him to take action.

"Hold it right there Roger!" a familiar voice said as it came down from the stairs of the castle which were located in the front of the castle entrance. The stairs were a curved double stair case which met up at the same point of the second floor. Of course they were covered in red carpet as any royal castle would be.

"Don't make a move yet, I want to show my son what he's dealing with. He most likely got a little too confident during the past nearly 4 years. Allow me to teach him just like a father would," said the man who had stopped Roger in his tracks. That man was Henry who Julius fought before.

"So Julius, you must be pretty shocked that I'm your father instead of Roger being your biological dad. Even so, that doesn't give you any right to turn your back on your people! You're at that age where you like to argue a lot so I'll let this slide. Just join up with us and I'll even give you the strongest monster core we've found till this day. Everything you want can be yours. Plus, it's not like you can defeat me," said Henry as he gave Julius one last warning.

"Apparently you don't understand what type of situation you're in. Let me just make myself clear," said Julius before turning to face Jun who was behind him.

"Jun, remove the illusion," Julius said to his master.

"Jun? Don't tell me that man behind Julius is Jun! I should've expected something like this from him!" Henry thought to himself in anger.

"Are you sure Julius? This could cause major problems for both you and the meditation army. You would be declaring war right now," said Jun as he tried to calm his student down.

"Do it now!" Julius yelled as he was getting impatient. Seeing that his student wasn't willing to take his advice, Jun did as he was told and removed the illusion on both himself and Julius.

Now, Henry could look at the tall man with oily long black hair. The same man which had caused the war and started troubles which haunted Henry for years, the wandering Julius.

"No! Why did it have to be you! Why Julius? Why?!" Henry yelled out as he began to move back as his worst fears had come true.

"You knew this entire time! You knew and you chose to torment me instead of just telling me how you felt! You even attacked my friends and me, your real father as well! How dare you?!" Henry asked in a heart broken voice.

"How are I?! You're the same guy who left a stranger to act as my father while you did your own thing! And you act like it was a necessary thing! Tell me, what serious thing have you done since the day I was born other than this war? Keep in mind that I was the cause of this war in the first place," Julius told Henry.

"That's what I thought! You have nothing to say to yourself. Of course you don't because all you really are is a self absorbed over grown child which doesn't have the capability to raise his own child. You're a failure as a human being," Julius began to insult Henry as he said everything which Henry never admitted but knew was true.

"So what now? Do you plan on killing me? Go ahead, let out all your anger and kill me if you can, it's not like anything will change. I thought Jun would have taught you this by now but I guess I was wrong. I'll just teach it to you. Murder is never the solution, it's just a temporary stop, before you know it, someone else will come to take out their revenge-" Henry began to speak before getting cut off as Julius disappeared and punched Henry on the face before he could finish his speech.

"Look me in my eyes and tell me of it looks like I care even one single bit! I don't care about your philosophy or what you think will happen to me in the future. You should be concerned about what's going to happen to you right now. Listen to me Henry! You'll be dying here today! Julius announced as he prepared to punch a hole right through Henry's head. However before he could could do that, Henry yelled something out.

"Now Roger! Do it!" Henry yelled out which snapped Roger back into reality as the fake father for Julius had been frozen in fear. However due to being called by the only man he gave al his loyalty to, Roger pulled out monster core which was in his pocket and placed it on the top of his blade before forcibly piercing the monster core through the middle and sliding the monster core through so it wouldn't move out of place.

"Huh? You think that lousy monster core will save you just because it's rare?! Well I've got new for you. You're going to die here right with him-" Julius began to speak before Roger began to glow and then disappearing just like Julius usually did before reappearing again and kicked Julius back a couple metres back.

"Leave my king alone!"

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